Everyone who skipps the first Witcher despite owning a capable PC while owning Witcher 2 is a witchmolol.
I don't like how CDPR wants to sell a Triss as some whore...
I honestly dislike her.She was annoying in TW2.
I own an iMac. <sad trumpet>
Thanks guys, for the recommendations on W2, though.
I own an iMac. <sad trumpet>
Thanks guys, for the recommendations on W2, though.
Everyone who skipps the first Witcher despite owning a capable PC and owning Witcher 2 is a witchmolol.
I don't believe that any of this is real. Just can't be.
Hmm Nilfgardian king never specifies if he's talking about CIri (who is shown when he is talking about a woman), or Yennefer.
it is about Ciri.
Books spoilersThe king was after her since she was a kid because of her royal bloodline (to rule Cintra), she is also have the blood of the elders elves that why the Wild Hunt were after her but after a while she went away from all of them
I guess She is back to end all of this (because she can)
You guys arguing Roche/Ioverth are making me want to play W2 again.
Saskia was my fav in TW2.
Need moar Saskia!!!
You guys arguing Roche/Ioverth are making me want to play W2 again.
it is about Ciri.
Books spoilersThe king was after her since she was a kid because of her royal bloodline (to rule Cintra), she is also have the blood of the elders elves that why the Wild Hunt were after her but after a while she went away from all of them
I guess She is back to end all of this (because she can)
Iorveth was for the weeaboos. Saskia was cool but really was anything as awesome as that scene with Roche and the bridge? Plus I really liked the setting on his path more too, dat war camp
I own an iMac. <sad trumpet>
Thanks guys, for the recommendations on W2, though.
If you played only once, then you definitely need to replay.
I played on release, then replayed with version 2.0 second branch, and I am still extremely excited about third playthrough with Iorveth again, for the first time in Enhanced Edition, with new cutscenes and content.
I don't like how CDPR wants to sell a Triss as some whore...
I honestly dislike her.She was annoying in TW2.
...Do I need to play the first two to understand what's going on in this one?
This looks incredible and I want it really badly but I haven't played more than two hours of one and two combined.
I really have to finally power through TW2. I forget where I left off now..
If you played only once, then you definitely need to replay.
I played on release, then replayed with version 2.0 second branch, and I am still extremely excited about third playthrough with Iorveth again, for the first time in Enhanced Edition, with new cutscenes and content.
...Do I need to play the first two to understand what's going on in this one?
This looks incredible and I want it really badly but I haven't played more than two hours of one and two combined.
I really have to finally power through TW2. I forget where I left off now..
Some quick downsized screenies from the 40mbps version...
...Do I need to play the first two to understand what's going on in this one?
This looks incredible and I want it really badly but I haven't played more than two hours of one and two combined.
Was that Yennifer in the trailer?
This gives me hope that a next gen Red Dead Redemption could be one of the most amazing Western themed games ever.
...Do I need to play the first two to understand what's going on in this one?
This looks incredible and I want it really badly but I haven't played more than two hours of one and two combined.