lmao... The film looks great but this is such a non-story
Just wait fox news, they are going to make a discussion out of this
lmao... The film looks great but this is such a non-story
It had absolutely zero emotional impact on me when I saw it before The Revenant. Am I supposed to be scared of a little girl praying? And I don't have any kids so the dingo ate my baby bit was really dumb. I dunno, all the quotes talking about how scary it is mixed with the completely benign country shack scenes left me perplexed.Huh? It looks very good judging from the trailer.
Interesting, what's the doc's name? Is the organization in the OP the same one that is responsible for those court statue proposals around the US? How are they different from the LaVey group? And finally, about the film, are the witches actually good or are they more of the lesser of two evils? I'll look into it but modern horror films rarely meet their hype for me.
Interesting, what's the doc's name? Is the organization in the OP the same one that is responsible for those court statue proposals around the US? How are they different from the LaVey group? And finally, about the film, are the witches actually good or are they more of the lesser of two evils? I'll look into it but modern horror films rarely meet their hype for me.
The Satanic Temple is a New York based political activist organization that utilizes satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice and the separation of church and state. Both atheistic and humanist, their stated mission is "to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people".
nah, not gonna listen to any hype, don't wanna get Babadook'd again.
I'll watch and confirm for myself if it deserves the Satan seal of approval.
But it looked reeeeeeeaaaaaaallllly lame in the trailer.
So the S.T. has basically humanist ideals but they use goats and black masses to promote them. Seems counter-intuitive IMO but at least they're not charlatans like previous groups.
Every supposedly hyped scary movie (Babadook, It Follows, Conjuring) has been incredibly boring for me. Hopefully this is different.
I expected a bait-and-switch from the trailer, but the movie is really quite good.
This movie is going to fuck me up, isn't it.
So you've already seen it? What's your non-spoilery opinion?
Most horror movies set a pretty low bar, so when sometime comes along thats actually scary and interesting, it gets hyped to the moon and back.
Not saying there arent any great horror films but they are few and far between with a ton of shlock seperating them
Every supposedly hyped scary movie (Babadook, It Follows, Conjuring) has been incredibly boring for me. Hopefully this is different.
I watched it during TIFF, the director died the night prior to the final showing
To tell the truth Goats are fucking scary, like really scary
But I kinda want a goat just because..
People always think goats are cute, until you own one and realize they're assholes.
Most horror movies set a pretty low bar, so when sometime comes along thats actually scary and interesting, it gets hyped to the moon and back.
Not saying there arent any great horror films but they are few and far between with a ton of shlock seperating them
Just like any genre. Lots of bad, some great. The problem with horror movies is people tend to focus entirely on the hugely subjective element of it being scary or not, and not really one whether the movie itself is any good.
This is true about every genre of movie though. Most action movies and comedies being released are pure shite.
It just stings more with horror because that's my favorite genre.
The more I see of this goat the more I think it deserves an oscarThis movie is gonna create controversy in the next couple of weeks, people asking for boycotts and what not, Theaters deciding to not show it.
I live in a kinda religious small city, so I want to watch this but who knows
The goat man, the goat
The more I see of this goat the more I think it deserves an oscar
Yep totally agree but I think the general audience seems to be more forgiving of the short comings of other genre films.
Every supposedly hyped scary movie (Babadook, It Follows, Conjuring) has been incredibly boring for me. Hopefully this is different.
The more I see of this goat the more I think it deserves an oscar
I have always stated that the hardest movie genre to do well is Horror. You get great dramas, comedies, documentaries, etc. all the time but really great Horror movies are few and far between.
The genre is just not for you. And you're an adult, I don't know why you're referring to them as scary movies. It's a genre called horror.
I can't wait to see this. Just hope I can stream it from a VOD site rather than going to the theaters.
Agreed. Especially the Babadook, so disappointed after all the hype. At least It Follows had some redeeming qualities, like the phenomenal music.
Thats a big goat
I think it's because it's hard to innovate within the horror genre. Comedies have the benefit of being topical and the ability to push sarcasm or mockery is really easy.
Horror relies on things that aren't inherently topical. A lot of horror films have to spend time diverting typical horror movie tropes that a typical horror fan can easily spot. In order to be effective, a horror film has to surmount expectation and do something that doesn't fall in line with what's been done before.
That's why I think atmosphere is a huge trait for successful horror films. The mind game between build-up and payoff is where the "scare" aspect of horror really comes from.
I think it's because it's hard to innovate within the horror genre. Comedies have the benefit of being topical and the ability to push sarcasm or mockery is really easy.
Horror relies on things that aren't inherently topical. A lot of horror films have to spend time diverting typical horror movie tropes that a typical horror fan can easily spot. In order to be effective, a horror film has to surmount expectation and do something that doesn't fall in line with what's been done before.
That's why I think atmosphere is a huge trait for successful horror films. The mind game between build-up and payoff is where the "scare" aspect of horror really comes from.
Oh the fake Satanists.
The "hippie" Satanists.
I was pumped to see this until this announcement. Bummer.
True. Both It Follows and the Babadook had great atmosphere so they both worked very well for me.
Creeping dread rather than things jumping out randomly works a lot better for me.