The only way to do it would be to pilfer one of the models for English devolution, and divide England alone into a series of regions with roughly equivalent standing and powers to the current devolved countries. The thing is, I doubt you'd get the real support of identity needed for it, and it would almost certainly making the centering of politics on urban areas all the more explicit (even if just in trying to draw relatively balanced boundaries). Plus, in the short term it wouldn't likely cause a real political shift until (or even if) people get used to the notion that they can vote regionally.
I don't think this really is needed though. I live in the south-west of England but I'm not from here originally - I don't identify as a south-wester or whatever - but I still see the benefits of the counties round here cooperating on issues that would affect this part of the world.
Heck, in May I'll certainly be voting in the elections for the "Metro Mayor", who will be in charge of a combined West of England Authority. That area encompasses South Gloucestershire, Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset. And the people from those areas I'm sure are very proud of their heritage, traditions, etc. but I don't think it will prevent governance or cooperation. And I think the same would apply if you simply scaled up the Metro Mayor concept to a Regional Mayor in charge of Gloucester, Bristol, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.

If this were the model followed, it looks like one of the regions would be basically just "Yorkshire", which definitely does have an identity!