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The Social Network [OT]

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ok, I'll join in:

1. Black Swan
2. The King’s Speech
3. The Social Network
4. The Secret In Their Eyes
5. Inception
6. 127 Hours
7. Exit Through The Gift Shop
8. Toy Story 3
9. Dogtooth
10. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World or Kick-Ass
blame space said:
this is unacceptable indecisiveness

I'm waiting to watch it again on Blu-ray. Kick-Ass made me appreciate it much more on home viewings. I dug Scott Pilgrim, but hold both on the same level. Waiting to see how it holds up.


What a brilliant movie this is. I think I'm obsessed with it - saw it on Saturday and have been thinking about it almost every hour since then.

I feel like the movie has lit a fire up under my ass. I relate to Zuckerberg's anger and loneliness...I came from a jock/bully dominated high school so I know what it's like to feel insignificant.

I'm hoping this gets a bunch of Oscar noms...Eisenberg, Garfield, and Timberlake all deserve recognition, as of course do Fincher and Sorkin.


Great movie. I really loved it, though it's a bit odd that everyone involved is still alive.

I felt really weird being on facbeook after seeing it though :lol
Scott Pilgrim wrecks Kick Ass, and I actually enjoyed the latter a fair bit.

But yeah it's not even close in my personal opinion. And the comic really played to Edgar Wright's strengths, the editing was the tightest I've seen this year.....until I saw The Social Network.

In comparison Kick Ass screeched to a halt at times and Inception was just all over the place.


I will likely watch this a second time in theaters during a matinee screening this week.

I have never done this with a movie before.


The amount of professional tech writers that seem to be taking this movie as a personal indictment against geeks really flabbergasts me. I mean, can't it just be an indictment against being a mean-spirited asshole?


teiresias said:
The amount of professional tech writers that seem to be taking this movie as a personal indictment against geeks really flabbergasts me. I mean, can't it just be an indictment against being a mean-spirited asshole?

Really. I think a lot of the tech writers talking about the movie are looking for things that aren't there.


Gabriel Knight
Great movie - Fincher is one of my fav directors and i hope he gets recognition for it after the snub with Zodiac .. Music was amazing

I just felt very envious of those kids though :(


Tim-E said:
Really. I think a lot of the tech writers talking about the movie are looking for things that aren't there.

Seems that way. However, I think it is a good sign that people have so many different sympathies for the characters. Everybody seems to have different interpretations of who were the biggest douchebags and victims.
funny thing is, all the talk about this movie makes me want to see Zodiac now (completely overlooked it whenever it came out)

Will probably catch The Social Network sometime this week.
faceless007 said:

What really happened? It's just random un-named sources from Harvard. It's as reliable as the movie, right now.


Discotheque said:
How the hell could they NOT telegraph this a mile away?

It's like walking into that Danny Boyle movie and being absolutely shocked that the guy chops his own arm off.

which movie is that?


Expendable. said:
ok, I'll join in:

1. Black Swan
2. The King’s Speech
3. The Social Network
4. The Secret In Their Eyes
5. Inception
6. 127 Hours
7. Exit Through The Gift Shop
8. Toy Story 3
9. Dogtooth
10. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World or Kick-Ass
You're missing Winter's Bone and True Grit :]

Oh, movies you have seen so far? nice list, agree with the ones I have seen.

Also, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23685004&postcount=631

My thoughts on the movie (posted in old thread)


The more I think about it the more I feel this movie had everything going for it except a truly meaningful or important story. It is based off a boring civil court case. I guess that is its only flaw. It failed to move me in any way other than how entertained I was by the movie. I was more wow'd by how well the story was told/written and the excellent cast.
I didn't find it boring at all. It's definitely impressive the way the film was shot/told, but really the case was interesting as hell.

