The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Technically, no Prime Minister is voted for. It's a misnomer that we vote for a Prime Minister. That's not our system.

When you vote in a General Election, you vote on who you wish to be the Member of Parliament representing the constituency in which you live. The party with the most Members of Parliament (after the goalpost) is the party in charge and the party leader is the Prime Minister. The general public doesn't decide who leads each party, that's up to members of the party in question.

I think my point flew over your head. All you say is valid which is why I used the poster's point against them.


Option B or some variation of it is the most likely one. Britain gets most of the benefits of EU membership while also being able to tell it's Eurosceptic people it is now "out of Europe" (which it wouldn't be). A British solution to a British problem.


Also, I should check that 2 glasses of red wine is still supposed to be good for health. I've been drinking it pretty consistently.


But Cameron's in do position to ask/suggest/demand anything.

Exactly, I honestly expected him to come out saying we needed to stay in the free market at all costs...after all he played political games by not triggering article 50..

Look I may be wrong...I just think when push comes to shove in some back room at 4am a deal will be had to allow the EU and the U.K to move forward


What on earth are you talking about?

When being a Leaver or a Remainer becomes more about being in 'a cool club' than it does about your country's future, you done fucked up, basically.

The guy was obviously a brexit supporter and would of been for a long time to of get the shirt made up, so he was a campaigner rather than being in the cool club so I can only assume you are accusing me of that...


Not to mention that the Council of Ministers is made up of ministers designated from and by your national parliament that you presumably also elect.

And Commissioners nominated by democratically elected national govts and approved by democratically elected MEP's, with the Commission President now being the nominee of the largest party in EP elections.


Exactly, I honestly expected him to come out saying we needed to stay in the free market at all costs...after all he played political games by not triggering article 50..

Look I may be wrong...I just think when push comes to shove in some back room at 4am a deal will be had to allow the EU and the U.K to move forward

They're in the process of kicking Switzerland out of the EEA. We take it on their terms or we don't take it at all. The EU has bigger fish to fry, like the US.


The guy was obviously a brexit supporter and would of been for a long time to of get the shirt made up, so he was a campaigner rather than being in the cool club so I can only assume you are accusing me of that...
Should have been pretty obvious but I was talking about the guy in the picture.


Vodafone, Visa and easyJet all mulling moving HQs out of UK.

German regulator has said will block LSE/DB (if it goes ahead) having London HQ
City pressure doing work. There will be more rumblings as the weeks go on, and then potentially a big one pulling the trigger.

Brexiters brought a wooden spoon to a gun fight.
Exactly, I honestly expected him to come out saying we needed to stay in the free market at all costs...after all he played political games by not triggering article 50..

Look I may be wrong...I just think when push comes to shove in some back room at 4am a deal will be had to allow the EU and the U.K to move forward
Again forget Cameron, he's irrelevant.


Exactly, I honestly expected him to come out saying we needed to stay in the free market at all costs...after all he played political games by not triggering article 50..

Look I may be wrong...I just think when push comes to shove in some back room at 4am a deal will be had to allow the EU and the U.K to move forward

I think we all agree on that. The difference is really just on who will lose out in that deal. You seem to think that the EU will have to give the UK something to prevent uproar. From my perspective, it's probably more likely that the UK will just have to suck it up and not activate article 50, probably by calling a general election and electing somebody less dumb. Then things can slowly return to normal.
That's not really comparable at all. It would be more like a state succeeding from the union due to immigration from other states, and then once they've voted to succeed they expect all the perks of being part of the union while closing their borders.

In other words it's a fantasy.

Really! That's fascinating to consider you and many think that EU countries are anywhere near as states are to the USA. It is indeed a fantasy to imagine State X going it alone in USA when most never had an international profile.

