6+ has alot of little bugs, but over all the battery life makes up for the constant safari crashes, unresponsive home button, multitasking crashes
6+ has alot of little bugs, but over all the battery life makes up for the constant safari crashes, unresponsive home button, multitasking crashes
6+ has alot of little bugs, but over all the battery life makes up for the constant safari crashes, unresponsive home button, multitasking crashes
wait wutYou said you're a gamer, the Note 4 also has VR.
I´m thinking about getting a 6 as well. I´ve been an android guy since the beggining but my last android broke me. I have a galaxy s4 and the screen broke 4 times on me, 2 of those times the lcd went out too. My last fix didnt even last a week and the first time it broke was in my pocket with nothing in there. Even if it hadnt broke so many times I think I would be done with them anyway. Bloatware from different carriers and always waiting for the new version of android is too damn annoying.
People still think the verge is an apple fanboy site? lol.
With the exception of vlad it pretty much is, their "writers" arent balanced in what they write on because they predominately use apple products and dont care to develop any knowledge outside of it.
Engadget actually now surpasses then in coverage of non-apple products/news. Although elon musk is the other exception. The verge is tabloid rags tech coverage.
wait wut
like oculus rift on a phone?
I love my 6+ with 128GB. I have the Apple leather case to prevent slippage.
With the exception of vlad it pretty much is, their "writers" arent balanced in what they write on because they predominately use apple products and dont care to develop any knowledge outside of it.
Engadget actually now surpasses then in coverage of non-apple products/news. Although elon musk is the other exception. The verge is tabloid rags tech coverage.
Oh boy, you're in for a surprise. Yes, but better than the current Oculus Development kits in some ways because Note 4 is 1440p, higher res.
Gear VR is a $200 headset from Samsung, co-developed with Oculus, that the Note 4 plugs into directly, and lets you do this stuff:
You can't plug it into a PC as an Oculus Rift however, so all apps run on the Note 4 hardware. Right now its only available in the US (and keeps selling out) but its supposed to roll out elsewhere in the next few months. I want one so bad but can't afford it, but the sheer fact the Note 4 can do this puts it into an entirely different league to the iPhone in my opinion.
I can't justify spending $600+ on a phone.
touchid works for me like once a week.
"The thing about the iPhone 6 is that it just doesn't have problems." Is a great site for detailed reviews and they've standardised their web browsing test as well.
According to them they got 10hours44 from the Note 4 browsing the west
9 Hours 5 minutes with the 6+
10 Hours 29 with the 6
They're all pretty close so that really shouldn't be a factor.
2) I've found copy and pasting to do the job well on IOS and Android. Both are decent experiences.
3) You can't drag and drop on iOS. You gotta use iTunes which has format limitations. You can download media player apps like vlc to play stuff like mkvs but you gotta upload it through the app and only the app can see it or transcode the video.
4) No idea.
5) Note 4 Multitasking
Not sure about the new mutitasking stuff on 6+
6) Cases on phones seem to be the thing to get these days to protect it. Don't want that glass cracking. Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) cases are quite popular and they're very grippy.
It just doesn't have problems*
*As long as you only try to do things that it will allow you to do
Honestly, the only draw for me to get an iPhone is the games because as a gamer, I've heard of a lot of cool games and know they'll never leave the iOS space (Monument Valley, The Sailor's Dream, 80 Days, Hitman GO, Crossy Road). Now if you're observant enough, you'll know most of these games aside from The Sailor's Dream are on Android. Is gaming on an Android device equivalent to an iPhone in terms of performance and other such factors? These aren't action games, so I'm guessing yes.
That's just simply not true. Tom Warren uses WP8, Vlad uses Android, Ziegler switches all the time but right now is using a new Moto X iirc, Nilay uses iPhone and whatever is the new Android hotness as he has two different carriers. Yeah they almost all use MacBooks but that's mostly because they're really freaking good laptops.
I wouldn't suggest paying 200 bucks for something that will never catch on.
You technologically illiterate hipster.I love my iPhone 6 (cool gentleman size, not that tablet-wannabe size).
It is great.
You technologically illiterate hipster.
1. No removable battery. Apple does not use magic. Its batteries are governed by the same physical laws as the rest of the universe, though I've seen Apple users swear differently. After a year a battery will have noticeably degraded and it continues getting worse from there. Android users can simply pop in a fresh battery. Apple users cannot. In addition, Android users can keep a spare battery for emergencies. Apple users cannot.
3. Expandable storage. If you want to move to 64 GB in an Apple, prepare to pay hundreds of dollars. Android? Throw a twenty on the Amazon table and you get 64 GB in ADDITION to what you've already got, or throw down $100 and get a whopping 128 GB expansion. Android users can also keep multiple microSD cards, storing them as they fill them up with pictures and videos. My wife has 4 64 GB cards filled with videos and is working on her 5th. If she had an Apple, I'd be paying an extra $125+ a year in cloud storage, plus the data costs for transferring on the fly.
Yeah. People hate Oculus developed VR. I can't see this thing that keeps selling out and creating evangelists every single day catching on.
I can continue, but I figure this is a good breaking point.
1. No removable battery. Apple does not use magic. Its batteries are governed by the same physical laws as the rest of the universe, though I've seen Apple users swear differently. After a year a battery will have noticeably degraded and it continues getting worse from there.
To be fair, the best Android phones do not usually have removable batteries or SD slots.
May I present my two year old iPhone 5 which I just pulled out of the drawer.