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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.

Horrible, vile woman

What am I reading?

And how has she shown her "true" colours when she has always fought for independence.


No wonder Cameron quit, absolute calamity incoming. Fights in court, alienation of various UK countries, Economic worry and difficulty and god only knows what else. No wonder nobody is queueing up to be PM.

It truly is a poisoned chalice.

A big problem that I hadn't thought about until I saw it on TV was the sheer number of bills that will need to be passed in parliament. There's no room for anything else. This is going to dominate Queens speeches for years. Good luck with that.

Yep. The civil service will be swamped with this for years to come. So fuck all will get done in the mean time. However, with the right set to take over, it might not be such a bad thing.


yea and Obama was lying to scare monger the UK citizens into voting remain.

the UK isn't getting pushed to the back of the line in trade negotiations.

What place in line is the UK going to be in?

Of the trade negotiations in place, all of which have taken place over several years and have not yet been completed, there is the TPP, TTIP, the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with China, etc. Where does the UK fit in, considering that nothing has been started yet?


UK is not more important than the EU and Asia.

i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.
yea and Obama was lying to scare monger the UK citizens into voting remain.

the UK isn't getting pushed to the back of the line in trade negotiations.
Yeah you go tell Obama what his priorities are. I'm sure he'll listen to you.

If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.

Horrible, vile woman


I've been trying to not think about Brexit and its implications too much. Gets me down.

But in the coming weeks, the sooner the better, someone from the Leave side needs to take ownership and show a way forward. That won't be easy given DC's move but I'm finding the current fog suffocating.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I would think that even if Obama wanted to sign a trade deal with the UK as his top priority, it would still take a hella long time. No?

Colonel Sponsz

Neo Member
i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

It would surprise pretty much anyone other than you though.


i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

I don't really understand why, if you were going to live in a fantasy world, you would choose this particular one.


yea and Obama was lying to scare monger the UK citizens into voting remain.

the UK isn't getting pushed to the back of the line in trade negotiations.

Ah yes the good old fallback argument when everything else fails. "He was lying !"

Remember people, if someone says something against your own interest, just say they were lying to automatically win an argument
i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

White House already confirmed on Friday presidents position is unchanged, UK will be placed at the back of the queue, status unchanged. It may change after election but likely only if Trump wins which I seriously doubt.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
It seems the majority have no interest in listening. If they want independence then let them have it. When it goes wrong for them they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

I think better of them than that, having practiced with persuading people over the last four weeks or so. Most have just swallowed what they have been told and had nothing else to go on. They can be turned.


Yup. Learnt the hard way that you just can't help those who won't help themselves. I'm done voting against my interests going forward. Fuck 'em.

Democracy is conversation. When that stops, Democracy stops. What is occurring today is not the failure of democracy - it's proof of it.

It's like a politician who whipped up a frenzy in the public, saying vote for me: I'll tax the rich is 90%, coporation tax at 50% and no tax for the working poor or small business owners. And holiday will be 4 months, Cancer waiting lists will be 1 week. Export pedofiles. And bring back the death penalty.

Sensible pragmatic people know this is all improbable and in some respects antithetical to British society ethics. But it is a populist agenda. And some people will be duped by it. And others will vote for it thinking that it would never have happened.


i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

You just can't make this shit up.

Brexiters really have a false sense of self-importance. Our 'special relationship' was because of our place in the EU.

A trade deal with the US will go at whatever pace the US wants it to go.


near the top

Of all the trade negotiations in place with the US, all of which have taken place over several years and have not yet been completed, there is the TPP, TTIP, the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with China, etc. How can the UK jump to the top if 1) these other agreements have been negotiated for several years and have still not been completed yet and 2) any negotiation with the UK will start from scratch?


it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

haha, seriously? That would never fly with in any EU leader.

Think about this statement with the UK in and spain wanting to leave. Would your PM want the US interfering with this?


