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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition |OT| Bow low, you stand before a head crowned.


What the shit! It's payday and I've had it planned all week that I was gonna play TW2 tonight! It's bloody sold out everywhere in town!


I've been staying out of threads. Is there a stock problem for the UK or something? I'd blame the Game Inc situation, but I went into HMV also and they said their delivery today "only had a single copy!" (my exclamation mark).

I'm about to walk to the out-of-town Asda. If they're out of stock too I'm going to be pissed at someone! But I don't know who!


So the Act I dark mode armor sets, what's the best way to get the money needed to craft it all? Also, is it better to buy the diagrams and craft the materials or just buy them outright from a merchant? There's also lots of other diagrams for potions and bombs that I need to buy too so it would be nice to find a way of making money better.


I'm playing on 360 and I'm new to the series so I have a few questions that have been bugging me. I've tried looking up most of them and found some answers but they weren't quite what I was looking for.

Mutagens? From what I've read they're essentially buffs but how do I use them? Can I only use them when I gain a level? Or can I go into the Character screen and add them whenever I like?

Also, Crafting diagrams. Once I acquire and read them do I have to keep them in my inventory to continue crafting them? For instance, the grapeshot. Can I sell the diagram to a merchant and still be able to make them?

Keep all your diagrams, they don't weigh anything, if it's for a sword/armour you've out levelled then you can sell them.

Certain skills in trees can mutated, they are often further down the tree - the witcher training tree for example has mutate on deflect arrows and fortitude. Mutations cannot be reverted, so choose wisely. One of the best ones is the Greater Critical Effects Mutagen, those are great for every build.
Alvin plot line is wrapped up in the first game.

I mean 'no'

Just read up on him and he's apparently the grandmaster in the first game. I was wondering what happened to him after he disappeared in act IV. I thought his plot would be resolved in the second game. The devs should have made it more obvious in the first game who Alvin really was.
Keep all your diagrams, they don't weigh anything, if it's for a sword/armour you've out levelled then you can sell them.

Certain skills in trees can mutated, they are often further down the tree - the witcher training tree for example has mutate on deflect arrows and fortitude. Mutations cannot be reverted, so choose wisely. One of the best ones is the Greater Critical Effects Mutagen, those are great for every build.

What are critical effects?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Is the Alvin plot line from the first game picked up at all in the second game? Yes or no answer only please.

The Alvin plotline was completely resolved in Witcher 1.

W1 end spoiler:
Alvin was the grand master. When he vanished, he went back in time and grew up to take over the order of the flaming rose. That's why he has the amulet at the end and tries so hard to get Geralt to join him.


So the Act I dark mode armor sets, what's the best way to get the money needed to craft it all? Also, is it better to buy the diagrams and craft the materials or just buy them outright from a merchant? There's also lots of other diagrams for potions and bombs that I need to buy too so it would be nice to find a way of making money better.

I did it mostly by arm wrestling and crafting potions/bombs. I started dark mode with zero orens and managed to finish the set about 3/4 of the way through act 1.

Save money, don't buy all the diagrams you see, just the ones you think you will need and use. Loot everything, especially the random containers you see from spamming the witchers medallion.


Just read up on him and he's apparently the grandmaster in the first game. I was wondering what happened to him after he disappeared in act IV. I thought his plot would be resolved in the second game. The devs should have made it more obvious in the first game who Alvin really was.

You're going to want to spoiler-tag this.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is the Alvin plot line from the first game picked up at all in the second game? Yes or no answer only please.

I always felt that the Alvin plotline was wrapped up pretty clearly in W1. I know there is some debate(which I discovered after beating W1), but I felt it was somewhat clear what the fate and purpose of Alvin was during my playthrough of W1.

Edit: As mentioned in this spoiler, this was exactly how I perceived the story arc of Alvin from the first game. There are some not-so-subtle clues dropped in the last couple acts regarding it.

The Alvin plotline was completely resolved in Witcher 1.