But France or Germany to EU, is a completely different relationship. I guess you remember when the USA was being formed by force and the south didn't much like the idea? We are not even at that stage in EU because individual states were individual countries a few years ago, and still have all the institutions intact,

Language and culture traditions and so on are not so easily harmonized, nor should they be against people's will. if nothing else Quebec and Basque region and Iraq and a dozen other places teach us that every day. U.K. Is a bunch of us states already: regional dialects and traditions abound.

Harmonizing Europe via totally open borders while laudable on paper shouldn't be cheered on by Americans who would no more accept open borders with their immediate neighbors, even Canada, than fly.


I've been poping in and out of this thread but I haven't read it so much recently so sorry if I'm making a redundant point here, it's just something I've been thinking about.

If you want Britain to remain in the EU, don't direct your anger at leave voters in general. Direct your anger at the people in power who lied to them and promised them stuff they frankly never intended of delivering. Many of which, namely Boris and Gove most likely didn't actually want us to leave and were just using this as an opportunity to increase their own power within the Tory party. Leave voters know something is wrong, many of them have been screwed over by austerity, but then were told that it's the EU that is causing these issues. A message reinforced by the media and politicians, who have exploited voters through pure lies. Present that message now it has become increasingly clear.


They're in the process of kicking Switzerland out of the EEA. We take it on their terms or we don't take it at all. The EU has bigger fish to fry, like the US.

I read today that the EU have yet to respond to Switzerland voting to introduce controls on freedom of movement? Also we a not Switzerland at all... Let's not play done our strength (our size)


Unconfirmed Member
Hard to see Britain agreeing to a Norway/EEA deal that would be worse than their current situation inside the EU. If it was put to a referendum though it could very well pass. The public would think they got best of both worlds: free trade with EU, visa free travel with Europe's but also outside EU. When in actual fact they'd be worse off than ever. Getting told what to do by Brussels, having to accept EU citizens and not having any say whatsoever in the governance and running of the EU. UKIP and the Tories would go into meltdown.

Down with referendums!


Tata was supposed to be selling it's steel factories to a third party insert a British government brokered deal. But since the ref the potential buyers have backed out citing withdrawal from the EU.
Last I read one of the 7 or so that had submitted a bid had pulled out post referendum.
Has that changed now, have more pulled out?


maybe blair was right on sunday politics, people have to see the house they're supposedly moving into, and then decide if they're going to go ahead and walk into it despite the serious structural problems

Merkel says during EU leaders' dinner with #Cameron there was no talk of a 2nd referendum. #Brexit is a reality she says

This is not a time for wishful thinking , it's a time to focus on reality says Angela Merkel #Brexit

Asked if #EU leaders were bad tempered with #Cameron today, #Merkel said that sort of emotion has no place in professional politics #Brexit

French President dismisses idea that #UK can have good access to single market and at same time restrict #EU immigration #Brexit

Merkel says if #UK wants access to European Single Market needs to accept all 4 freedoms of market- including freedom of movement #Brexit

EUCommission Pres Juncker says of Brexiteers: I thought if you want to leave, you have a plan. But they just say they need some time #Brexit

It's not only British voters who are eurosceptic says Dutch PM we need an #EU offering solutions to people's problems #Brexit

#EU has to come up with concrete results rather than lofty ideas for the future says Netherlands PM #Brexit

Asked re #Cameron's statement that migration was at heart of #Brexit vote, Tusk said Schengen and freedom of movement are the core of #EU

Juncker:Blame Brussels day after day, that Europe is under bureaucrat control Then this is what happens That's what I told PMCameron #Brexit

Translator's note: Traditionally, 4 is unlucky because it is sometimes pronounced shi, which is the word for death in Japanese.
Such severe downturns would create mass unemployment not seen since WW2.

There are quite a few countries within the EU w/o the exemptions the UK gets seeing unemployment comparable to the Great Depression. Even neoliberal economists lol such as Alan Goolsbee of the Chicago school have said things like, "Leaving is awful. The eurozone prospects are awful. Which is more awful? Awfully hard to tell."