Definitely seeing the "All the Presidents Men" comparisons here. And oh man, one more time @ the editing here. That scene near the opening when the soundtrack song "in motion" is playing is definitely one of the best scenes from Fincher...ever.
Discotheque said:
That scene near the opening when the soundtrack song "in motion" is playing is definitely one of the best scenes from Fincher...ever.
yes... but that's easily the best part of the film. nothing surpasses that scene and it's in the first ten minutes.
although the tilt shift rowing scene is neat.
how is the story not meaningful or important? the final scene says it all:
you can analyze and cater to an entire species's set of social skills (and become stupidly, ridiculously rich in the process), but at the end of the day if you're unwilling to compromise you're left hitting F5.
DevelopmentArrested said:
yes... but that's easily the best part of the film. nothing surpasses that scene and it's in the first ten minutes.
although the tilt shift rowing scene is neat.

Nothing has to surpass it, but the film definitely didn't just take a huge nosedive after that. It was compelling throughout (unlike that Pixar's Up which just went to mediocrity after it's opening).

I liked a lot of scenes in this film, the cutting between separate timelines was really tight too. It was so slick how they had Andrew Garfield quoting an event that takes place years ago and it cuts to that timeline and back so seamlessly. Take that Nolan!

And the scene where he finds out about how low his shares diluted to is very heavy. God I love this film. It's even better that I didn't have high expectations for it after Benjamin Button.
DevelopmentArrested said:
yes... but that's easily the best part of the film. nothing surpasses that scene and it's in the first ten minutes.
although the tilt shift rowing scene is neat.

I agree that nothing lives up to that, but the Andrew Garfield coming back to Facebook scene is excellent.


Schattenjagger said:
Great movie - Fincher is one of my fav directors and i hope he gets recognition for it after the snub with Zodiac .. Music was amazing

I just felt very envious of those kids though :(

Same here. All I could think was - damn, why didn't I do better in high school and get into a school like Harvard and be an entrepreneur and have incredibly smart friends/roommates and hook up with hot Asian girls?
Expendable. said:
I agree that nothing lives up to that, but the Andrew Garfield coming back to Facebook scene is excellent.
i agree absolutely. in the hands of a lesser actor, that could have come off as super corny but garfield kills it


Enjoyed it a lot. Two hours went by extremely quickly and I was sad to see it go. Definitely takes the top spot this year for me so far.

Anyone else check to see when they signed up? October '04...I was late.
god the end was so amazing. i mean the whole movie was, but when
"Baby, You're a Rich Man"
kicked in.. just stunning stuff


blame space said:
how is the story not meaningful or important? the final scene says it all:
you can analyze and cater to an entire species's set of social skills (and become stupidly, ridiculously rich in the process), but at the end of the day if you're unwilling to compromise you're left hitting F5.
It failed to emotionally move me in any way nor did it really have any kind of powerful meaning. That is how I would sort of describe my thoughts on the story after letting it sit for a while. The movie is a thrill to see though in many ways. The court case itself I'm sure is historically important but I fail to see how it is entertaining or interesting apart from the way it was shown in this movie. Yeah, maybe there was meaning to the story for many, not me. There was something floating around in there but for me it was lost in translation. It really goes to show how a director with great talent and a cast/crew that nails everything right can make any story interesting. Best movie I have seen this year so far.


This movie wins best picture from the 2010 Gilgamesh Awards. I went into it expecting to hate Zuckerberg for being a huge asshole but I really related to him (or at least the character as he is portrayed in the movie) and it made a lot of the emotional impact in the movie that much deeper. I felt like, if I'm being honest with myself, I would have done exactly what he did if I were in his shoes.


Neo Member
Aesius said:
Same here. All I could think was - damn, why didn't I do better in high school and get into a school like Harvard and be an entrepreneur and have incredibly smart friends/roommates and hook up with hot Asian girls?

Hahaha, yeah, same. :lol

(._.) said:
The more I think about it the more I feel this movie had everything going for it except a truly meaningful or important story. It is based off a boring civil court case. I guess that is its only flaw.

