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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition |OT| Bow low, you stand before a head crowned.

Great read from Eurogamer - The Making of The Witcher 2

And pretty much confirms that W2 will not be heading to the PS3

But the decision was made early on that this beefed-up version of the game would be exclusive to the Xbox 360, with Sony's PlayStation 3 architecture not being a good match for The Witcher 2's underlying tech. Executive producer John Mamais explains why:

"Simply put, our engine architecture was more suited to an Xbox 360 adaptation. Preparing two versions at the same time would result in dividing the programming team, and most likely would have doubled the time it took to deliver the 360 version at the quality we achieved. We simply didn't have the manpower to achieve this in the given time," he says.
Great read from Eurogamer - The Making of The Witcher 2

And pretty much confirms that W2 will not be heading to the PS3

then again:

"Right now we're on the look out for a good PS3 developer, so it might happen."

Badowski's comment about the potential PS3 version of The Witcher 2 needing new content to pass concept submission may refer to Sony's policy of requesting new features for PS3 games that have already launched on other platforms.


No, when the gamepad is active, unfortunately the mouse/keyboard is inactive.

When you have a complete set of dark armor and weapons, whenever you pull the sword out there's an overlay effect. It clouds the edges, desaturates all colors other then red, and in the process also makes the overall image darker. It really sucks in caves because you can't see a damn thing.

Wow, that sucks. But that's only if you have the complete package right? And let me guess: that package is the best gear you'll find in Dark mode?

Dark Mode graphic activates anytime you pull one of the dark swords out. If you don't have the complete set the swords drain your health when they're out. There's one set per Act, and they're expensive to craft. You can wear just the armor by itself without penalty. It's just the swords that have the penalty without the full set.
New PC patch released

Version 3.1 Corrections/Amendments (18th May 2012)

  1. Fixed the display of inter-chapter movies in aspect ratios other than 16:9.
  2. Fixed bugs causing the application to close while opening the credits.
  3. Relevant Aspect Ratio options are shown in the Configurator.exe if nVidia Surround is supported.
  4. Game saves from Act 2 created on older versions of the game are now compatible with the Enhanced Edition, which fixes the dwarven mechanism in Vergen.
  5. Added a fix for .NET Framework 4-related issues for the Steam users.


Im really enjoying this game, but no one warned me about all the fetch quest crap. Im currently stuck in the Dwarf village doing all kinds of stupid errands.

Is the rest of the game like this? I hope not. I really like just running around, meeting new characters and fighting mosters in the woods.


Dark Mode graphic activates anytime you pull one of the dark swords out. If you don't have the complete set the swords drain your health when they're out. There's one set per Act, and they're expensive to craft. You can wear just the armor by itself without penalty. It's just the swords that have the penalty without the full set.

Clear, thanks. Thinking about doing a Dark mode run, but the difficulty worries me. My latest gaming achievement is beating Uncharted 2 on crushing.... I'm afraid Dark mode will crush me, so does anyone have some good tips? Most of all I want to know: which skill tree should I focus on?
Clear, thanks. Thinking about doing a Dark mode run, but the difficulty worries me. My latest gaming achievement is beating Uncharted 2 on crushing.... I'm afraid Dark mode will crush me, so does anyone have some good tips? Most of all I want to know: which skill tree should I focus on?
I just did Dark Mode for the first time and early on I found Daggers to be majorly helpful on some of the stronger guys in groups because they can't really stop them. Then when the other trees opened up I picked up bomb damage for area control. After that it starts to get easier like it does in regular difficulties so whatever preference you want really. You should be pretty trained at avoiding attacks by then. I went up swords mainly with a little magic backup at the end, but a lot of people pick mostly signs instead. I actually went through the whole game without upgrading past the default 2 squares of vigor.


I just did Dark Mode for the first time and early on I found Daggers to be majorly helpful on some of the stronger guys in groups because they can't really stop them. Then when the other trees opened up I picked up bomb damage for area control. After that it starts to get easier like it does in regular difficulties so whatever preference you want really. You should be pretty trained at avoiding attacks by then. I went up swords mainly with a little magic backup at the end, but a lot of people pick mostly signs instead. I actually went through the whole game without upgrading past the default 2 squares of vigor.

