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the terrorists killed that guy

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Foxnews channel just reported it

....Paul Johnson.....


BREAKING NEWS Al Arabiya TV: Al Qaeda militants behead U.S. hostage Paul Johnson. CNN working to confirm


Kinda tough to respond to the terrorists when they say "You have ** hours!" and they don't happen to say when the time began.
BuddyChrist83 said:
...this is horrible...


..who? ...what?

terrorists kidnapped some american guy.
said that they would kill him by Friday unless Saudi Arabia freed all alquaida captives
guy's kids were on tv pleading with Saudi government.
As expected, guy gets killed.
BuddyChrist83 said:
...this is horrible...


..who? ...what?

Doth Togo

Take consolidation in knowing what goes around comes around.

Truly, it happens. Most of the time you don't ever get to take part in the reciprocity, but it does happen.

I'm really sad to hear they did this. But realize that these terrorist fuckers will get what's coming to them, one way or another.


Report: American Hostage Executed
Friday, June 18, 2004

Saudi Authorities Search for Abducted American
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Terrorists in Saudi Arabia reportedly have carried out their threat and beheaded American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr. (search), the Arab satellite network Al-Arabiya reported Friday.

No independent confirmation was available.

Thousands of Saudi police had searched Friday for Johnson, three days after the terrorists who captured him gave the government 72 hours to free Al Qaeda prisoners in exchange for his freedom.

Johnson's wife appealed for his safe return on Arab television Friday.

"Please! I want him to come back to see me. He didn't do anything wrong," Thanom Johnson, said in interview on Saudi-owned satellite TV channel Al-Arabiya (search). "I've never seen him having any problems with the people here. Never."

In Johnson's hometown of Eagleswood Township, N.J., relatives held a vigil Thursday night.

Johnson's kidnappers released a videotape of him on Tuesday night saying they would kill him unless the Saudi government released all militants in its prisons within 72 hours. The Saudis have rejected the demand.

Police went through several Riyadh neighborhoods from Thursday night through Friday morning, but authorities gave no indication they were any closer to Johnson, a Lockheed Martin (search) employee who was kidnapped Saturday by a group calling itself Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The organization is believed to be headed by Abdulaziz Issa Abdul-Mohsin al-Moqrin (search), the top Al Qaeda figure in Saudi Arabia.

People living in the districts, which lie in western and southern Riyadh, suggested that the kidnappers enjoy popular support, partly because of U.S. policy in Iraq and its perceived backing for Israel.

"How can we inform on our brothers when we see all these pictures coming from Abu Ghraib and Rafah," Muklas Nawaf, a resident of Dhahar al-Budaih, said as he ate meat grilled on a spit at a restaurant called Jihad, Arabic for holy war. He was referring to the pictures of Iraqis abused by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison (search) in Baghdad and Israeli military incursions and killings in the Gaza refugee camp of Rafah.

"This is not a little skirmish. It is a war," Nawaf said.

A preacher of Riyadh's Imam Sultana Mosque implored the kidnappers to release Johnson in a column published in Al-Riyadh newspaper on Friday.

"O, youth of the nation who have trodden the wrong path, come back to the fold of the community of Islam. Avoid this sedition and be obedient to the ruler of the Muslims," Sheik Mohammed bin Saad al-Saeed wrote.

A senior Saudi official in the United States said Thursday night that U.S. and Saudi officials have had few promising leads in their search for Johnson.

The Saudi official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the probe, said there had been no communications from the kidnappers except for the video and statement on the Web site.

The FBI has sent a team of about 20 specialists in hostage rescue, hostage negotiations, profiling and other specialties who were working directly with Saudi officials, the official said.

More than 15,000 Saudi officers have been deployed in the search of Riyadh, going door-to-door in some neighborhoods. More than 1,200 Saudi homes had been searched as of Thursday night.

"We are even using the fire department, for instance, because they have knowledge of their neighborhoods, and districts," the official said.

In a letter posted late Wednesday on Web sites where Al Qaeda supporters and other militants leave messages, a man who identifies himself as Saad al-Mu'men — a pseudonym meaning "Saad The Believer," — urges militants to spare Johnson, saying killing him would violate Islamic law. "I will curse you in all my prayers" if he is harmed, it warned.

The writer said he had given Johnson his protection under Islam, and quoted the Prophet Muhammad as saying: "If they were granted (Muslim) protection, then killing or taking their money or harming them is forbidden."

The writer also said Johnson had expressed opposition to U.S. foreign policy and an interest in converting to Islam.

The letter was posted on Web sites known for Islamic extremist writings and was subsequently posted on the Web site of the Saudi-owned satellite television channel Al-Arabiya.

Other contributors to the Islamic Web sites ridiculed the message and called for Johnson's death.