W1 end spoiler:
Alvin was the grand master. When he vanished, he went back in time and grew up to take over the order of the flaming rose. That's why he has the amulet at the end and tries so hard to get Geralt to join him.


never left the stone age
The Alvin plotline was completely resolved in Witcher 1.

W1 end spoiler:
Alvin was the grand master. When he vanished, he went back in time and grew up to take over the order of the flaming rose. That's why he has the amulet at the end and tries so hard to get Geralt to join him.

What confused me about that at first was
the fact that I thought Alvin was an elf, so him being the grandmaster was sort of.."Oh..he's a human, right!". But it totally made sense with the amulet and the visions the Grandmaster had of the future and whatnot, seeing how Alvin too had visions of the future

it does matter when you need to cut through armor to get to the flesh and if you want to do so often without having to sharpen the sword all the time. Silver is actually a very poor metal to make weapons out of, gold is even worse.

There's also the fact that Witchers seem to have a code for what they kill using the silver sword.
An example of this is (Endgame Witcher 1 spoilers)
When the Grandmaster is completely shocked when Geralt decides to finish him off with the silver sword, claiming (paraphrase) "That sword is only meant for monsters!"
The Alvin plotline was completely resolved in Witcher 1.

W1 end spoiler:
Alvin was the grand master. When he vanished, he went back in time and grew up to take over the order of the flaming rose. That's why he has the amulet at the end and tries so hard to get Geralt to join him.

The subtlety of this plot point was mind blowingly awesome. Anybody who missed it should learn about it and appreciate the awesomeness that they missed.

edit: In other words, Horse Armour is completely wrong.


Just read up on him and he's apparently the grandmaster in the first game. I was wondering what happened to him after he disappeared in act IV. I thought his plot would be resolved in the second game. The devs should have made it more obvious in the first game who Alvin really was.

Didn't you pay attention to the things you taught Alvin when he was growing up?
All things you taught him is reflected in what the grandmaster now believes. So it was Geralt who indirectly made the grandmaster have the motivations he had.


How am I supposed to defeat Letho in chapter 1?
I couldn't do it on Dark when I was a noob. I collected all the traps in the forest though, and was able to get by Letho by running around in circles setting anohter trap - quen, antoher trap quen....hardly had to attack him at all.
his health only has to get to about half for a cutscene to kick in and stop the fight....you're actualy not meant to kill him there anyway.
Dodge away, Aard, Heavy hit, Dodge away, Aard, Heavy Hit. Rince repeat was my tactic.
Tunesmith!!! YOu are the poster that suggested the
brazier method for the operator. How many braziers exactly do you have to get off? I got two of the four of as you siad two, but perhaps not the right two...did you mistakenly mean all four have to be off? DOes this prevent the gargoyles from spanwning at all or do they come once regardless?
THere is absolutely nothing on this on any wiki I have seen...so either you are playing silly bugger, or you are a genius! THe jokes over if this is wrong info though as i have already spent enough time on it if indeed you wnated a laugh at my expense.

I have always wonder why Geralt need two swords. Why not just use Silver sword on both monsters and humans? When it comes to humans I don't think it matter what type of sword they're cut with since they all hurt like hell.

Each sword hurts the wrong enemy type a littel bit but it is next to zero real damage if you use the "wrong one", it is in your best interet to paly along despite this aspect perhaps lacking in realism.
The damage is messed up in reality, but as somebody pointed out before, it doesn't make sense to use a soft metal silver sword against humans. In the novels it is treated differently- the silver sword is treated with great care and brought out only in preparation for fighting monsters. In the game, where you may jump from human to monster in seconds this is the best compromise.

- Yrden, circle around, three or four strong hits, roll, Yrden. Make sure that Yrden actually traps him before you dive in, or you might have a Claymore up your ass. Make sure that you doge any bombs or signs he throws at you while you are waiting to trap him.

I still think the last fight of Chapter 1 should be spoilered, personally, although it is out there multiple times on every page.
Started my second playthrough. I'm enjoying it a lot more than the first time through, even in the first cutscene, just because I know what the fuck everyone is talking about now. :lol
Didn't you pay attention to the things you taught Alvin when he was growing up?
All things you taught him is reflected in what the grandmaster now believes. So it was Geralt who indirectly made the grandmaster have the motivations he had.