Gold Member
Someone posted an excerpt from Clegg's rally speech (historical) on twitter

That’s what we are fighting for. So what are we fighting against? Imagine again what it will be like in 2020, but this time with the Conservatives in Government on their own. Britain, diminished and divided after a botched attempt to renegotiate our relationship with Europe and a vote to withdraw from the European Union. Companies pulling out of the UK left, right and centre, the markets losing confidence, hiking up our borrowing costs and halting the recovery in its tracks. Workers fearing for their jobs, not just because the companies they work for are plunged into uncertainty but because their bosses can fire them at will, no questions asked. The young and the working poor hit time and time again as George Osborne takes his axe to the welfare budget with no regard for the impact on people’s lives. Schools run in the interests of profit for shareholders rather than the life chances of their pupils. A Home Office state snooping on your emails and social media. Opportunity reserved for a few at the top and everyone else told to make do with what they’ve got. A Tory party leadership in hock to their right wing, desperately running after and pandering to UKIP’s ugly nationalism. A Prime Minister trapped between being a poor man’s Margaret Thatcher and a rich man’s Nigel Farage. “Compassionate Conservatism” just a sound bite from a bygone age.

Source: http://www.libdems.org.uk/nick_clegg_s_rally_speech

Be interesting to see the reactions given Fallon's extension of nullifying the referendum if elections are called.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
White House already confirmed on Friday presidents position is unchanged, UK will be placed at the back of the queue, status unchanged. It may change after election but likely only if Trump wins which I seriously doubt.

Quite right too. If Texas seceded from the US there is no way we would prioritise their business above our trade with the remaining states.
i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

Yeah, the USA will risk a deal with the EU because UK's antics.

Talking about the English delusions about the own importance - lol, punching above the own weight.


I would think that even if Obama wanted to sign a trade deal with the UK as his top priority, it would still take a hella long time. No?

Yes. And the terms won't be too favourable for the UK to boot. Unless the US wants to anger the EU, which won't happen. But everyone will talk about how close both nations are so that's something at least?


Someone posted an excerpt from Clegg's rally speech on twitter

Be interesting to see the reactions given Fallon's extension of nullifying the referendum if elections are called.

Yeah, the lib dems are going all-in on the issue. I do think I'll be out and campaigning for them if that is the case.
I disagree with superstar investor Neil Woodford, but he knows more about the world markets than I do. And even he said this eu crisis will be dwarfed by coming challenges. "a challenging world, characterised by low growth, deflation, debt problems, weak productivity and troubling demographics.'

These are exactly the challenges people had in mind when they up with the idea of the EU. Most of these problems can be better solved together.
Especially global warming, even though thats a bomb that will blow up in like 100 years, but when it blows up it will dwarf any humanitarian crisis humanity has ever seen.
Europe is now at the brink of chaos because there are a couple million refugees.
What will happen when there are 1bil+ refugees who will never be able to go back because their former homes are now below sea level, while at the time fertile agriculture zones are shifting and fresh water supply will become much more difficult? (By the way, its way to late to prevent this from happening.)
World War 3 would be a relatively minor problem compared to this.


Lord...if Trump gets in, and he's the one to sign off on a Trade Deal with the UK Government after the UK Government debated whether or not he should be banned from the country #awkward


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Democracy is conversation. When that stops, Democracy stops. What is occurring today is not the failure of democracy - it's proof of it.

It's like a politician who whipped up a frenzy in the public, saying vote for me: I'll tax the rich is 90%, coporation tax at 50% and no tax for the working poor or small business owners. And holiday will be 4 months, Cancer waiting lists will be 1 week. Export pedofiles. And bring back the death penalty.

Sensible pragmatic people know this is all improbable and in some respects antithetical to British society ethics. But it is a populist agenda. And some people will be duped by it. And others will vote for it thinking that it would never have happened.

Very well put sir.


You just can't make this shit up.

Brexiters really have a false sense of self-importance. Our 'special relationship' was because of our place in the EU.