Al-Arabiya told the AP that al-Mu'men had contacted the station but agreed to be identified only by the pseudonym. The station said it had confirmed the man it interviewed was the author of the letter, but it did not say how.

Al-Mu'men refused an interview with the AP in a message relayed through the station.

Friends and relatives of Johnson sang "Amazing Grace" and "God Bless America" as they held candles and small flags at a vigil late Thursday in Eagleswood, New Jersey, a town where the engineer grew up.

"Your love, your prayers and your support are appreciated," his niece Angel Roork said at the vigil.

Amid concern over Johnson's fate, the U.S. State Department updated a 2-month-old travel warning for Saudi Arabia, pointing out that attacks on Americans there have resulted in deaths and injuries and, in a reference to Johnson, a kidnapping.


keep your strippers out of my American football
They were going to kill him regardless. But Saudi Arabia could do more to protect the Americans there, but I really don't think they are much of an "ally" and probably don't really give a damn.


You now belong to FMT.
Honestly...... I really feel bvad for the guy's family, you had to know it was going to happen... you cant give into their demands or that will spark more killings and you cant turn a deaf ear to it, because the family and country will hate on your decision... its a lose lose situation... I hope we get the heads of all involved... its sad...

I am from Jersey... I know the news will be all over my area...
dskillzhtown said:
They were going to kill him regardless. But Saudi Arabia could do more to protect the Americans there, but I really don't think they are much of an "ally" and probably don't really give a damn.

Actually Americans can go one step better and begin to leave the Middle East. All the money in the world will never replace the loss of a life.


Gosh.. I have an uncle who's over there at the moment, he's a computer consultant to one of the major oil refinerys over in Saudi. He's in of those planned 'westerner' type communities, he called a few nights ago because of my Dads birthday & he's say that he's worried because secuirty is really lacking around his area, though these attacks are taking placing further north of where he is.

But still... I'm really worried for him. Just a really loveable care free, family man and I'd just die if any harm came to him. :(


Of course, they want us to see it. I'm sure this time they will show it and make sure that Johnson is still alive (unlike the other one).

Doth Togo

I lived in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia back in the early 1980s when things were very very calm. I really liked living there and had a lot of respect for the people and their culture. What I did notice was that there were more and more people who were very well educated who had no job and no income. After years of experiencing this frustration, I can only imagine the rage that they may have against the foreigners who come in and take their jobs.

Am trying to see things from their perspective for a moment.


Still. Beheading anyone is beyond what the Koran teaches. Allah will smite them, without a doubt. And then they will understand and submit.


Trevelyon said:
Was that Nick Berg thing even proven?

Proven that he was dead when they cut his head off?
Evidence suggests that he was already dead. There was no gush of blood when they hit the jugular and there was no kicking.


I just don't understand why people are over there? I don't agree with this in any way but you have to point some of the blame at the US government. You can't have all the abuse and media coverage of wedding parties getting bombed ant those kind of things and not expect some kind of reaction. Clearly Americans are not safe over there its' a war zone. Time to get these people out.


keep your strippers out of my American football
darscot said:
I just don't understand why people are over there? I don't agree with this in any way but you have to point some of the blame at the US government. You can't have all the abuse and media coverage of wedding parties getting bombed ant those kind of things and not expect some kind of reaction. Clearly Americans are not safe over there its' a war zone. Time to get these people out.

Easy to say that, but here in Houston two weeks ago they had a job fair to go to Saudi Arabia. I think it was 250 jobs, like 2000 people showed up. Times are hard and people need jobs. They 70k-100k a year tax-free jobs are hard for people to pass up. they interviews some people and they said that they used to work in the oil industry here, but now they are delivering pizzas, so to survive and make money for their families, people will take the risk. I am not saying I would, just explaining the mentality.
dskillzhtown said:
Easy to say that, but here in Houston two weeks ago they had a job fair to go to Saudi Arabia. I think it was 250 jobs, like 2000 people showed up. Times are hard and people need jobs. They 70k-100k a year tax-free jobs are hard for people to pass up. they interviews some people and they said that they used to work in the oil industry here, but now they are delivering pizzas, so to survive and make money for their families, people will take the risk. I am not saying I would, just explaining the mentality.

Certainly the temptation to be paid $100,000 a year tax-free is high, but like a caller had said on NPR these people are essentially putting a price on their heads. And a lot of those jobs are being stolen from the citizens of the Middle East. Obviously Americans are better trained for a lot of jobs over there, but Americans should be providing the training and then get out because the longer they stay over there, the higher the probability of them getting killed.


uh thats disgusting. Everyone saw that coming though. Mustve been horrible for the family knowing its going to happen. :(


dskillzhtown said:
Easy to say that, but here in Houston two weeks ago they had a job fair to go to Saudi Arabia. I think it was 250 jobs, like 2000 people showed up. Times are hard and people need jobs. They 70k-100k a year tax-free jobs are hard for people to pass up. they interviews some people and they said that they used to work in the oil industry here, but now they are delivering pizzas, so to survive and make money for their families, people will take the risk. I am not saying I would, just explaining the mentality.

