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The Song above you... Rate it!!!


6/10. She's got interesting vocal melodies and the song has some nice instrumentation, but I just don't like her vocal timbre and the song was just bland.

Cloudkicker - "We're Going In. We're Going Down."


Song was a little too busy for an elongated period of time for me. Could've used some down times in between. Started getting on my nerves unfortunately since I wanted to get through the whole song.

Had good parts in it, but ultimate something I would not listen to again because of the aforementioned reasons.

BT - Dreaming

This one is a classic track for me, back in the days where I felt so out of place since I was like the only sixth grader listening to these types of songs while everyone else was into rap and hip-hop or pop. Recommend that you at least have decent bass in whatever you're listening from. Laptop speakers will not do it justice at all.




I loved the intro, then the screamo vocals and overwrought lyrics started. Then they actually added an extra growl filter to the vocal.

No thanks.

As an instrumental 9/10

As it is 4/10

Sorry man, I just hate that growling stuff, I just see it as bullshit posturing.

Sneaker Pimps - Low Place Like Home

Also, props to Urban Rats for Parov Stelar. Gorgeous stuff.



Reminds me too much of late 90s movies directed at teens. I also didn't care for the vocals.

edit: I think i was a little harsh at first. The vocals were good in some parts and bad in other parts of the song. The entire instrumental was like Grunge with electronic elements. That specific track sounds like something Garbage would make.

C2C - Arcades

Not bad, a little repetitive, but i liked the use of vocals.
Swans - The Sound


What a load of pretentious bullshit nonsensical lyrics, backed by crappy nu-metal that wishes they were either Skillet or Linkin Park. I'm not going to even justify that aural turd with a numeric score.

Speaking of Skillet:



Wow, what happened to this thread? No reply in over two days. Injurai PMed me specifically to keep his thread alive, so I best post a track. (how long was your ban request dude, seems like ages ago.)

Kind of Grungey, but I wasn't a huge fan. Not bad.


I think I've posted this before, but it's just glorious, so I'm posting it again.

David Holmes - I Heard Wonders
Wow, what happened to this thread? No reply in over two days. Injurai PMed me specifically to keep his thread alive, so I best post a track. (how long was your ban request dude, seems like ages ago.)

Kind of Grungey, but I wasn't a huge fan. Not bad.


I think I've posted this before, but it's just glorious, so I'm posting it again.

David Holmes - I Heard Wonders

Really really enjoyed the tune, should check on this David Holmes again in the future


This Saturday I will finally be seeing Mount Eerie live, let's celebrate!

House Shape
Really really enjoyed the tune, should check on this David Holmes again in the future


This Saturday I will finally be seeing Mount Eerie live, let's celebrate!

House Shape


Really cool mix of sounds (hear a bit Fugazi and Stereolab at first, when vocals come the feel changes dramatically). Will be checking this band out. This is in response to Mount eerie

Edit: Beaten

Boris track, I don't like this vocalist one bit. But I typically like Boris and drone/symphonic rock. 5/10

Old Skull - Homeless
Here's a song from a local band from here in the UK I just heard about today, nice jazzy/funky, post-rock influenced music with UK rap styled vocals;


The name of the song reminded me of Kid Kilowatt, another band I had long forgotten which was a project from members from Cave-in, converge and piebald, not bad!


7/10, hadn't heard of this before, despite knowing of Converge and Cave In - really like the opening riff and the chorus was pretty good, but the verse seemed out of place.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


ATENTION fellow gaffers

*activates shameles advertising mode

inspired by this thread i have made a thread like this for awesome game music .
if you feel like it go and have a look.


Also while im here :

Not bad at all. 7/10

OK Go - White Knuckles

its nice .to not exactly my thing so 6/10

here is a song that i can keep listening to even tough i don't understand french (altough i have a pretty good idea what its about ) and i can't describe why i like it .

Cheb Khaled - Aicha

sorry. couln't find a non clip version.
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