I know and like I said I didnt expect them to wrap it all up, so my issue is that the end felt abrupt and all those new plot developments had very little weight to them as a result of the quick ending and thus made the 3rd chapter and epilogue to me feel far weaker than the prologue, and chaps 1 and 2. I was really hoping for some actual scheming and back and forth between all the various powers meeting at Loc Muinne and getting the opportunity to learn about some of this different people I had heard about but never really got to know, but that never happened, there was basically a single quest in chapter 3 and then it was over.
Had there been a couple more quests and a few more hours of political intrigue and exploration in Loc Muinne providing some real flesh and bones to some of the coming events and major players building up to the games finale and reveal the chapter would have been much stronger for it. As much as I liked Letho I think too much was put into his last conversation, pretty much all of the important information and foreshadowing in all of chapter 3 and the epilogue was housed within that convo. He told you about everyone and everything you needed to know, it was too rich a convo.
Even though Letho is very far from the stereotypical evil guy that convo was very much like the evil mad man telling the hero every last detail of his devilish scheme, with all the who's, what's and why's just before he kills him just for the sake of tying up loose ends.