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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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I wonder if we're going to get any character redesigns. I mean, how do you make Mario look noticeably better than his Galaxy model without making him look different?
On a more serious note, Mario hasn't changed much at all since his creation. I expect lighting to make the major difference. Mario has a simple design to him, so you can get by with simple textures on him. I do expect higher poly counts. Better textures never hurt, but the aesthetic appeal of Mario games come from level design and art style.
For me, the best platform this gen was XBLA. So many fantastic games, a huge range of genres, all in HD, all with trial versions, most at a decent price. I'm hoping Wii U can take over in this regard. Wii Ware had a lot of potential but Nintendo's online strategy was almost non-existent: that looks set to change with all the hints Iwata and co have been dropping in interviews, investor meetings etc. The games won't look like crap on big HDTVs this time, so more of us will be happy to choose the Wii U Ware version of a title over other versions. And best of all, the Wii U pad will give smaller dev teams, who are more likely to do interesting things with their titles (see: Braid, Limbo, Fez), whole new ways to grab the player's interest.

In other words, even if the PS4 and 720 launch and $60 retail releases blow away the Wii U, the next iteration of Wii Ware can offer the best versions of games that we want to play. I mean take that example of Braid: it won't benefit from UE4, but what if you could see past versions of yourself on the pad as you played on the screen? I can't wait to see what the real innovators in the industry do with it - its far more exciting than a next-gen Call of Duty or Unreal Tournament imo.


Yeah Konami games on Nintendo hardware and their sales... (the discussion a few pages back)

One of the most fun versions of PES comes out on Wii and they keep releasing it three months after the 360/PS3/PSP/PS2 versions. Wel, 2008 and 2009 that is. Why? Well... because Konami lol. And 2008 sold a lot of units. Same goes for stuff like that Castlevania fighter, Silent Hill Shattered Memories... it's mostly Konami saying "Oh hey we have stuff but let's just throw it on the market. Great idea!"

MGS Snake Eater 3D takes the cake though. Show 3DS first, mention five minutes later you have an HD collection on the way.
I've been watching a lot of past interviews lately with Reggie talking about online. We know from developers that Wii U's online is going to be at least on par with 360/PS3's online. What I find interesting is how Reggie talks about how distinctive and different it will be, what consoles have never experienced before. A lot of talk about social activities and how they will have to keep up with social aspects seen in Facebook, phones etc.

I really hope they deliver on that promise. We all the talk on the rumoured memory for the OS, it seems a lot of social aspects would be present. Which gives me some HYPE.

I have always said that Wii U will have some sort of facebook connectivity, similiar to what spotify has. I still believe this will be the big draw and that it could be huge if done right.


Nintendo needs to get the facebook functionality working with the 3DS. Was nice being able to upload directly to facebook with DSi. No reason why they cant again and just allow 2D pictures only


Nintendo needs to get the facebook functionality working with the 3DS. Was nice being able to upload directly to facebook with DSi. No reason why they cant again and just allow 2D pictures only

I'm counting on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube apps being announced for the 3DS (and Wii U) this E3.


you can't escape them, Wii U will need to use Facebook and Twitter if Nintendo is smart.

and you are on NEOGAF taking shit about internet message boards?

WiiU needs a NEOGAF App!!!

Imagine a future where you are playing the WiiU on the tv and on the padlet you are on Neogaf trolling away :eek:


Yeah Konami games on Nintendo hardware and their sales... (the discussion a few pages back)

One of the most fun The best versions of PES comes out on Wii and they keep releasing it three months after the 360/PS3/PSP/PS2 versions. Wel, 2008 and 2009 that is. Why? Well... because Konami lol. And 2008 sold a lot of units. Same goes for stuff like that Castlevania fighter, Silent Hill Shattered Memories... it's mostly Konami saying "Oh hey we have stuff but let's just throw it on the market. Great idea!"

MGS Snake Eater 3D takes the cake though. Show 3DS first, mention five minutes later you have an HD collection on the way.


The PES Playmaker series is phenomenal, and equally under-realised because its on Wii, its delayed relative to the PS360 versions and its not Fifa. But its the best football game out this generation by far, assuming you ignore the management games which are quite different.

The pointer controls have a big learning curve to adapt to coming from a normal pad, but once it clicks you can pull off some of the most horseshit moves possible. Long lobs and dipping goals on the volley from 30 yards. You just cannot get that kind of input fidelity on a 360 or ps3 pad.


May I have a cookie?
Guys, we need to step it up, vandal is getting crazier than us.