I complete disagree. I found it very deeply-layered. Did you not get any of the analogies about our generation? I really can't think of a more relevant film about our generation. It's no coincidence the film starts in a crowded bar with two people talking and ends with one alone at his computer.


Prentice said:
I complete disagree. I found it very deeply-layered. Did you not get any of the analogies about our generation? I really can't think of a more relevant film about our generation. It's no coincidence the film starts in a crowded bar with two people talking and ends with one alone at his computer.
Yeah, I guess you do have a point. I'm personally not fully feeling it though on every level.


I'm probably months late to this realization, but (former) Reaper-GAF, were you aware that in addition to playing the dual roles of the Winklevoss twins, Mr. Armie Hammer also admirably filled the role of Morgan, the Devil's douchebag son, on that dear departed CW show?

Anyway. Fantastic film, and despite its quasi-factual origins, witnessing Mark Zuckerberg's on-screen rise is (still) making me seriously ponder the direction of my own life. It's only been a few months since I got my B.A,. but a) I've realized just how much time I wasted doing nothing in college (socially, academically, etc), and b) I'm now that much more motivated to do something meaningful with the last 7 1/2 years of my 20s. It's the rare film that can have that sort of effect on me, so even just for that, I loved this movie. As for everything else, though, you all have said it better and/or earlier.
Good movie. My decision last year to delete my facebook account feels... prescient?

It was odd that so many critical previews had this film out to be some kind of melodramatic version of OLD SCHOOL. I can think of 2 scenes that 'glorified' debauchery, and they lasted a combined 2 minutes.
Excellent film, Sorkin should get an Oscar for his script, it's brilliant.
Surprised by how actively hostile the film is to Zuckerberg, he comes off as a socially awkward, double dealing backstabber....utterly unlikable.
Whatever the validity of that, the Mark Zuckerberg I saw with Diane Sawyer and Oprah does not appear to have the blundering awkwardness of Jesse Eisenberg's Zuckerberg.


Jealous Bastard
theignoramus said:
Excellent film, Sorkin should get an Oscar for his script, it's brilliant.
Surprised by how actively hostile the film is to Zuckerberg, he comes off as a socially awkward, double dealing backstabber....utterly unlikable.
Whatever the validity of that, the Mark Zuckerberg I saw with Diane Sawyer and Oprah does not appear to have the blundering awkwardness of Jesse Eisenberg's Zuckerberg.

it's funny, i didn't get that at all. what's interesting, and atypical to my experience, is that even though i can't think of a single redeemable thing zuckerberg did in the context of the film, i still found myself incapable of disliking him. i kept pulling for him, and when he showed a sign he may finally get it, i wanted to see him break through. eisenberg's performance--in my opinion--was balanced, and masterful. he played zuckerberg like a complete dick but still managed to drop the most subtle hints that deep down there was a good person, or at least one who was redeemable.

eisenberg has a big future, i think.
beelzebozo said:
it's funny, i didn't get that at all. what's interesting, and atypical to my experience, is that even though i can't think of a single redeemable thing zuckerberg did in the context of the film, i still found myself incapable of disliking him. i kept pulling for him, and when he showed a sign he may finally get it, i wanted to see him break through. eisenberg's performance--in my opinion--was balanced, and masterful. he played zuckerberg like a complete dick but still managed to drop the most subtle hints that deep down there was a good person, or at least one who was redeemable.

eisenberg has a big future, i think.

Eisenber's depiction of the character Sorkin fashioned was great. No complaints at all about him in the context of the film.


Jealous Bastard
theignoramus said:
Eisenber's depiction of the character Sorkin fashioned was great. No complaints at all about him in the context of the film.

ah, i gotcha, you were just speaking specifically to the delta between zuckerberg in reality and zuckerberg on the screen. certainly things could have been, and probably were, heightened. but i still found myself endeared to him, even when he was being a total d-bag.
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