MGS runs in Wide-screen SDTV(720x448) - ie. it's basically PS2 resolution - not even close to Vita native, and it had no AA either to make matters worse. But yes, that's representative of every PS2 port on Vita so far - they all run at basically the same PS2-ish resolution - even full-blown remakes like P4 golden, and FFX/2.
Sly screens suggest it's sub-native, no-AA affair as well...
That GoW shot though - looks like PS
P native resolution blown-up (well below PS2), it'd be pretty sad if that's real...
Irony here is that we have PS3 ports of real PS3 games on Vita running at 60fps, native with 4xAA. I guess logic dictates PS2 was more powerful than its successors after all.