So you went through Dark mode without even doing the alchemy skill tree...... and lived? To me it seems like alchemy would be most important.


So you went through Dark mode without even doing the alchemy skill tree...... and lived? To me it seems like alchemy would be most important.

don't fear dark mode....you get more monsters and therefore more drops of things that are good. Dark pushed me to the edge of my ability but then the 30 traps I was carrying were a trump card that I know would make the regular difficulties trivial. I tried easy first and realized this is no fun as I could mash x and win right from the start in a game I was told got easier as you expand your tree......no thanks.....Dark was a very balanced mode for me and I recommend it to even those that like me are usually inept at these types of things....if you were able to do crushing on u2 you can do Dark on tw2.

Side note....still can't touch demon's /dark for combat playability....I hope that me playing on a gamepad on PC, and a medium settings at best laptop did not make the controls the reason for my opinion, but I really wish all other games learned from the souls series....I realize cdpr said they were giogn for a batman souls mix...but they didn't come close to the fluidity I feel playing the souls....and wished all the way through for better move sets for different weapons.

Still enjoying the game overall, but finding it hard to go back and do flotsam again, in order to try to get to iorveth path.
Isn't Quen essential for Dark Mode? Hell, even for Normal? I find it almost close to cheating. :)
Not essential at all, but still good to use occasionally in big battles as a safety net in case you screw up.

Actually come to think of it, that safety net felt very important to me in one of the last fights of the game.


Uuuh, does that interactive comic app on the iPhone have anything to do with the story? Felt pretty random to me and I didn't recognize any characters or locales from my first TW2 playthrough.
Uuuh, does that interactive comic app on the iPhone have anything to do with the story? Felt pretty random to me and I didn't recognize any characters or locales from my first TW2 playthrough.
No, it's just a stand alone story. Takes place at least a decade before the games. The Witcher started out as a series of short stories, so the comic is done in that style.


No, it's just a stand alone story. Takes place at least a decade before the games. The Witcher started out as a series of short stories, so the comic is done in that style.

Currently I'm reading The Last Wish and really enjoying it. Geralt is such a badass!



Thought this one was too awesome not to share.


I grabbed the TV series so I could get my fix. It's, uh, well it's something that's for sure.

You're a bigger person than I am. A while back, I looked the series up, said "Fuck that shit. That's not Geralt" and never looked at it again. I'll stick to the books and whatever goodness CDPROJEKTred pumps out. The digital comic had a 'To be continued' at the end of it, iirc, so they definitely plan more for the series in that way.
Finished my second playthrough tonight.
My bro Roche wouldn't have hestitated to kill me if given the order :'(

As to not burn out, I'll be taking a break before beginning my third. Definitely looking forward to it :D


New player just starting out on 360 (never played the original, don't have a PC that will run it decently). I think I understand the gameplay systems and so far I love almost everything about the game outside of some minor quirks with the UI/inventory stuff, but two questions:

-Is the lock-on super loose, or is it just me? It doesn't seem like "traditional" Z-targeting where you strafe around someone evenly, it seems like when I lock-on to someone it's very loose and I'm still running around almost free form and I'm even able to run away with my back turned to the enemy I'm locked onto. Is this just something you get used to? Right now that's definitely the thing holding me back in combat.

-I'll also echo the sentiment about not knowing when to use potions; does it just become something where you'll probably have to get into a situation and die before you know you're going to trigger something around the corner and you should drink some first?


-I'll also echo the sentiment about not knowing when to use potions; does it just become something where you'll probably have to get into a situation and die before you know you're going to trigger something around the corner and you should drink some first?

The game's pretty good about letting you know when you're going to get into shit, and signaling you to prepare accordingly. You never really turn a corner into getting fucked - not at all, actually. Geralt's the damn witcher and knows when trouble is afoot. He'll even mutter when the medallion's going off.


Is there any issue with buying The Witcher 2 (360) used? No online codes/passes one has to deal with?