Heseltine just said on Newsnight he wants Johnson & the Leave campaign to be put in charge of negotiating Britain's exist even if he doesn't become PM. He said the result would be so unpalatable to the public that either a second referendum or general election would stop us leave.
That just ignores nearly 250 years of US history. They're closer now, wasn't always the case. Maybe the EU and Euro haven't had the time needed to fully realise their potential.

There's also the agreement towards greater political and economic ties at the federal level which is why the Euro struggles and the Dollar doesn't.

Basic devolution - succeed power to the level were decisions have the greatest impact. For some decision that means agreement at the European level.

This is probably backwards. The US doesn't struggle because money gets transferred from more successful states to less successful states at the federal level and no one seriously gets upset. The Euro is a currency union without that kind of fiscal union which means when a country falls on hard times the other countries take more self interested approaches like loans and austerity. Sometimes greater federal ties are positive.

Eta - Rereading I may have misunderstood your post if so I apologize.


City pressure doing work. There will be more rumblings as the weeks go on, and then potentially a big one pulling the trigger.

Brexiters brought a wooden spoon to a gun fight.

Do you think increasing pressure from the City will be enough for the government to ignore the referendum result?
Are really going to kick back and watch all these major companies move out of the UK in order to appease 17 million people who don't like foreigners?


I'm saying Farage thinks he can defeat the EU when instead they are going to enjoy asset stripping us at our request.

He doesn't care. Independence from the EU/the establishment stands above all for him, no matter the cost. It's an ideological thing.
I think we all agree on that. The difference is really just on who will lose out in that deal. You seem to think that the EU will have to give the UK something to prevent uproar. From my perspective, it's probably more likely that the UK will just have to suck it up and not activate article 50, probably by calling a general election and electing somebody less dumb. Then things can slowly return to normal.

Of course. The EU is not going to give the UK some kind of special, sweet deal as that will set a precedent which might make the prospect of exiting the EU appear quite attractive to other nations, thus running the risk of collapsing the entire union.


Heseltine just said on Newsnight he wants Johnson & the Leave campaign to be put in charge of negotiating Britain's exist even if he doesn't become PM. He said the result would be so unpalatable to the public that either a second referendum or general election would stop us leave.

Johnson, gove, farage and everyone else who lent their face to that campaign, otherwise they are free to disown any deals. they need to be the ones returning to the UK public with our 'gr8 trade deal'



Juncker:Blame Brussels day after day, that Europe is under bureaucrat control Then this is what happens That's what I told PMCameron #Brexit

Translator's note: Traditionally, 4 is unlucky because it is sometimes pronounced shi, which is the word for death in Japanese.
Blaming Brussels is fine when they deserve it, misrepresenting facts and straight up lying to people are the problems.


There are quite a few countries within the EU w/o the exemptions the UK gets seeing unemployment comparable to the Great Depression. Even neoliberal economists lol such as Alan Goolsbee of the Chicago school have said things like, "Leaving is awful. The eurozone prospects are awful. Which is more awful? Awfully hard to tell."

UK is not in the Eurozone. We have record levels of Employment.

Hiring will go down now.



Can't remember now, but one article 50 Is invoked, can we stop it and change our minds at any point before the 2 years is up?

No, once you invoked Articel 50 and the two years are up and no extension is granted (All 27 members of the EU have to agree) you are out and there is no stopping the process.


not tag worthy
The EU want to hurt cameron and UKIP for creating this mess. Not the people of UK and it's inhabitants from outside.

To let us fail causes instability everywhere.
They are two forward thinking for that .

We are not star scream in this analogy but Grimlock . To have grimlock under your control is a great thing.
We don't want to lead the EU but we like to pretend we are not controlled by it.

I like to think the Tories are in fighting much like the deceptions right now "Boris Johnson Superior, Terresa may inferior"

Yeah this doesn't make any sense . Bit please try to excuse me I'm facing an existential crisis while my country is slowly tearing itself apart.


Option B or some variation of it is the most likely one. Britain gets most of the benefits of EU membership while also being able to tell it's Eurosceptic people it is now "out of Europe" (which it wouldn't be). A British solution to a British problem.

