WTF are they then?
I am not blaming neoliberalism for the problems, I just fail to see how it will solve them.
Reducing worker's right on an economy with 25% unemployment is lunacy. Consumer confidence is already at rock bottom.
Also you call me ignorant and yet tell me Greece was a communist economy?
Yes. I am calling you ignorant about your knowledge of the situation down there and no, I didn't say Greece was a communist economy, but it was (is) acting like one, in many aspects.
1) Who said anything about reducing worker's rights? The people you mentioned, Tzimeros and Theodorakis are greatly in favour of changing the parasitic relationship that unions have with political parties and the governments. And it's about fucking time someone did something about that. It's inconceivable that a handful of people have the power to hold the entire country hostage, multiple times/year by calling for a general strike simply because they demand that "the country's national debt should be erased" or shit like that.
2) Like I've mentioned earlier, the way the state has operated for the past 40 years resembles a commie economy and that has only intensified under the rule of the syriza charlatans. Greek governments have always borderline *hated* individualism, free enterprise and private sector businesses. The reason for this is perhaps that political parties treated public institutions as theirs to do as they please and what they have been doing is using them as dumping grounds for their armies of voters. So, they have been taxing the living hell out of ordinary citizens just to feed a "machine" that contributes very little to the country and many times it even holds it back, socially and economically.
Why, for example, does the Greek state need to own a sugar refinery plant, that's been in the red for decades and needs millions of taxpayer's money every year to stay afloat?