The things I would do to her.
Basically click my tag. Ah yeah I'd show her.
Admiral you are a good man/dog
The things I would do to her.
Basically click my tag. Ah yeah I'd show her.
I've got a GTX780 (not that old) and I already feel I need to upgrade for this =/
I think Triss looks super
Also, how good will Zoltan's beard look
Depends on how efficiently they will integrate Nvidia Hair and fur tech.
See, I don't think so. Her character model (well, the face/head, at least) looks almost last-gen to me. Not close to what we've seen in some other games.
I never found Triss's face all that appealing. :/ And I couldn't care less about her sex scenes so meh all around. I do like her outfit and red hair though.
There was some part of the VGX trailer which looked furrylicious (that's a word)
See, I don't think so. Her character model (well, the face/head, at least) looks almost last-gen to me. Not close to what we've seen in some other games. Geralt, as I said, looks better, but the hair still looks comparatively bad.
Ok, that's certainly better. Except for the hair. I know that's difficult to get right, but there are certainly games with better hair than this.
Someone make a gif of this superimposed over the image of Triss with her head back.
Someone make a gif of this superimposed over the image of Triss with her head back.
Lol that seems a bit risky hammer-wise. And risque.
I've made it, should I post it?
If I get banned you're going with me
See, I don't think so. Her character model (well, the face/head, at least) looks almost last-gen to me. Not close to what we've seen in some other games. Geralt, as I said, looks better, but the hair still looks comparatively bad.
Ok, that's certainly better. Except for the hair. I know that's difficult to get right, but there are certainly games with better hair than this.
Feels like OT GAF invaded the thread now. :/
But if I must, I'm disappointed in the lack of next gen topless Geralt.
Seriously, the hell is this guy?
King Baldwin??
Lol, If I remember correctly, they will avoid explicit nudity this time in this game. Watch previous trailer, the mermaid has shell bra (like DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball) also look at the whores in the brothel in this trailer, none of them is topless and they were hiding their chest with fur. Sounds not promising at all (I hope they hid nudity for the sake of trailer only).
CDPR have never done good hair. TW2s hair was absolutely laughable and you could see stuff like beards just sitting on dwarves faces.
The fur/hair in this should be good, due to that Nvidia tech. Geralts hair in the trailer looked great.
The fur/hair in this should be good, due to that Nvidia tech. Geralts hair in the trailer looked great.
The fur/hair in this should be good, due to that Nvidia tech. Geralts hair in the trailer looked great.
I hear the fur tech brings high end gpus to their knees, this is old info and I don't have a source, but I could probably dig it up.
...Ok, here. http://www.overclock.net/t/1425282/...-will-probably-bring-your-gpus-to-their-knees
Pitcairn is a GPU core based on the first gen GCN microarchitecture, just because the raw PS4 chip has as many CUs as it does not make it the same core.
I never found Triss's face all that appealing. :/ And I couldn't care less about her sex scenes so meh all around. I do like her outfit and red hair though.
Really excited for this game from what I've seen so far, should I play the other 2 before and if so, in which platforms?
For anybody interest in the universe, the books are well worth reading. There are fan translations available for the books that aren't available in English, and they as passable.
Is anybody keeping track of teamtriss vs. teamyennefer? TeamYennefer all the way!
Is anybody keeping track of teamtriss vs. teamyennefer? TeamYennefer all the way!
Thta is why it was toned down in this trailer, I expect consoels will miss it, and CDProjekt works closely with Nvidia and they won't integrate TressFX 2.0 neither for PCs with AMD (ATI would be more precise) crads nor for consoles.
It was toned down from the tech demos they showed at GDC, in fact the hair moves now but but it is all tied up and looks and moves like a curtain, no individualm hair like in GDC or in FF15 tech demos. Well even in UE4 (trial by some fan) the hair looks betetr than Witcher 3: https://forums.unrealengine.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=4440&d=1401884741
The Witcher 1 is PC only.
The Witcher 2 is PC and 360.
Cause Blood of Elves came out around Witcher 1 and it was probably more important at the time to introduce Triss.Pretty much. Baptism of Fire is already out in the UK and should be coming out in the US at the end of this month. Don't know why they passed over Sword of Destiny. It's pretty important in terms of introducing Ciri.
Certain scenes it looks like it was moving individually, like here. Earlier shots did look like it wasn't enabled (they were in the openworld sections), so I'm thinking it's just a super high end effect they haven't optimized so much yet.