If we choose that option we also lose thousands of jobs, the london financial centre. I doubt we'll have the 300 million spare that people want to go to the NHS.
Harmonizing Europe via totally open borders while laudable on paper shouldn't be cheered on by Americans who would no more accept open borders with their immediate neighbors, even Canada, than fly.
I can't give a rat's arse what our American cousins want to cheer. As a Brit I think Europe is severed best long term by closer political union.

Why does political and economic union = loss of cultural identity? It doesn't, that's small minded thinking. We can and should celebrate our cultural differences while at the same time working together to improve everyone's life's.

The current EU problem is not cultural or language disparity. It's economic disparity. And now we're acting like the spoilt rich kid who doesn't want to share he's toys with his poor neighbours. Only now, that's economically backfiring as the pound and FTSE 250 do a Tom Daley impression.


Heseltine just said on Newsnight he wants Johnson & the Leave campaign to be put in charge of negotiating Britain's exist even if he doesn't become PM. He said the result would be so unpalatable to the public that either a second referendum or general election would stop us leave.
This is why we need an effective opposition. There needs to be someone to highlight what the EU does for us, the poor EU alternative made by Bojo, and also critique the current government for failing to look after the North with commitments to pump funding into deprived areas.

^ wishful thinking.
This is probably backwards. The US doesn't struggle because money gets transferred from more successful states to less successful states at the federal level and no one seriously gets upset. The Euro is a currency union without that kind of fiscal union which means when a country falls on hard times the other countries take more self interested approaches like loans and austerity. Sometimes greater federal ties are positive.

Eta - Rereading I may have misunderstood your post if so I apologize.
Kinda - as you say, greater federal/fiscal ties can be a good thing ;)


The misinformation will continue, and as it does, the denial is only going to continue. I just hope for our sake we don't have article 50 invoked before Leavers wake up and smell the ashes.


I think I have discovered the perfect emoticon to go with Brexit.



Well I haven't worked this week zero hours n all that(should of done better at school),my misses is probably going to work 30 hrs over the weekend or whenever.

Now you've said this, I just feel sorry for you. I don't even feel angry you voted leave. You are going to get so fucked over it's going to be brutal.

Par Score

Exactly, I honestly expected him to come out saying we needed to stay in the free market at all costs...after all he played political games by not triggering article 50..

Look I may be wrong...I just think when push comes to shove in some back room at 4am a deal will be had to allow the EU and the U.K to move forward

Of course there will be. But the contents of the deal will range from far shitter than what we have now, to slightly shitter than what we have now.

The EU has zero incentive to give us a better deal, and massive incentives to give us a worse deal.

I read today that the EU have yet to respond to Switzerland voting to introduce controls on freedom of movement? Also we a not Switzerland at all... Let's not play done our strength (our size)

Their response to Switzerland has been along the lines of "don't you fucking dare" and "if you do, we will fuck you with tariffs and trade embargoes".

Switzerland's government have sensibly decided to simply ignore their idiot population so far, we can only hope the same is true in the UK.


not tag worthy
EU wants 'closest links' with UK after Brexit says Cameron

Norway deal and it looks like EU speak for get your fucking act together and we will talk properly and get it sorted .

Cameron Still trying to play the migration card.

I got a. Bizarre feeling that EU are dragging out the talks to let us get in shape. So we don't implode and to stabilise the economy.

Could the EU demanding the triggering of article 50 be pushed back some time so as not to give us a hard out but a slower less dramatic exit? So as not to collapse or cause miss migration out?

Despite this we will still have intelligence to share (ironic isn't it that word) as well as other assets


Well I haven't worked this week zero hours n all that(should of done better at school),my misses is probably going to work 30 hrs over the weekend or whenever.

Please tell me neither of you voted Tory last year. You should be bitching at your MP every week about being on a zero hour contract.

But also please tell me you didn't vote leave because of that...
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