So SPIEGEL has some documents from the german goverment/EU commision on Brexit:
- Negotiations will start in june
- EU council has to approve deal by december 2018 at the latest (18 months negotiation time). German experts think they have to do it in 16 months so until october 18.
- 4 pillars are not negotiable(we already knew this)
- 20.833 laws have to be negotiated (50 per day)
- EU hopes the exit deal will be able to be accepted without asking EU parliaments. German officials doubt this is legal
- They also prepare for WTO trade with britain, call it (botswana model)
- EU only wants to negotiate trade deal after exit deal, UK wants to do both at the same time (EU commision thinks british position is unrealistic)
- German officials think this won't be possible because they expect similiar protests like CETA or TTIP in EU countries
- Britain is not allowed to negotiate trade deals with 3rd countries until they left the EU (technically they're members until march 29, 2019) (German)