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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Of course they would. Someone earlier in the thread said that the ultimate power we had in negotiations was that we would kick out all the EU immigrants here, as if that were some sort of trump card.

Yes, lets kick out all the working people who contribute to the tax basis and help pay for the country. Lets kick out the skilled health workers and professionals. I'm sure Poland wouldn't want all of those trained, motivated, working age people back at all!

The delusion people have over immigration is blinding.

And replace them with UK pensioners from the Costa del can't be bloody bothered to pick up the language.


That's the thinking that got Leave some of their votes.

Osbourne is a twat, no doubt, but if he was to quit now, it would look like the forecasts are as bad or worse than expected and lead to more drops I would suspect. May as well put up with him for a few more months before he's replaced.

True. Just as long as he isn't allowed to set up another budget, that will fail and get swept under the rather bumpy looking carpet.
Historic images as the new Tory leaders approach 10 Downing street
No fucking way. That mother duck is showing some actual leadership. Must have flown in from Scotland.


I think the more worrying thing is that they are so young. I'm just not expecting that level of hate from essentially children. Not in 2016.

Yeah, it doesn't bode well for the future. The result has given the racists a sense of confidence that they simply wouldn't have had before. In their minds, the will of the people has spoken and they said "leave" (the EU). But the word "leave" is also being interpreted as "permission to force anyone who merely looks foreign to leave the country." That's why we're seeing incidents where racists are telling people to get out as if they have been given the right to force people out.

And the thing that gets me is that there were people from ethnic minorities who contributed to this emerging social disharmony by voting to leave. They've inevitably helped to make anyone that doesn't look English feel uncomfortable when they go about their daily business.
These Brexit empowered racists aren't gonna care if you're were born in the UK or voted leave too. If you look "foreign" then you're fair game.



This hit me right in the feels and now I'm tearing up. What do these people think happens if all the "immigrants" as they put it leave? Their economy is dying and their society is on the verge of collapse at the moment but destroying another citizen's life is their priority. People need to get out and put enough pressure on elected officials to not implement Article 50. It looks like the racists are going to get their way pushing citizens out and it permanently destroys Britain's global brand, IMHO.

Imagine how bad things look for Britain after Article 50 starts. China is on record as saying the cost to renegotiate deals is 500 million euros and 10 years. Don't mind me as I am mad British citizens just plunged the world into the early beginnings of another recession.
My prediction is the opposite to yours

New PM will take over - Theresa May over Boris Johnson, as I think more Tories will back her than Boris, who is now tainted by this current fiasco.

Article 50 will be triggered by new PM (be it May or whoever else) - if it doesn't happen when new PM is in place, EU will place more and more threats against us in the form of weaker deals until it happens.

No second referendum. This hasn't even been hinted at by anyone in Parliament, has it? Everyone has been quite clear that the referendum result has to be respected, in this regard.

Your prediction depends on politicians doing something completely against their nature. Trying not to save their own skin.

Article 50 wasn't triggered by Cameron because the ref is not the final decision. The PM still has the option to veto the decision. The painting is on all the walls at the point, the ref was a bad decision and so was voting leave. No PM wants to be the person to trigger this, because they will ultimately be the one blamed for the consequences of this.

As a PM in this position, I would push off triggering Article 50 for as long as possible and wait for the public to make my decision for me. If the majority becomes Remain and I think it will, the PM will get an out. Veto the decision of the ref and bring things back to pre-ref situation as close as possible.

The EU may impose or threaten sanctions, but not this year, probably not until next year at the earliest. More than enough time for the public to change their mind. People seem to believe that the EU are ok with the UK leaving. If there is even a slight chance the UK might remain then the EU are going to court it.


Unalive Pussy Boing

I don't quite agree - I think the city is pricing in that behind the scenes the political class knows it needs to do all it can to keep passporting and the financial market strong.

We will see though, the political situation is still awful, even if the economic fundamentals are decent (current account deficit is bad, but economy was performing quite well generally before this).


What if Cameron waits a couple of months and shortly before he is to go, he vetos it.

He wont be nominated anyway, so the party wouldnt bleed from it and the problem is solved.
Rupert Murdoch has called the British vote to leave the EU “wonderful” and described Donald Trump a “very able man” in comments made in London on Tuesday.

Oh look it's a cunt remarking on how other cunts are great because they'e cunts just like him.