Not to mention the fact that
the Grandmaster had Alvin's medallion, which was now worn due to being with him for many years ... that was the dead giveaway to me.
How is dark mode balanced?

Do enemies just take more hit or is stuff in the world effected too, like item prices? Is anything tuned in our favor like certain bomb/trap materials being cheaper or is it all 'fuck you'!
I think you just take more damage. I haven't noticed any new/more enemies.

New armor which is much better, but is very expensive and will take all your money to craft.


Can I only have one enhancement active on a weapon at a time? e.g. if I use necrophage oil and then a whetstone will the oil be removed?
I believe so.
So the Act I dark mode armor sets, what's the best way to get the money needed to craft it all? Also, is it better to buy the diagrams and craft the materials or just buy them outright from a merchant? There's also lots of other diagrams for potions and bombs that I need to buy too so it would be nice to find a way of making money better.
orens are easier to come by than one might think if you do all the quests, including fight club adn dice poker, and arm wrestling...always save before gambling. It helps save orens to use the raw materials you find vs. buying them..e.g. plain leather is almost as expensve as studded leather or hardened leather....so if you do run out and can't find any you will be forced to just buy the end product as this wil be cheaper belive it or not. You can farm certain items like nkker teeth for example that are more expensive, but the least anount of time investment is fighting or arm wrestling...particulalry if you don't lose often. Fighting should be a cake walk for anyone with even teh most average reflexes....depends on how many times you can hear"wait til 'e drops 'is fukin gaaard! in a row with out going insane.
How is dark mode balanced?

Do enemies just take more hit or is stuff in the world effected too, like item prices? Is anything tuned in our favor like certain bomb/trap materials being cheaper or is it all 'fuck you'!

The only benefit is extra armours, but some report extra enemies, which means more drops which means more money. The prices do not change to my knowledge. That said I have only played up to flotsam on easy, the rest has been dark for me.

I think you just take more damage. I haven't noticed any new/more enemies.

New armor which is much better, but is very expensive and will take all your money to craft.

Yeah I hated this at first, buit you can only gain advantage form doign alchemy and finding diagrams etc. if the money is sparse.


Played the game for two hours. New to the franchise. 360.

-the arena, nice idea
-great tutorial
-character design
-monster design
-quest handbook

-not being able to zoom the camera in makes the game look really poor. Characters become so small it feels like playing Torchlight. No, scratch that: I could zoom in the camera on that one.
-hair moves weird
-controls can't be customized. WTF
-fighting system feels like a mixture of Dark Souls and the Arkham games. It wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't for the fact that outside the resemblance they are poorly executed: I played a lot in the arena trying to figure out the timing of the swings (both mine and the enemies') but I just can't seem to get it right. Maybe I just need to get used it.
-voice over: Loving Roche voice artist, but I can't understand shit when Geralt is talking and the delivery on a lot of characters is pretty subpar.
Played the game for two hours. New to the franchise. 360.

-not being able to zoom the camera in makes the game look really poor. Characters become so small it feels like playing Torchlight. No, scratch that: I could zoom in the camera on that one.

-fighting system feels like a mixture of Dark Souls and the Arkham games. It wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't for the fact that outside the resemblance they are poorly executed: I played a lot in the arena trying to figure out the timing of the swings (both mine and the enemies') but I just can't seem to get it right. Maybe I just need to get used it.
-voice over: Loving Roche voice artist, but I can't understand shit when Geralt is talking and the delivery on a lot of characters is pretty subpar.

I don't even know what you are talking about in the first complaint. When do characters become small? Really small TV? Or did they change the camera from PC?

I have no problem with the voice overs, more with the sound mixing.