We need a counter gif.

I don't know how to edit gifs, but surely something can be done with these:

Phelps = Reggie/Iwata/Miyamoto
Other guy = competition

Meanwhile, Sony/MS fan watching conference from home:

Bonus points if you manage to fit these two in as well:



BIG NEWS guys.

Shigeru Miyamoto has been awarded the Principe de Asturias Prize here in Spain in the Comunication and Humanities cathegory.

This was the third time he was nominated

Maybe you don't know this but this prizes are globally considered the second most important prizes in the world after the Nobel Prize




Very important news here in Spain. The award ceremony is held every year in October in Oviedo (Asturias, in the north of Spain).

I can't open a thread because I'm junior member yet maybe some of you can do it.


BIG NEWS guys.

Shigeru Miyamoto has been awarded the Principe de Asturias Prize here in Spain in the Comunication and Humanity cathegory.

This was the third time he was nominated

Maybe you don't know this but this prizes are globally considered the second most important prizes in the world after the Nobel Prize




Very important news here in Spain. The award ceremony is held every year in October in Oviedo (Asturias, in the north of Spain).

I can't open a thread because I'm junior member yet maybe some of you can do it.



BIG NEWS guys.

Shigeru Miyamoto has been awarded the Principe de Asturias Prize here in Spain in the Comunication and Humanities cathegory.

This was the third time he was nominated

Maybe you don't know this but this prizes are globally considered the second most important prizes in the world after the Nobel Prize
wow, thats awesome. Congrats to miyamoto


Now that I've found nothing indicating IR pointing, the gun add-on lost some points.
Did you look through the patents? They mention image capturing device or something (and I saw infrared filter mentioned somewhere) for the front. Interesting part of the new zapper/super scope I didn't notice before, at least from the drawings it looks like everything is integrated other than the tablet (so it's a real controller attachment rather than plastic shell)...hopefully it doesn't cost too much.

Even if it didn't have a camera it'd still be useful for aiming (albeit not at the TV) cause the gyro alone. A lot of iOS games use gyro aiming and work surprisingly well, there's also that crazy dude on YouTube with "game gun" or something (gyro mouse strapped to a gun shell with controls with a screen mounted on it).
I'm counting on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube apps being announced for the 3DS (and Wii U) this E3.
I've been hoping they'd partner up with YouTube and/or Vimeo to host the Nintendo Video stuff, the time limited rotating selection is annoying as hell.
Seems like its a Super Mario World shirt. havent seen it before
Apparently Super Mario World 3 for Wii U has a saxophone power-up.


Maturity, bitches.
I hope us WiiU owners put our fucking money where out mouths are. I know if HL3, GTAV, Bioshock, and what have you are announced for the WiiU, I'll be there showing my support day one. Developers can make the games but it's on us to buck the trend as well.
I don't buy games to show my support, I buy games to get the best value for my money and if I want it.

No, they're twins. I'd like to think Yoshi's Island trumps the "grand alternate mythology" of the SMB Live action movie.
Good God. They look so goddamn like the same person. I would say to them "You want ice cream cone?" both of them say yes.

Edit: I realize a lot of this should be blamed on poor marketing.
Marketing is general or just advertising, because I feel a lot of games fail from the get go when they fail to do the market research correctly. No point in blaming the consumer after your product fails to sell since the research should have shown there was no demand.

Yet for some reason Sega never held the PS3, the 360, nor the PSP userbase "accountable" for it and stopped making Sonic games for it. Yet somehow it's apparently logical to hold Nintendo's userbase accountable for every game that bombs, regardless of any circumstance.
It's great PR(!) So after they blame the consumer they wonder why the consumer fails to support their other products.

i'd say a good example of a hyped game selling poorly is madworld. sure it was a niche sort of thing like bayonetta or vanquish or infinite space, but it had an ad campaign with commercials on tv and everything, was pretty bloody, rated m and all that jazz, and then completely underwhelmed and then some when it came out. and it released in 2009 when wii sales weren't completely dead.
Well in PALland MadWorld was only 50Hz which was an embarrassment in 2009. This was game aimed at the core and it is the core who will learn and care about these kind of things. At least I got a OST and hoodie to soften the deal.

Even at £5 no one wanted it.


for the ones that are interested in it and I've not seen it posted here before. (if it was then sorry)

NINTENDO official E3 Homepage


it's all updated and even showing the exact termins for the three livestream events (2 x on 5th, 1 x on 6th)
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