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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition |OT| Bow low, you stand before a head crowned.

Direct quotes from Arthur Gies:

This dude gets paid to play, write, and talk about videogames.

Haha. What a fucking idiot. Or at least lying about playing the game. No, I take it back. He is definitely an idiot, and possibly lying about playing the game.

I don't follow games journalism, like at all, so I had no idea who he was until he made himself look like an idiot in the Mass Effect thread. 2/2 now!

Kayran on Dark mode wasn't too rough. Took three attempts.

Is the exclusive dark mode items the only way to not get killed in a single hit from the bosses?
fight is going to be crazy.

Both playthroughs I beat him no problem. I used Yrden and he went down like a cheap whore. This was of course after they toned him down. Never fought

Did he get nerfed as well? I though only the prologue did. I thought I was just better than the first time I played through the game, but nerfing would also explain why he was easier.
You've got to be kidding me. A choice that changes about 1/3 of the game has no importance?
Actually his reasoning was because you play as other characters and even though you win you're still told you're losing, therefore your choices don't matter.

Basically what he's describing is
the chapter 2 finale where you're reliving a battle that's set in stone :p
So of course your choices don't matter in that instance.

Also Matt agreed that the choices weren't much because he could tell what the other outcome would be....so...yeah...

Arthur also said the game technically looks good, but the art direction is bad. I think Matt disagreed on that one.

Some of their problems are purely opinion though, and you can't really say an opinion is wrong, you can only disagree. The story hasn't grabbed him. I can see that happening. I've invested more time in the world so I personally have more to grab onto than someone starting from scratch. That was my biggest concern in the console leap. If someone jumping in would give a crap about what's going on.

And there were some valid criticisms. The knock on animations were mainly aimed at the lack of expressiveness in their faces during cut scenes which still bugs the crap out of me. Many consider the combat to not be as good as the games that inspired the system.

So the only thing I thought they were a bit misinformed on was why people like the way choices work in the game. But on that I guess I could blame the people that have bitched to them over the past year because they haven't expressed themselves to the hosts clearly enough.

In the end though, it's just one person's opinion on the game he's played up until now. I tend to not agree with a lot of his opinions anyways but I can appreciate a different point of view. Which apparently makes me terrible at existing on internet forums.

In the end though, it's just one person's opinion on the game he's played up until now. I tend to not agree with a lot of his opinions anyways but I can appreciate a different point of view. Which apparently makes me terrible at existing on internet forums.

I listen to the show weekly, so I obviously don't hate them. And I certainly don't mind opinions that differ from my own.My big problem is that Arthur often says stuff in short declarative statements as if they are objective facts and he usually does so in the most douchey way possible like when he says:

"This game is just Fable. It's Fable with tits."

He talks like this all the time. There is nothing critically insightful in most of his comments. He just speaks in these short little sentences that have all the complexities and qualifiers of a 12 year old just with the word "fuck" thrown in a lot for extra emphasis on the douchey part.

Arthur Gies impersonation said:
It's like he thinks. You need to speak. In fucking short sentences. And sentence fragments. To be taken on fucking authority. And, I don't know. I just don't think... I just don't think that is correct. It doesn't make you sound smart. It doesn't. It just makes you kind of a douche.

Anbody who has ever listened to him talk probably knows what I'm talking about. The cadence he uses to speak is really annoying. (Actually it reminds me a lot of the robotic cadence used by Mitt Romney). But what makes it most annoying is that speaking in those kinds of short declarative sentences is a cheap way to make yourself sound like you are speaking with authority.

I don't hate him, but I do feel a bit embarrassed for him.


In last week's Rebel FM, Arthur Gies said this game is not very good because the combat is clunky, the models animate poorly, and there is no real importance placed on your choices.

Both he and compatriots also claimed that people who think this game has a better storyline than Bioware games probably didn't play Bioware games and that the only reason PC players probably praised this game was because they wanted something to lourd over console gamers.

Gies is always pseudo-humble in proclaiming his views on the specific aspects of games he dislikes are objective explanations of the game while still claiming his overall opinion is subjective. Sometimes, however, he is right despite being super douchey pretty much all the time.

Does GAF think these criticisms are objective evaluations the way Gies claims? Is it true that the reason the game was because PC gamers want to rub poo poo in console gamers' faces? Matt claimed he knows this to be the case because he is a PC gamer and he knows how PC gamers think.