I think the combat is great. I have never really had an issue with timing. My only complaint is that rolling is essential, which is kind of goofy in an otherwise pretty realistic system.


formerly "chigiri"
Tunesmith!!! YOu are the poster that suggested the
brazier method for the operator. How many braziers exactly do you have to get off? I got two of the four of as you siad two, but perhaps not the right two...did you mistakenly mean all four have to be off? DOes this prevent the gargoyles from spanwning at all or do they come once regardless?
THere is absolutely nothing on this on any wiki I have seen...so either you are playing silly bugger, or you are a genius! THe jokes over if this is wrong info though as i have already spent enough time on it if indeed you wnated a laugh at my expense.

I originally wrote two in my first post but corrected it. Put out the four torches on the four pillars. Took a few tries but had no real troubles doing it on 360. Was playing on Normal if that makes any difference (difficulty dependent?).

The tactic is also mentioned in this guide for the PC version from July last year: http://guides.gamepressure.com/thewitcher2assassinsofkings/guide.asp?ID=11577


What confused me about that at first was
the fact that I thought Alvin was an elf, so him being the grandmaster was sort of.."Oh..he's a human, right!". But it totally made sense with the amulet and the visions the Grandmaster had of the future and whatnot, seeing how Alvin too had visions of the future

There's also the fact that Witchers seem to have a code for what they kill using the silver sword.
An example of this is (Endgame Witcher 1 spoilers)
When the Grandmaster is completely shocked when Geralt decides to finish him off with the silver sword, claiming (paraphrase) "That sword is only meant for monsters!"

Cant remember now but did Geralt actually relies
that Alvin was the Grandmaster in the end? I dont recall Geralt ever mentioning it and i don't think he ever refers the Grandmaster as Alvin in W2.
Cant remember now but did Geralt actually relies
that Alvin was the Grandmaster in the end? I dont recall Geralt ever mentioning it and i don't think he ever refers the Grandmaster as Alvin in W2.

Yes. Well, sort of. He finds the medallion, talks to Dandelion and they conclude probably but we will never know for sure. It is made clearer for the player. If you pay attention, (or look at the wiki) it is 99% definite. Only thing not there is confirmation by CD Projekt. But Geralt is probably more like 80% sure.
I am sure this was brought up many times when the game was initially release but the subtitle is really awkward to me. The title should be The Witcher 2: Kingslayer.


I originally wrote two in my first post but corrected it. Put out the four torches on the four pillars. Took a few tries but had no real troubles doing it on 360. Was playing on Normal if that makes any difference (difficulty dependent?).

The tactic is also mentioned in this guide for the PC version from July last year: http://guides.gamepressure.com/thewitcher2assassinsofkings/guide.asp?ID=11577

Thanks! Can't get "games" stuff at work (news
groups style baords are ok for some reason) but will check it out when I get home....on PC it is next to impossible to stand in the right spot to get the corresponding x prompt, but since it is possible I just have to keep trying...I will get it eventually but just wanted to make sure it was possible... and that somehting good will happen if I do get all four off.......thanks....you are a genius!


Only just discovered there is a film Called The Hexer (The Witcher).

Anyone seen it? Any good?
Reviews don't seem very good lol


Well that sucks, you can't get any achievements in the Arena save for the two that are related to it: 5th round and 30th round.

Thought I could do the 10k orens one there.

At least in my story save file I'm 800 or so away from it (as long as I sell every item I have, then try to scavenge the remaining 800 from enemies and such)


What the shit! It's payday and I've had it planned all week that I was gonna play TW2 tonight! It's bloody sold out everywhere in town!


I've been staying out of threads. Is there a stock problem for the UK or something? I'd blame the Game Inc situation, but I went into HMV also and they said their delivery today "only had a single copy!" (my exclamation mark).

I'm about to walk to the out-of-town Asda. If they're out of stock too I'm going to be pissed at someone! But I don't know who!

Try to let your fingers do the walking and call out of town places first I would say...I actually went to a different country (US from Canada, but only a 1 hour trip) for the "last " coy of the Dark souls game guide at a particular store...they said they would hold it if I could commit to coming down that day...I did and was happy.