Looking for it that way but no problem buying it new if I have to. Trying to decide between it, Kingdom of Amalur (PS3 or 36) or possibly caving on Diablo 3. Rather not get Diablo as I'm trying to cut my PC gaming in general outside of MMORPGs and Starcraft 2's coming expansions.


Is there any issue with buying The Witcher 2 (360) used? No online codes/passes one has to deal with?

Looking for it that way but no problem buying it new if I have to. Trying to decide between it, Kingdom of Amalur (PS3 or 36) or possibly caving on Diablo 3. Rather not get Diablo as I'm trying to cut my PC gaming in general outside of MMORPGs and Starcraft 2's coming expansions.

No code or any of that junk.

Amalur isn't worth it.


No code or any of that junk.

Amalur isn't worth it.


I've been kinda iffy on Amalur do to the difficulty issues. Though from the demo I was left cold by it. The mechanics seemed sound but didn't feel anything else positive regarding it. I just have a gift card I want to get rid of so I can cut ties with Best Buy and TW2 is one of the games on the list that could get bought. Though I didn't finish The Witcher 1. Got tired of the click to attack combat pretty quickly sadly.


I'm looking for a summary of what happened directly before The Witcher 1. I still want to know the full story about The Wild Hunt and what happened with Geralt and Yennefer. Anyone?

Edit: Goddamn, this journal is so awesome.


Junior Member
I'm looking for a summary of what happened directly before The Witcher 1. I still want to know the full story about The Wild Hunt and what happened with Geralt and Yennefer. Anyone?

Edit: Goddamn, this journal is so awesome.

I understand you found your answer.
Hehe, no, actually. The TW2 journal recounts nothing from before TW1.
There's a 5 year time gap between the books and games. Only info on that area in between with Yennifer and The Wild Hunt is the flashbacks in Witcher 2. Other then his death, the flashbacks are not a retelling of a story that's already known, they're new. So we're as in the dark as Geralt is.


There's a 5 year time gap between the books and games. Only info on that area in between with Yennifer and The Wild Hunt is the flashbacks in Witcher 2. Other then his death, the flashbacks are not a retelling of a story that's already known, they're new. So we're as in the dark as Geralt is.

What I wanted to know. Thanks, bro.


Just got to Act 2. The map is so buggy. I run to a waypoint only to have the game move it to some other location when I get there. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't just arrived in this town and have no clue where anything is.


Amalur's fine in its own right - just make sure that if you play it, you read about how not to break the scaling system.

Hmm. If one needs to be mindful of that then I'll take a pass on it unless it's extremely cheap which it looks like it won't be for some time. The Witcher 2 it is then.


Where is the new quest for the Enhanced Edition? this is my second run with Rotch and i almost finish the second chapter and i only saw ¿3 new videos? (intro, and the end of each chapter)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I apologize if this has been asked before in the thread... but I have played through the original Witcher 2 with both Roche and Iorveth... d/led the update and just wanted to do the quests that were added to the Enhanced Edition, rather than replaying the whole game. Is there a list of these quests? I'd just continue from my save games if possible. Thanks...
Sooo, you have to hold LT to lock onto enemies? No toggle mode?
On PC it's a toggle with the bumper button. On 360 it's a hold with the trigger. I actually kinda wish we had the hold on PC, because I rarely use the target lock while it's a toggle.

I apologize if this has been asked before in the thread... but I have played through the original Witcher 2 with both Roche and Iorveth... d/led the update and just wanted to do the quests that were added to the Enhanced Edition, rather than replaying the whole game. Is there a list of these quests? I'd just continue from my save games if possible. Thanks...
The quests are Secrets of Loc Muinne and Lilies and Vipers. One per path. Both are in the 3rd chapter, so theoretically you could just go to saves at the start of those chapters. But due to backwards compatibility problems they may not actually work correctly.


I didn't get a reply in the other thread, so I'm posting it here:

Is this supposed to be an improvement? The lighting has changed in my EE, where some of the glow effects simply aren't there anymore. Take a look at this:

My playthrough a year ago during release:

My new playthrough of the EE:

It's the same thing with fire effects/spells, it's like they've lost all illumination. Should I try to re-install or is there some graphic options I should turn on/off?

Another example:


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