This hit me right in the feels and now I'm tearing up. What do these people think happens if all the "immigrants" as they put it leave? Their economy is dying and their society is on the verge of collapse at the moment but destroying another citizen's life is their priority. People need to get out and put enough pressure on elected officials to not implement Article 50. It looks like the racists are going to get their way pushing citizens out and it permanently destroys Britain's global brand, IMHO.

Imagine how bad things look for Britain after Article 50 starts. China is on record as saying the cost to renegotiate deals is 500 million euros and 10 years. Don't mind me as I am mad British citizens just plunged the world into the early beginnings of another recession.

Yeah the societal and cultural effects of Brexit are going to be bad. Britain will be worse off culturally. What foreigner is going to want to work or study in the UK after seeing all of this shit?
17 million people want to see this country regress and it's happening.


This would be completely unworkable, and even if it was would make things even worse since science business, industry would have no reason to be located outside of these regions. The north would be left to die on its arse.

You're probably right, but that's what they voted for right?



New PM will take over. (Boris will try his hardest not to win, as a way to avoid the shit show that is about to happen, but he probably will.)

Article 50 is continually delayed further and further into the future.

By September there will be a growing desire for a second referendum.

Either the end of this year or the beginning of next year there will be a second referendum.

Remain will win, probably by a bigger majority compared to leave this time.

The PM will either resign or face a vote of no confidence (Most likely because the new PM will be someone who campaigned for Leave).

The UK stays in the EU, with egg applied to the facial region.

I've heard people say that they majority of voters have spoken, but honestly. This vote was so close, if the election had been a day earlier or a day later it could have gone either way. And now that Leavers seem to be changing their mind and even the leaders of that campaign seem to be trying to back their promises down, it's not unreasonable to expect a second ref to come in majority remain.

This vote basically destroyed a country for years to come.


Theresa May is fucking apalling.

God, they're all shit

I disagree, I think she has done quite a good job in the hardest political position in the UK - the Home Office, keeping her post for the longest anyone has seen in over 100 years.

However, you are entitled to your opinion and I see why people would think differently.
Your prediction depends on politicians doing something completely against their nature.

No it doesn't.

Article 50 wasn't triggered by Cameron because the ref is not the final decision.

Cameron actually said in House of Commons is that he's not triggered Article 50 because he wants the next PM in place first and for that person to have the full two years to get the best deal for the UK.


I don't quite agree - I think the city is pricing in that behind the scenes the political class knows it needs to do all it can to keep passporting and the financial market strong.

We will see though, the political situation is still awful, even if the economic fundamentals are decent (current account deficit is bad, but economy was performing quite well generally before this).

The more reasonable supposition is that people are selling due to Brexit and the falling value of the economy. And others are buying to either a, shore up the economy, b, trying to profit off of low share prices.


What if Cameron waits a couple of months and shortly before he is to go, he vetos it.

He wont be nominated anyway, so the party wouldnt bleed from it and the problem is solved.

There's nothing to veto. No act of parliament, nothing. Plus the PM can't veto anything in our system of government.

The only action he can do is either activate Article 50, which irrevocably sets us out of Europe, or not activate 50.


WTF are they then?
I am not blaming neoliberalism for the problems, I just fail to see how it will solve them.
Reducing worker's right on an economy with 25% unemployment is lunacy. Consumer confidence is already at rock bottom.
Also you call me ignorant and yet tell me Greece was a communist economy?

Yes. I am calling you ignorant about your knowledge of the situation down there and no, I didn't say Greece was a communist economy, but it was (is) acting like one, in many aspects.

1) Who said anything about reducing worker's rights? The people you mentioned, Tzimeros and Theodorakis are greatly in favour of changing the parasitic relationship that unions have with political parties and the governments. And it's about fucking time someone did something about that. It's inconceivable that a handful of people have the power to hold the entire country hostage, multiple times/year by calling for a general strike simply because they demand that "the country's national debt should be erased" or shit like that.

2) Like I've mentioned earlier, the way the state has operated for the past 40 years resembles a commie economy and that has only intensified under the rule of the syriza charlatans. Greek governments have always borderline *hated* individualism, free enterprise and private sector businesses. The reason for this is perhaps that political parties treated public institutions as theirs to do as they please and what they have been doing is using them as dumping grounds for their armies of voters. So, they have been taxing the living hell out of ordinary citizens just to feed a "machine" that contributes very little to the country and many times it even holds it back, socially and economically.
Why, for example, does the Greek state need to own a sugar refinery plant, that's been in the red for decades and needs millions of taxpayer's money every year to stay afloat?