Yeh, pretty much the reason my Uncle is over there atm, the tech industry has dried up in the UK, jobs aren't as free flowing as they were a few years back & you've gotta make ends meet. A lot of our family object to him working there... at this time and he only recently moved his family back to the UK, but he has remained, despite what is going on in the world.


Well maybe the Government should put a little more effort into the home front. It just seems that this whole thing is just putting more Americans at risk not less.


I feel bad for their family!

I saw his son's plea for mercy on CNN yesterday.

He had his son (Grandson) with him on his lap.
and he was begging for a safe return. :(


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Americans and Western companies are there because there are no Arab companies with the resources or technical ability to do the work. And they are there because oil is there. If the Middle East were as resource-poor as sub-Saharan Africa, there would be no Americans there. The world economy, and by extension all of us, depends on a steady oil supply. The only way to get it is for Western companies to do the work, and that's not going to change anytime soon.


You now belong to FMT.
Yeah i saw the son and grandkid and nieces and cousins....

His Brother was a raving drunk... when he first got kidnapped the guy was drunk on tv saying that he wanted that whole place bombed.. adn said for them not to cut his head off.... I felt bad for the guy, and I was mad at the media for showing the drunk guy on tv saying such things, I can only imagine what he will say now that they went through with it.... the family is probably keeping him away from the cameras.....


Malleymal said:
Yeah i saw the son and grandkid and nieces and cousins....

His Brother was a raving drunk... when he first got kidnapped the guy was drunk on tv saying that he wanted that whole place bombed.. adn said for them not to cut his head off.... I felt bad for the guy, and I was mad at the media for showing the drunk guy on tv saying such things, I can only imagine what he will say now that they went through with it.... the family is probably keeping him away from the cameras.....

I saw that too. They should never put him on tv at that time.
you know i hate this shit its the stupid government that can't sort out problems or deal with other countries without bombs. I'm sure there is tons of stuff i don't know but this is shitty that now a regular citizen of the US got kidnapped and beheaded. I don't even want a fucking government i wouldn't mind building my own house in the wilderness and living peacefully without fuckheads messing up my life or the lives of others around me.


This is getting ridiculous. What they're doing isn't even humane.

It also pisses me off that certain people in this country can shrug something like this off and say, "Yeah well we shouldn't have abused our POWs, then this wouldn't have happened." How can someone honestly make excuses for this? Beheading goes beyond any type of abuse.


beheading is murder, a crime
but so is bombing civilian houses
when you start excusing one with the word "oops", you start to decriminalize the other


They were going to kill him regardless. But Saudi Arabia could do more to protect the Americans there, but I really don't think they are much of an "ally" and probably don't really give a damn.

the U.S. could just roll into Saudi Arabia and take over all their oil fields, just like that. it would be a cake walk compared to Iraq, where we took over their oil fields very rapidly.


Beating a prisoner to death or letting a dog eat them while scream naked isn't in the same ballpark? Abusing POW's is definatly part of why this is happening.


you know i hate this shit its the stupid government that can't sort out problems or deal with other countries without bombs. I'm sure there is tons of stuff i don't know but this is shitty that now a regular citizen of the US got kidnapped and beheaded. I don't even want a fucking government i wouldn't mind building my own house in the wilderness and living peacefully without fuckheads messing up my life or the lives of others around me.

Don't you know? That's why John Titor, the time traveler, predicted that there would be a civil war this year. Yeah...government overthrow is planned for later this year. Reserve your tickets now. :D PEACE.


darscot said:
Beating a prisoner to death or letting a dog eat them while scream naked isn't in the same ballpark? Abusing POW's is definatly part of why this is happening.
No shit it's why it's happening. I'm just saying beheading prisoners left and right is a little more extreme than forcing people to be nude and pose in sexual positions. When was someone beaten to death or eaten by a dog... ?


beheading is murder, a crime
but so is bombing civilian houses
when you start excusing one with the word "oops", you start to decriminalize the other

Stop. I said this before, and I was told that there's a difference between war and terrorism. I read it on the internet, so it's definitely true. Now just get over it already. ;) PEACE.


There have been cases of "accidental death during interogation" also when the senators or whomever were allowed to view the photos they spoke of the shot of the guy on the ground naked with the dog at him. They said in the next pictures that were unreleased he was on the ground with massive bites out of him gushing blood. What does that tell you?
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