(No, I'm not kidding).

As if we didn't have enough proof that the media is on EA's payroll there it is. There's no fucking way you can play modern Bioware games and then this and say those things with a straight face.


GAF parliamentarian
Some people are very comfortable being wrong and incapable of coherent thought.
Gies is one of them. He has a circle of people and a job that enables it.


Any 'shouldn't miss' sidequests on Roche's path? Kinda just want to do the main stuff unless there are some cool quests to do.

I took a look at a list somewhere (hard to remember what is sidequest and what isn't). The most important is probably the one dealing with your memories, but most are worth it, excluding those that say "kill/collect" X enemies/items. But there aren't that many sidequests to begin with... (if the list is correct).

He left IGN to work at Joystiq and then left Joystiq to go work at Polygon, the website that is supposedly a start up by all the videogame writing superstars.

Then my guess is that he is just trying to keep a high profile for the upcoming sites, by getting hits and attention. Or it's just the way he is based on some of the other replies.

In the end though, it's just one person's opinion on the game he's played up until now. I tend to not agree with a lot of his opinions anyways but I can appreciate a different point of view. Which apparently makes me terrible at existing on internet forums.
Of course someone can dislike the game. It isn't for everyone, just like every other game ever made. It also has flaws that can be discussed, but saying that a game that has a huge chunk of content locked based on your decisions places no importance on them is just plain incorrect. Sure, there are a few times that you can't affect the outcome, but not every character can be Shepard and (Mass Effect 3 ending spoilers)
choose a color to rewrite the DNA of every living thing in the galaxy
. He has a circle of people and a job that enables it.

This seems true. He originally got his job because he was Anthony's room mate. And game writers seem to really like just to hire their buddies rather than people that are smart, perceptive writers. All those dude at Polygon are basically dudes that like to hang out with one another.


Junior Member
I keep seeing people complain about the corrupted update files for the PC version, so has the link to the manual installation files been posted?


Yeah you gotta do 35 separate downloads, but at least there's a greater chance of the whole thing coming in intact.


Any 'shouldn't miss' sidequests on Roche's path? Kinda just want to do the main stuff unless there are some cool quests to do.

Just about all the side quests are good. When some creepy guy in a cabin asks you to do a ritual make sure you do it. Don't take the easy route and bribe him.
Just got the game. Can't play it until this weekend, but I'm psyched. Considering going right to Dark Mode. I didn't play the original Witcher. Is this a good idea? My main concern is the game becoming frustrating, rather than challenging. I love challenging games, as long as I feel like I made the mistake and can learn from it. Is becoming better at battle more of a physical thing (the actual button pressing) or learning how to use other weapons/objects (becoming more verse in everything the game offers)? If I start on Dark Mode and find that I'm just not good at the game, can I pull the difficulty down without a restart?
I listen to the show weekly, so I obviously don't hate them. And I certainly don't mind opinions that differ from my own.My big problem is that Arthur often says stuff in short declarative statements as if they are objective facts and he usually does so in the most douchey way possible like when he says:

"This game is just Fable. It's Fable with tits."

He talks like this all the time. There is nothing critically insightful in most of his comments. He just speaks in these short little sentences that have all the complexities and qualifiers of a 12 year old just with the word "fuck" thrown in a lot for extra emphasis on the douchey part.

Anbody who has ever listened to him talk probably knows what I'm talking about. The cadence he uses to speak is really annoying. (Actually it reminds me a lot of the robotic cadence used by Mitt Romney). But what makes it most annoying is that speaking in those kinds of short declarative sentences is a cheap way to make yourself sound like you are speaking with authority.

I don't hate him, but I do feel a bit embarrassed for him.

Arthur Gies is the epitome of a twat psuedo-intellectual huckster trying his best to stand out. The reality? He's a trashy bonehead who really doesn't have much to say at all. I can appreciate a good opinion, but I don't appreciate misfired spite; he says a lot of things just to live up to his own definition of himself.

What the fuck, what do I care? Every time his name pops up it is this type of situation. He needs to disappear.

Also, one gripe I have; if he is criticizing the animations during conversation, Bioware games are much better?


Just got the game. Can't play it until this weekend, but I'm psyched. Considering going right to Dark Mode. I didn't play the original Witcher. Is this a good idea? My main concern is the game becoming frustrating, rather than challenging. I love challenging games, as long as I feel like I made the mistake and can learn from it. Is becoming better at battle more of a physical thing (the actual button pressing) or learning how to use other weapons/objects (becoming more verse in everything the game offers)? If I start on Dark Mode and find that I'm just not good at the game, can I pull the difficulty down without a restart?