My prediction is the opposite to yours

New PM will take over - Theresa May over Boris Johnson, as I think more Tories will back her than Boris, who is now tainted by this current fiasco.

Article 50 will be triggered by new PM (be it May or whoever else) - if it doesn't happen when new PM is in place, EU will place more and more threats against us in the form of weaker deals until it happens.

No second referendum. This hasn't even been hinted at by anyone in Parliament, has it? Everyone has been quite clear that the referendum result has to be respected, in this regard.
It was suggested by an MP (sorry I don't know who) during PMQs yesterday that there should be another public vote when details are decided. Also cabinet minister Jeremy Hunt, writing in the Telegraph, said:

"Firstly we must not invoke Article 50 straight away because that puts a time limit of two years on negotiations after which we could be thrown out with no deal at all. So before setting the clock ticking, we need to negotiate a deal and put it to the British people, either in a referendum or through the Conservative manifesto at a fresh general election."

He is suggesting that a new arrangement can be negotiated with the EU first, though, which goes against what other members of the EU are saying.


Well at least after all this fallout, the tories will unite behind what is best for the country and not descend into petty in-fighting and tactical actions for their own benefit at the cost of us all.

It was literally tory fuckups that got us into a referendum, and Tory infighting that got Leave the traction to win. They have to hold this shitshow.
This vote basically destroyed a country for years to come.

Maybe. If the ref isn't veto'd then the yes, it will probably be years before we move forward again.

If it is, then only two-three. The markets will bounce back, they always have, but by how much is worrying. I don't see us going making any real advancement for a long time.



Funky Papa

No it doesn't.

Cameron actually said in House of Commons is that he's not triggered Article 50 because he wants the next PM in place first and for that person to have the full two years to get the best deal for the UK.

Somebody is looking mighty dumb after the EU agreed not to talk until the UK pushes that button.


I don't quite agree - I think the city is pricing in that behind the scenes the political class knows it needs to do all it can to keep passporting and the financial market strong.

We will see though, the political situation is still awful, even if the economic fundamentals are decent (current account deficit is bad, but economy was performing quite well generally before this).

The consensus is that Sterling is still heading to $1.20, that'll be a huge inflationary pressure.


I don't quite agree - I think the city is pricing in that behind the scenes the political class knows it needs to do all it can to keep passporting and the financial market strong.

We will see though, the political situation is still awful, even if the economic fundamentals are decent (current account deficit is bad, but economy was performing quite well generally before this).

We'll see tomorrow. I predict lots of red.
The EU had a small fault in the situation.
The union wanted Greece to join that badly, they overlook those damaging facts, which were well known at the time (you can't simply join the EU, without showing your books). Even so Greece wasn't ready to join the EU with those loopholes and all of the corruption intact, they got in. Then they never drastically helped Greece to change and everything blown up at the end.

You are confusing the EU with the euro. Greece was already a member of the EU.

Daffy Duck


New PM will take over. (Boris will try his hardest not to win, as a way to avoid the shit show that is about to happen, but he probably will.)

Article 50 is continually delayed further and further into the future.

By September there will be a growing desire for a second referendum.

Either the end of this year or the beginning of next year there will be a second referendum.

Remain will win, probably by a bigger majority compared to leave this time.

The PM will either resign or face a vote of no confidence (Most likely because the new PM will be someone who campaigned for Leave).

The UK stays in the EU, with egg applied to the facial region.

I've heard people say that they majority of voters have spoken, but honestly. This vote was so close, if the election had been a day earlier or a day later it could have gone either way. And now that Leavers seem to be changing their mind and even the leaders of that campaign seem to be trying to back their promises down, it's not unreasonable to expect a second ref to come in majority remain.

There isn't going to be a second referendum on this.

The only likely outcomes of this are we leave, or a new PM comes in and bottles it and never triggers article 50 and we just carry on in some sort of strange limbo, kind of like when a couple break-up but don't actually come out and say it and then they go on in some sort of weird relationship for years, both knowing niether party have the balls to discuss the situation at hand.
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