I heard that that the UK had the most pre-orders etc. of any region and the sales there are phenomenal etc. I'm not sure of the ramifications for international players but the Steam and particularly GOG based versions of the game seem to be very popular, more so than the hardbox even? here in NA...guess this is for PC only though if you are xbox only, and the xbox has regional specs as well apparently.....
Started on 360, then started again on PC to completion. Loved it. The choices were pretty massive. Will play through again to see the other side of the coin.
wow on melena quest.

i saved her ass and lied to guards, then she ambushes me.. thought i was going to tap that ass but the waterfall.. found her by the ruins and sliced her up. though what happens if i let her go or give her to loredo?


I don't disagree, I just find the double-plural nature of it awkward. Plus, they use the word 'kingslayer' around 200 times in the game (also a hella cool title).
did somebody say....


I am experiencing terrible pop in since installing the enhanced edition of the Witcher 2, and want to try to down grade to 2.0. I have the GOG version. Any way to do this? I don't have the origional install files.


wow on melena quest.

i saved her ass and lied to guards, then she ambushes me.. thought i was going to tap that ass but the waterfall.. found her by the ruins and sliced her up. though what happens if i let her go or give her to loredo?

Yeah I chose to
allow her to explain herself after presenting the idea that scoia' tel arrows were in the backs of the guards in the cave. She asked the whole party of gurads etc. to follow her and we we were ambushed, but with all the gurads there we kicked ass on all of them and I got a few cheap swords and a finsihed querst out of it....
seems like this quest has tonnes of possible conclusions?!??! I was happy with the outcome I received, despite a later opportunity to side with scoia' tel their posiiton at the time of killing off guards for no reason was unjustified.


360 edition, anyone have nausea/dizzyness issues due to the closeness/jitteryness of the camera? This never happens to me not even Kane and Lynch 2.

Frustrated I want to play but ten min makes me close to vomiting.


Junior Member
So I just finished my last non-EE run of this game, but I'm still slightly confused on the story, specifically
the wild hunt.

Just what the heck are they? And what's this "other worlds" crap? I haven't read any of the books yet.
So I just finished my last non-EE run of this game, but I'm still slightly confused on the story, specifically
the wild hunt.

Just what the heck are they? And what's this "other worlds" crap? I haven't read any of the books yet.

From what I gather,
they're like Elves from another dimension.
So is the Witcher 1 worth playing after 2? I have 1 already, I just never got into it. I know it plays differently, but does the game share the same structure(each chapter = 1 area with some main quests and side quests)? Is it easy to get into?
And what's this "other worlds" crap? I haven't read any of the books yet.
Something important to the history of the world but not touched on in the games other then journal entries is an event called the Conjunction of Spheres. 1500 years ago several parallel universe collided and all the monsters in the world came from those other dimensions. According to Elves the humans came from another dimension too. If I remember correctly the sources of power draw magical energy from other dimensions.

As for
The Wild Hunt, I'm still missing the last book but most information I know about them has been in the game. They were mysterious then too. They ride around kidnapping people around times of war and no one knows why. I'm assuming part of the next game will focus on that.


So trying to get the four ingredients for the ban ard quest in act 3 and for some reason I can't get the nekker blood from the cave to show up in the inventory.....anybody beat this glitch?

edit...wasn't a glitch in my game ....warrior blood is in the quest menu not ingrdients.....I used up my only two harpy eggs and had to reload the brigida quest. Turned out alright as I missed getting the werewolf trophy the first time. NOt sure caerme is any better than dancer....prolly use dancer more for the 30% bleed plus slightly better damage.
Something important to the history of the world but not touched on in the games other then journal entries is an event called the Conjunction of Spheres. 1500 years ago several parallel universe collided and all the monsters in the world came from those other dimensions. According to Elves the humans came from another dimension too. If I remember correctly the sources of power draw magical energy from other dimensions.

As for
The Wild Hunt, I'm still missing the last book but most information I know about them has been in the game. They were mysterious then too. They ride around kidnapping people around times of war and no one knows why. I'm assuming part of the next game will focus on that.

I hope.
I want three to wrap up the story of Yen and the wild hunt. Which seems like where they're heading with part 2.
After that, CDProjekt is free to make different games.
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