I can't really speak about the difficulty on the 360 version, but Dark mode can be little overwhelming for a first try. That said, you can switch out of it, but not back into it (because of the special items, you will loose them). You can switch freely between Easy/Normal/Hard though. Not playing the first one has no impact in combat since it is just a different system, and there is a small movie in the menus to get you up to date on the most important facts of the story.

Finally, combat is, as you wrote, about becoming verse on the game mechanics. Button smashing isn't going to get you very far, specially in Hard or Dark mode. Try to be strategic and not get surrounded.


""I can't help but wonder, and as PC gamer I can say this, that they were just so happy that they got a game that they could loured over console gamers."

Well, the Xbox 360 version has a higher critical aggregate than the PC version ever got, so apparently this isn't true at all.
Just got the game. Can't play it until this weekend, but I'm psyched. Considering going right to Dark Mode. I didn't play the original Witcher. Is this a good idea? My main concern is the game becoming frustrating, rather than challenging. I love challenging games, as long as I feel like I made the mistake and can learn from it. Is becoming better at battle more of a physical thing (the actual button pressing) or learning how to use other weapons/objects (becoming more verse in everything the game offers)? If I start on Dark Mode and find that I'm just not good at the game, can I pull the difficulty down without a restart?

It is very fair, but you will probably be destroyed because you don't know the system. For example, I have died less on Dark than I did on normal just because of experience. Like the bottom bitch enemies will destroy you in three hits on dark.

You can reduce difficulty.

Think of it like Mega Man. You just need to understand how to play, patterns of attack and the like. Lots of rolling. Take a few strikes, retreat. Make intelligent use of bombs in tight situations.


I feel like people who believe the combat is "clunky" are too used to action games where moves are easily canceled into each other. Whereas in the Witcher 2, if you swing your sword, you are generally committing to that swing. Don't mash another input during another animation because it won't come out right away -- it will come out at the end of the animation.


Oh, I didn't know he was a PC gamer. I guess that makes what he is saying not fucking stupid.

They're incapable of giving their derogatory opinions on something without impugning the motives of others. They seek to validate their minority opinions so that's the route they take. It's predictable and tasteless; Chandronait did the same thing with Demon's Souls. Worthless to give people like that the time of day.

Just got the game. Can't play it until this weekend, but I'm psyched. Considering going right to Dark Mode. I didn't play the original Witcher. Is this a good idea? My main concern is the game becoming frustrating, rather than challenging. I love challenging games, as long as I feel like I made the mistake and can learn from it. Is becoming better at battle more of a physical thing (the actual button pressing) or learning how to use other weapons/objects (becoming more verse in everything the game offers)? If I start on Dark Mode and find that I'm just not good at the game, can I pull the difficulty down without a restart?

The combat is nothing like Witcher 1 so that's not an issue.

And it isn't dexterity or reflex-based, generally. You're dealing with tactical combat. Be mindful of your surroundings and properly use the tools at your disposal, and Dark Mode should be manageable.
Just started this on the PC(my 680 came in)......soooo nice! It's funny I don't really want to get into this until I can devote some quality into it. Very atmospheric.
They're incapable of giving their derogatory opinions on something without impugning the motives of others. They seek to validate their minority opinions so that's the route they take. It's predictable and tasteless; Chandronait did the same thing with Demon's Souls. Worthless to give people like that the time of day.

Yeah, that Dark Souls discussion was also really infuriating.

Again, not because I have different opinions, but because they outright assume that because I like the game I must just want to show off my e-peen. That's fucking ridiculous. I mean, how completely wrapped up in yourself and condescending toward others do you have to be to make that kind of assumption?


I feel like people who believe the combat is "clunky" are too used to action games where moves are easily canceled into each other. Whereas in the Witcher 2, if you swing your sword, you are generally committing to that swing. Don't mash another input during another animation because it won't come out right away -- it will come out at the end of the animation.

Sounds like Batman AA/AC. (Which is a good thing for me, since I'm fairly used to it.)

I have a few questions before I plop down my cash for the 360 version. I was pretty impressed by the Gametrailers review and liked what I saw.

I literally know nothing about the story, is it integral to play 1 before hand?

