I went to my local Target at lunch to pick up some BS, and was shocked to see that they had sold through every last copy they got in.
Where is the hype for this game? I'm blown away. It's not like it's been advertised anywhere.
Thinking about grabbing this on pc. For those that have finished it how long is the game roughly.
Thinking about grabbing this on pc. For those that have finished it how long is the game roughly.
Re: The narration added, i started over so I only saw the one between the prologue and chapter one, but..
It's bloody awful. Just incredibly bad... and corny. Why did they do this?!?!
Because its Dandelion?
I didnt even mind it. I thought it was a nice little addition.
Most will say Hard is the way to go. Normal is a little difficult in the beginning but then becomes rather easy. Hard stays pretty consistent and challenging.Just got the 360 version noticed 2 discs plus the soundtrack, is the discs swapping gonna happen the more I do side quests and backtrack like Mass Effect?
Also is normal easy, I found Kingdom of Amalur way too easy on normal but was too far in to restart so should I start on Hard or is this game on normal a challenge?
Okay, did everything according to instructions, still can't get my launcher to launch.
So, if I just uninstall everything and download the whole thing from GOG.com, I'll be good? IE, is the EE edition now the standard edition for installing?
Yeah, i don't love his voice work in the first place, but as a narrator he seems like he is telling the story to children. The inflections in his voice, like when he says something along the lines of "But he is soon to meet an important man in the trees!!!" just made me wince (not to mention the 3d boat on the silly looking map). The witcher is such a cool game, geralt is a bad ass, triss is gorgeous and strong, the whole thing is such an 'adult' experience if I can use such a crappy term.... and then they added this which tonally is completely the opposite.
It's not a big deal, and tw2 is still one of the greatest games ever... I just thought it was a weird addition.
I went to my local Target at lunch to pick up some BS, and was shocked to see that they had sold through every last copy they got in.
Where is the hype for this game? I'm blown away. It's not like it's been advertised anywhere.
Just got the 360 version noticed 2 discs plus the soundtrack, is the discs swapping gonna happen the more I do side quests and backtrack like Mass Effect?
Also is normal easy, I found Kingdom of Amalur way too easy on normal but was too far in to restart so should I start on Hard or is this game on normal a challenge?
is it any easier in the enhanced edition (PC)? i played a couple of hours but I stopped playing because i just kept getting worked in the combat and failing missions over and over because of it. i know other people have complained about the same thing too.
its a shame because its an awesome game
There's no shame in bumping this down to easy. I did on my first playthrough, as did most of my friends.
This may seem like a small thing but I'm super impressed that they provided a quality case for a multidisc release. Not even MS does that (disc stacking ftl).[/QUOTE]
I'm impressed that there seems to be an actual manual included. Feels like it's been years since I've seen one.
It's a keychain? I would've wanted an actual medallion.So the the GameStop exclusive wolf head keychain is pretty sweet. Quality metal (pewter?) with a nice heft in your palm. But it's got some sharp edges, I'd advise against actually putting this in your pocket so you want cut through fabric or skin. I went in just went in to cancel my EE 360 copy because I've got a Dark Edition on the way from Amazon. The kid there was cool and gave me the keychain anyway.
Debating buying this game today on 360. Hrm. I also wonder if it'll price drop, like everything these days.
They didnt change the lighting on PC, why dont we all just move past that.
I'm primarily a console gamer. I don't know much about the company. Yeah. Sooooo...I'd like to see people support a consumer friendly developer like CDProjekt Red as much as possible but I'm sure the price will drop like any other single player console game these days.
I'm primarily a console gamer. I don't know much about the company. Yeah. Sooooo...
Not really. I've just heard really good things about this game, so yeah. I'm thinking about trading in Skyward Sword for this. I can probably still get good cash for that. Hah.You do now, don't you?
This may seem like a small thing but I'm super impressed that they provided a quality case for a multidisc release. Not even MS does that (disc stacking ftl).
I went to my local Target at lunch to pick up some BS, and was shocked to see that they had sold through every last copy they got in.
Where is the hype for this game? I'm blown away. It's not like it's been advertised anywhere.
This may seem like a small thing but I'm super impressed that they provided a quality case for a multidisc release. Not even MS does that (disc stacking ftl).
Which game has disk stacking?
Anyone had/heard of people having hardcrashes or gpu reboots when playing TW2EE?