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The very bloody PS1 fighting game that got cancelled?


Junior Member
What was it called?... i think it was replaced with Wu-Tang: Taste The Pain later... but the real game was cancelled.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
First thing that came to my mind was Thrill Kill or something like that.
i have the beta of that game somewhere here.

well, yes its pretty bloddy :) but i think its pretty crap aswell. so you didnt miss anything.
but the guy wit hte chain is pretty cool :)
It did not deserve a release. The beta is surprisingly not fun for a multiplayer game where you get to pound on friends, especially considering the hype it got.


They could probably release it now without a lot of difficulty. Especially with things like GTA3 and Manhunt out there.


Biofreaks 4EVA!! :b



How can you say no!


lol omg i cant belive no one remembers, it's thrill kill!!
But i never understood why they didnt let them realease the game, i mean Mortal Kombat had pretty much the same "sick" shit.


bogg said:
lol omg i cant belive no one remembers, it's thrill kill!!
But i never understood why they didnt let them realease the game, i mean Mortal Kombat had pretty much the same "sick" shit.

The game sucked 7 shades of ass too?
It was really really bad. While it may have mainly been the "content", it was excruciatingly bad as a game and EA does seem to have some standards as far as gameplay.


Ironic thing is, EA or whoever a couple of years later replaced all of the characters with members of the Wu Tang Clan and released it as "Shaolin Style." To paraphrase an EGM reviewer, the content was now worse because it had "real people engaging in bloody violence, which was more morally suspect"


It was Thrill Kill... I remember seeing a PSOne game THQ had in development around the same time called Shaolin (I think...), but it later got canned too. THQ's 4-player fighter was more traditional and not very violent.
neptunes said:
was it really that gruesome?

what kind of things could you do in it? :(

There was one girl that'd punish the person she's fighting and start having an orgasm as she did it. The game was fairly bad in terms of content and the fully uncensored version was going to recieve an A/O rating.


When I read the topic title, I remembered everything about that damn game. Then I entered, and read up everything I thought about. Kooky.

Edit: I wonder if Dr. Faustus is in any way inspired (or the other way around) by Faust in Guilty Gear?


TheDiave said:
It was Thrill Kill... I remember seeing a PSOne game THQ had in development around the same time called Shaolin (I think...), but it later got canned too. THQ's 4-player fighter was more traditional and not very violent.

Actually Shaolin was 8 players (being represented by the types of featureless men you see on bathroom signs, oddly) and had some kind of story mode

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
belgurdo said:
Actually Shaolin was 8 players (being represented by the types of featureless men you see on bathroom signs, oddly) and had some kind of story mode

And actually, Shaolin made it out, just not in the States; the game was a Japanese-only release. IIRC it was developed by Polygon Magic, who after making crap like Vs., would go onto make good games like Incredible Crisis and Slap Happy Rhythm Busters. I don't remember the Japanese title that Shaolin had, though....does anyone remember? The game blew, if you were wondering.
i had a beta of thrill kill... i also got the so called "final beta" and "directors cut" of it somewhere around... the game is decent, better than bloody roar... some crazy combos in thrill kill...


Junior Member
Now we're talking canned PS1 games - does anyone remember Eidos' Saboteur? I was hyped like shit in the British magazines but was never released.

Looked pretty cool at the time though...




OMFG! Saboteur!!!

That was one of the best games EVER for my Spectrum!. Cool!

and in Saboteur 2, the guy from Saboteur got killed, and his sister wanted revenge..
those games were so great i thought!.

Btw.. at the time, it was "Durrel" that made them.. best versions was on Spectrum ofcourse, with a special 128kb version for the saboteur2
read about it here http://www.crashonline.org.uk/24/saboteur.htm

got a "smash crash" and 93%

edit.. btw, i think metal gear solid stole the intro from sabotuer..

coming from a boat in the water, jumping out, and climbing up from the water ;) ;)
actuallly.. much from saboteur can be find in metal gear solid =)

the stealthing, hiding behind things, guards that dont see you if you sneak
in part 2, you got to use a hangglider, a motorcycle, a subway (like in first part)
and fight various things, like bats etc. guys with flamethrowers!

its got over 700 rooms if i remember it correctly.

man, its like GTA / Metal gear solid all over.. just 10-14years before =)
Shaolin was released in Europe too. I bought a used copy and played it for a few minutes, but the RPG section was horribly slow and boring. I never even did make it to any fights...
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