OK so here is my little write up of the events last weekend.
The shuttle system to and from the track was terrific, at least for the Airport location. Never had to wait to get on a shuttle and the ride was short. Eventually they should get the entire walkway (and the rest of the track) fully paved making it an even easier walk than it was.
I thought that the track location was great, rolling hillside all over central texas made for great viewing for the most part from pretty much anywhere at the track. Only bummer about my seat was that there was a taller guy infront of me and the seats were shallow enough that he blocked a portion of T12 from my view. Then the VIP suites in T13 and T2 blocked part of T1-3... They should just relocate all the VIP suites to the outside of T1!
Food and drink were pretty expensive but I was expecting that so I planned accordingly. Great to see smaller options available for food, would love to see more local food trucks and local beverage options in the future. The Korean BBQ Nachos I had were terrific! More options in general would help fight the line issues too (I never stood in line for coffee, but to hear that the Krispy Kreme truck behind T12 ran out of everything AGAIN and again was kinda silly).
The support races were decent, but need to be better for the next event. Seeing the historic F1 cars was fun, but I didn't bother to stick around to watch them "race" since I knew there wasn't going to be actual racing involved when the cars are worth as much as those are. Similar thoughts about the Ferrari races. The GT3 race was fun to watch but would have been better if it was for points!
The stuff leading up to the race looked nice, and seeing Michael try to get his Mustang running was great, but if you weren't on the main straight there was no point in the marching band. Maybe they forgot to pipe the sound out to the rest of the track?
Nothing I'll say about the race that wasn't already said. Terrific from basically every aspect (and the crowd around me was great to watch with as well, very into F1 and mostly from the USA outside of one couple from Japan and one from Australia) Loved seeing Lewis reel Seb in lap after lap, and the track was slick enough that there was basically always something happening in the twisty bit after T12. Would love to see a non 1 stop race though
Only thing I'd like to see is maybe give the non-GA people who attend the race a single ticket they could use to get up the tower. Would have loved to get to the top of that thing, but not for $35. Also, a better handeling of foot traffic over the various bridges over the track, shouldn't take 45 mins to get from T15 to T1.
Long story short, can't wait to be back (most likely in 2014, but if I can get cheap hotel/airflight down here for next year I might just roll GA tickets and only stay for the weekend). Austin seems like an awesome place, loving my stay here beyond the race so far. Torchy's is tasty! But nobody told me how big the tacos were...