I've seen the trailer like 10 times already.
This is seriously a Best Game Ever contender.
Honestly I'm really surprised at the production values.
I was expecting something really pretty, but the extra little layers of polish and attention to detail on things on things like cinematic framing and animations are something that I didn't think they'd invest so heavily in.
Like there's nothing here that sticks out in a "this wasn't made by a AAA publisher for a gazillion dollars" way.
I'll have had my 670GTX for three years... almost, by the time this is out. I guess that kind of justifies an upgrade, right?
Hmm I vaguely remember some mentions of TW3 having 100 milions PLN (22 milions Euro) budget for development and marketing
Multiply this by lower costs and salaries in Poland and this would be AAA budget in west.
Haha I plan to to use my 770 as dedicated physX card for TW3 before selling it![]()
Poland may be cheaper, but not that much.
Charles Dance is awesome in whatever he does:
And - people will Aard me for this but - he was one of the best parts of Alien 3.
I think I just saw Letho's arm
Looks really nice, but I'm slightly disappointed in the facial animations. Not much to go on, but the 'I shall give her what she deserves' part isn't better than what we've seen last gen. The same could be said for Watch Dogs. They're not horrible, but with the steps forward in visuals elsewhere, any lifeless animation starts to stand out for me.
Poland may be cheaper, but not that much.
Here's hoping my 770 will still have what it takes to play this beast at maximum settings... Don't care if it's 30 fps, as long as I can play on maximum settings.
Poland may be cheaper, but not that much.
I'd say USD$15m for development (a figure that is probably a wee bit higher now due to the delay) and USD$25m for marketing qualifies as "AAA". (Source: this thread.)
I've checked some reports and median of gamedev salary is at 1100-1400 euro level
Same here. But I think we are both going to be in for a shock.
Not really a shock.
The PC version will have über sampling. So running it max will probably require hardware that doesn't exist yet.
That said, at 1080p, with most settings maxed, I don't see 30fps being a problem.
Especially if they are saying 1080p, 30fps, high PC settings for PS4.
Then that settles it. Glorious AAA Witcher
Fun fact: The Witcher 3's marketing budget is equal to that of Left 4 Dead 2's.
Not really a shock.
The PC version will have über sampling. So running it max will probably require hardware that doesn't exist yet.
That said, at 1080p, with most settings maxed, I don't see 30fps being a problem.
Especially if they are saying 1080p, 30fps, high PC settings for PS4.
Then that settles it. Glorious AAA Witcher
Sadly I have no idea how this compares to the rest of Europe :/
I bought the first two games and just couldn't get into them. This trailer makes that totally irrelevant and I am buying this thing on day one. I'll just chalk my history up to madness and move forward buying Witcher games.
That torch shot is driving me crazy, it looks so good.
Fuck, I need to get around to playing The Witcher 2.
Fuck, I need to get around to playing The Witcher 2.
Geez to play this on maxed out settings in 1080p you will most likely need TITAN Z.
Charles Dance is awesome in whatever he does:
Especially if they are saying 1080p, 30fps, high PC settings for PS4.
That torch shot is driving me crazy, it looks so good.
Fuck, I need to get around to playing The Witcher 2.
Yeah. I want this game to be good so bad. SO BAD! But I played the 2nd one a bit on my friend's 360 and the combat feels like a struggle. After playing something like Dragon's Dogma where the combat was amazing (but that's really all it had going for it IMO), it's just hard to deal with stiff characters. I really hope they've fixed that here.
Yeah, I had no clue somehow. But sure enough there were articles from last summer showing up when I googled "Charles Dance Witcher 3". He definitely sounds great!I saw the announcement ages ago, but we never heard anything about it again so I wondered if I'd just dreamed it. Then all of a sudden he turns up in this trailer, doing an amazing job, no less. "I shall give her what she deserves..."