Do choices carry over like Bioware games? I'm always a little weary in joining in on a sequel...
Sounds like Batman AA/AC. (Which is a good thing for me, since I'm fairly used to it.)

I have a few questions before I plop down my cash for the 360 version. I was pretty impressed by the Gametrailers review and liked what I saw.

I literally know nothing about the story, is it integral to play 1 before hand?

Do choices carry over like Bioware games? I'm always a little weary in joining in on a sequel...

People compare them, but I have yet to play the Batman games, so I can't say.

Story is fine stand alone. You might miss a few references, but not much. If you want back story, there is an animated summary video of 1 on the disc and on youtube, and you can also use the Wiki to fill yourself in. I have seen an actual summary video on youtube, just using game clips as well. Or ask questions here, and we will be happy to anser.

Choices don't really carry over. For example, you can "romance" 1 of 2 characters, and one of those characters isn't in this game. Just a journal entry about why they aren't together. The only import bonus is that certain armor/weapons will carry over if you had them in 1.

The ending of this game leads many to believe that choices will carry over to the third game, but it is hard to say how they will do it. The choices are much more far reaching than Bioware's in that they have a large effect on the world's overall political state.


People compare them, but I have yet to play the Batman games, so I can't say.

Story is fine stand alone. You might miss a few references, but not much. If you want back story, there is an animated summary video of 1 on the disc and on youtube, and you can also use the Wiki to fill yourself in. I have seen an actual summary video on youtube, just using game clips as well. Or ask questions here, and we will be happy to anser.

Choices don't really carry over. For example, you can "romance" 1 of 2 characters, and one of those characters isn't in this game. Just a journal entry about why they aren't together. The only import bonus is that certain armor/weapons will carry over if you had them in 1.

The ending of this game leads many to believe that choices will carry over to the third game, but it is hard to say how they will do it. The choices are much more far reaching than Bioware's in that they have a large effect on the world's overall political state.

Cheers, thanks very much. I look forward to playing this as soon as I'm done with my finals. Seems right up my alley.
A Witcher 2 journal iPad app like the Mass Effect Datapad app would be amazing. I play the Witcher 2 on my TV from my couch so reading long journal entries isn't ideal. An iPad app would be perfect for me.
Just beat
on Dark mode. Not too bad. But god damn, bleeding and incineration are death sentences on the difficulty. Even if you snap quen on as quick as possible half of your life is already gone.


I finally bhought it, just finished the tutorial.

Beautiful game is beautiful. (360)
I'm AMAZED by the lighting, the texture work, the high poly count, those colors my god!

Also, even in the tutorial you can see how grey the game is, people despise you, and being polite and "good" won't take you anywhere. Can't fucking wait to saturday to play more!
So I finished the 360 version, and now I've reinstalled the PC version to check out all the Enhanced bells and whistles with better graphics and whatnot.

Problem is, I'm having hellish stuttering - at least, I think that's what the problem is. I'm not entirely sure, though - my framerate seems to be fine, around 50-60 on High spec, but as soon as I start moving Geralt basically warps around like I'm playing an MMO on 56k or something. It's really strange.

I'm also getting a metric ton of shimmering artifacts, which are really quite ugly. Geralt's hair and detailed cloth textures are a constant source of ugly crawling, which is totally distracting and I honestly don't remember it happening the first time I played the game. I'm playing at native res with AA on, so what gives?


So fucking tired of all the fights in closed spaces nearing the end of chapter 2.
Ch. 3 is worse so far.....
Kayran on Dark mode wasn't too rough. Took three attempts.

Is the exclusive dark mode items the only way to not get killed in a single hit from the bosses?
fight is going to be crazy.
these items are better than the other items in the normal game, one new set for each level...and they do cost time and orens to build.....but not enough to prevent OHK ...you walk into a golems fast charge bull rush?...you going down....no armour will help you...which is realistic and preferred....there is no magic wand solution that enables stupid or silly strategies to work (well quen can do this but it IS magic, not an armour choice)....don't let even a simple nekker hit you from behind.

Any 'shouldn't miss' sidequests on Roche's path? Kinda just want to do the main stuff unless there are some cool quests to do.
unfortunately for those that don't like sidequests, most of these are just as good or better than the main story, and most accent the main story anyway. If you must miss some in act 2, the wrestling and the dive poker is missable, as i the fighting. But for me unmissable suggestion is to not sell Dethmold the malgot notes from the cabin inthe woods. You get can get directed there by speaking to the soldier who is ridiculed by his peers in the camp, but you could go there without the quest....getting the malgot notes enables a cool quest in the 3rd act, without which you would not get a chance to do.