A trade deal with the US will go at whatever pace the US wants it to go.

i'm not european btw. the vote makes no damn difference to me.

and the UK and US's special relationship is a hell of a lot more deeper than the EU.


What place in line is the UK going to be in?

Of the trade negotiations in place, all of which have taken place over several years and have not yet been completed, there is the TPP, TTIP, the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with China, etc. Where does the UK fit in, considering that nothing has been started yet?

The UK bends over and takes what they're given when others get around to it, so best stay bent over.
i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.
i'm not european btw. the vote makes no damn difference to me.

and the UK and US's special relationship is a hell of a lot more deeper than the EU.
The USA will wait and see what the relationship between the UK and EU will be before they do anything. They have no reason to help the UK at all if it does not benefit them. The EU is the biggest partner here, no reason to piss them off because of the so called "special relationship". That's all fine PR and all, but when it come to money, everyone will do simply what is profitable for them.


Yeah, the lib dems are going all-in on the issue. I do think I'll be out and campaigning for them if that is the case.

I hope people drop the libdem hate and vote strategically to knock out some Tories.

We can at least prevent a majority government.


The EU won't give the UK some kind of sweet deal. I mean why would they? They'll make an example out of the UK in order to discourage other members from leaving.

Listening to people calling in on the radio, and I'm hearing "let's make Britain great again". It's like these people have no idea how big this fuck up really is.


so who is going to trigger article 50, then? It doesn't look like it will be Cameron, so presumably it would be the next PM who's also going to be staunch Brexit supporter ... unless there's going to be a vote of confidence (is that a likely scenario?) and re-elections, which might as well double for a second EU referendum


If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.

Horrible, vile woman

I look at this thread after a while and this is what I see, I really hope this post is supposed to be parody :v

She's horrible for expressing the desires of her people? Yeah she should definitely let the rest of the UK sink her country with them!


so who is going to trigger article 50, then? It doesn't look like it will be Cameron, so presumably it would be the next PM who's also going to be staunch Brexit supporter ... unless there's going to be a vote of confidence (is that a likely scenario?) and re-elections, which might as well double for a second EU referendum

Honestly, I'd say it's going to be re-election and then second Referendum, despite all arguments and signs to the contrary.

I do not see anyone with the will or balls, from Boris Johnson down to the lowest Junior MP going in to trigger Article 50.


Yup. Learnt the hard way that you just can't help those who won't help themselves. I'm done voting against my interests going forward. Fuck 'em.

Democracy is conversation. When that stops, Democracy stops. What is occurring today is not the failure of democracy - it's proof of its genuine importance.

Even if you happen to change one person's mind; or helped inform another person on the debate, you'll have done well, and it will have a butterfly effect.

Apathy made voters stay at home. It is in your and our common national interest to not be amongst the intellectually apathetic.


If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.

Horrible, vile woman

lol there it is.

Ironically the type of English behaviour that actually makes more of us Scots want to leave you behind. You poison your own position.

You want to discuss racism? Sort your own fucking people out on national TV asking for innocent people to be thrown out the country.

And cretins like Farage you let get on the forefront of a political campaign.
i never said they were.

but if you think the US is going to let trade negotiations with the UK just sit on a back burner you are going to be sadly mistaken.

it wouldn't surprise me if it became the US and UK at the negotiating table with the EU for a trade deal.

come on, man. it's not about being on the back burner, it's about self interest. you think the US is gonna put other trade deals on the back burner just so we can throw the UK (or whatever's left of it) a bone?
If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.

Horrible, vile woman


excuse the shitty gif

You're hilarious, please keep posting in this thread.


I would think that even if Obama wanted to sign a trade deal with the UK as his top priority, it would still take a hella long time. No?

Not sure. The AU-US free trade deal only took about a year negotiate and sign. Probably because like the US, Australia has similar accountancy practices, common law, similar business methods, the English language, free market values, etcetcetc.

I can't imagine it would take as long as TTIP.
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