Just got the game. Can't play it until this weekend, but I'm psyched. Considering going right to Dark Mode. I didn't play the original Witcher. Is this a good idea? My main concern is the game becoming frustrating, rather than challenging. I love challenging games, as long as I feel like I made the mistake and can learn from it. Is becoming better at battle more of a physical thing (the actual button pressing) or learning how to use other weapons/objects (becoming more verse in everything the game offers)? If I start on Dark Mode and find that I'm just not good at the game, can I pull the difficulty down without a restart?

others have answered your questions...start on Dark. I started on easy and switched back to Darkand started over as I misssed too many quests etc.
I noticed that fights took longer on Dark but I was dying less....you will learn the controls and you will persevere...Dark balances the whole playthrough and will allow you to experience the strategy of potions, traps, and magic. I was never challenged enough to require these things on easy and now on Dark these things comprise my whole fun in the game.I suppose normal or hard are options as well and then you can switch at will, but hten you don't get to do the building of the special weapons quests...the first special set in Dark that you buildin flotsam IMO is the best looking set of armour in this, perhaps any game. I grew up in teh 80's though...Nikki Six, Rob Halford studly!!!


erotic butter maelstrom
Ch. 2 Roche path (minor spoiler):
so there's an Elven language...and Geralt can speak it? This is the first I've seen of this. Unfortunately I have subtitles turned off so I have no idea what was said.
Interesting, though.


Finally beat the game. It was pretty great, they threw a bunch of choices at you in quick succession at the end of the game. I have to wonder how much they effect the outcome of the story.

So to anyone who has finished the game :

Did you let Letho live or kill him?
Did you go after Triss? Does she actually die if you don't go get her? I couldn't bring myself to leave her behind, but it seemed to work out well since Roche got the child anways.

Really curious what other people picked and how it effects the ending. They're going to have quite a bit of deviation if they stick with your choices in Witcher 3.
Ch. 2 Roche path (minor spoiler):
so there's an Elven language...and Geralt can speak it? This is the first I've seen of this. Unfortunately I have subtitles turned off so I have no idea what was said.
Interesting, though.

Not much of a spoiler, but I guess to follow suit:
Lol. I can't believe they didn't have auto subtitles at that point.
The text: http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Elven_prisoner

Finally beat the game. It was pretty great, they threw a bunch of choices at you in quick succession at the end of the game. I have to wonder how much they effect the outcome of the story.

So to anyone who has finished the game :

Did you let Letho live or kill him?
Did you go after Triss? Does she actually die if you don't go get her? I couldn't bring myself to leave her behind, but it seemed to work out well since Roche got the child anways.

Really curious what other people picked and how it effects the ending. They're going to have quite a bit of deviation if they stick with your choices in Witcher 3.

Live. He isn't a bad guy. The worst thing he did is cause others to die because of his actions, more or less depending on the ending you got. Plus, he is pretty much the last Viper, so I would feel guilty killing him. Further, I felt that Geralt would let him go, which is sometimes a factor since, while it is an RPG, you don't create your character.
Triss is fine. Letho protects her, and she is waiting for you with him. It is debatable what is better. Spoilers of the other endings- If you save Triss, the King's armies fight each other. If you save Anais, they all band together to kill all mages/sorcerors. Mass slaughter. Essentially, if you choose Anais, Letho's plan succeeds. Nilgaard is able to blame the King Slaying on the Lodge. If you choose Triss, you kill all the Nilfgaardians, so there is noone to complete the plan


I'm playing through Dark Mode, and I must say the dark fog visual effect when you draw your dark swords is absolutely dreadful. I'm not sure what they were going for with this, especially in such a vibrantly beautiful game. I can understand it appearing when you don't have a complete set of the necessary armor, but it's all the time.

Also is there any way to encounter
Draugirs out side the fog? (Roche side).
I don't seem to recall encountering any aside from the beginning/end of the act in my play through last year.


Subete no aware
I'm on the 360 version and the speech sounds horrible. The mixing is off and sometimes it sounds like it's being played back at like... 64kbps or some absurdly low bitrate. It just doesn't sound... all that good. :/


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Perhaps I'm just a moron, but I find Vergen thoroughly confusing, even hours after having arrived there. What a weird layout. Still, I'm enjoying this side of chapter 2 a great deal. The
succubus quest
was pretty funny. I love Dandelion.


I'm playing through Dark Mode, and I must say the dark fog visual effect when you draw your dark swords is absolutely dreadful. I'm not sure what they were going for with this, especially in such a vibrantly beautiful game. I can understand it appearing when you don't have a complete set of the necessary armor, but it's all the time.

Also is there any way to encounter
Draugirs out side the fog? (Roche side).
I don't seem to recall encountering any aside from the beginning/end of the act in my play through last year.

business pissed me off. So I make the conclusion that at the END of act 2 pretty much I can't make oathbreaker with out the piece. So I start over the whole level...get the piece at the start...then in the rotfiend caves I kill the golem/bullivore just before you get back to saskia and zolton....sure enough, drops the piece, so then I had two....why didn't it drop my first run through of the level?!?!!?!??! I still have it but had to do act 2 twice already...both times roche as I want to start over from scratch for Iorveth..anyway, the oathbreaker stuff is good so it was worth it to me but moral of the story is clear out the caves before restarting act 2 for the
draugir piece
or if you have not done it yet PICK UP The FIRST ONE AT THE START! it is easy to miss, but easy to acqire if you are ready for it.
Perhaps I'm just a moron, but I find Vergen thoroughly confusing, even hours after having arrived there. What a weird layout. Still, I'm enjoying this side of chapter 2 a great deal. The
succubus quest
was pretty funny. I love Dandelion.
Had the same problem with Vergen, probably took me twice as long to do that chapter because I could never remember how the sections of town were connected. A better map system and indicators on doors would have helped greatly.
business pissed me off. So I make the conclusion that at the END of act 2 pretty much I can't make oathbreaker with out the piece. So I start over the whole level...get the piece at the start...then in the rotfiend caves I kill the golem/bullivore just before you get back to saskia and zolton....sure enough, drops the piece, so then I had two....why didn't it drop my first run through of the level?!?!!?!??! I still have it but had to do act 2 twice already...both times roche as I want to start over from scratch for Iorveth..anyway, the oathbreaker stuff is good so it was worth it to me but moral of the story is clear out the caves before restarting act 2 for the
draugir piece
or if you have not done it yet PICK UP The FIRST ONE AT THE START! it is easy to miss, but easy to acqire if you are ready for it.

Yeah. You can get it at the start of the Act- difficult as it seems to be a random drop, and you have very limited time to search. Or, you can get later in the act
in the mist, when crossing over. I never saw a Draugir, but I read you could see them here. Perhaps from Iorveth's side only, or maybe only on Dark mode
. However, Bullvores also drop the same items. There are a few of those in the Act, one accessible immediately from
Roche's path- the cave by Odren


It's funny reading some of the posts in response to what Gies said on RebelFM in this thread. Seems to me that some people are being just as inflammatory as Gies is said to be in an effort to balance the scales.

What sticks out about this game for me now that I've finally gotten to play it after listening to all the hype since it's PC release are the following:

-combat isn't anything to put up on a pedestal. It's decent but I personally think Dark Souls or Demon's Souls do the same thing but considerably better.

-the story is mature and definitely cool (imo) but the way it's strung together and edited can be clumsy. I don't think the overall quality of the story telling, pacing, etc is above and beyond that of Mass Effect, Fallout or New Vegas. Different, yes, more mature, yes. Deeper, maybe but it does have the advantage of coming from an existing book series.

-the game seems equally as glitchy as any other big RPG I've played. Just now (and this isn't the first glitch by and means) I lost the ability to save for a good 10 minutes. I thought that the game was designed that way until I died and then got booted straight to the main menu. I wasn't able to continue from there and thought that I'd lost all my progress. Quitting to the title screen got my continue option back but I'd lost 10-15 minutes of progress.

I am playing the 360 version so the glitches might be down to that.

Long story short I think it's objectively a great game (though subjectively I find it good, not great so far) but it's far from the godly level some people claim it to be (those same people seem to think that gives them the right to spit on the Mass Effects and Fallouts).


anyway lets stop this. don't want this thread to spiral into into a really boring opinion argument. my opinion is more factual than ur opinion etc etc

how do you actually do the ordin question? i could never find him.
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