Consider yourself basically in Act 2. Like I said it isn't as black/white as the Act 2 to 3 one.
Alright, thanks. Was wondering because the rec. level for the quest is 13 and I am 20.
Consider yourself basically in Act 2. Like I said it isn't as black/white as the Act 2 to 3 one.
This will not spoil:but expect a dramatic difference in how that questline pans out saving the tree spirit.
2nd half of the first post -
Wait this is only the start of act 2? There's an act 3 after that? So I should be good for a while then?
Yep, I think you need to do all the important sidecharacters sidequests before act 2.
Consider yourself basically in Act 2. Like I said it isn't as black/white as the Act 2 to 3 one.
Being able to cast Signs by "R2 + face buttons" makes the combat so much more fluid. Even better than using swipes. Loving it!
My horse only runs out of stamina if I attempt to run through the forest instead of the predefined paths
I'm 31 hours in and only level 11? I thought I was at like 25 hours max.
Last Wish quest:My desire to do the No Yen, No Triss, (already said no to Keira) playthrough is being sorely tested right now.
Does this only work in combat?Being able to cast Signs by "R2 + face buttons" makes the combat so much more fluid. Even better than using swipes. Loving it!
Does this only work in combat?
Does this only work in combat?
Someone help me with this math, please? Wolf hides sell for 121 crowns a piece yet the merchant gives me 11 crowns per hide. Is there another vendor that gives more money for wolf hides?
I'm still in Velen lollygagging about to completed Wander in the Dark.
I'm four days in and just relaxing enjoying the game.
I believe it did for me.Is now or never supposed to unlock immediately after completing a matter of life and death?
Spoiler regarding Crookback Bog:Thespirit gives a perfectly good answer to this if you ask it - Nature doesn't care. Which makes perfect sense since you fight a bunch of wolves to get there, wolves don't care if you're a man/woman or a child, they will kill you to protect the tree
Haha, just overheards ome kids discussing what whores do and why their dads like the Passiflora the most because they got the dirtiest whores.
Amount of small details like that, things that actually may happen etc. in world, in W3 is mind blowing. You want see it all and hear it all because it just sucks you in.
Is now or never supposed to unlock immediately after completing a matter of life and death?
By the end of the game my fast attacks were critting for about 1800 damage. This was with barely any investment in the swords tree (just one mutagen thing, the rest was signs). Whirl was like a freaking blender. Next run I'm gonna do alchemy and swords on a lower difficulty than Death March.
Even with that crazy damage some stuff still took a while to kill.
Now or Never quest spoilersI'm about to start this. I want to romance Yennefer but keep Triss and I on good terms. Is that possible? I mistakenly kissed her at the party, will that screw me over?
Now or Never quest spoilersI'm about to start this. I want to romance Yennefer but keep Triss and I on good terms. Is that possible? I mistakenly kissed her at the party, will that screw me over?
Now or Never quest spoilersI'm about to start this. I want to romance Yennefer but keep Triss and I on good terms. Is that possible? I mistakenly kissed her at the party, will that screw me over?
Any tips on how toNo problem, go for it.
Isn't Whirl only unlockable through the skill tree?
Any tips on how toget Triss to come to Kaer Morhen but not romance her? Thinking about going Yen only this playthrough.
Any tips on how toget Triss to come to Kaer Morhen but not romance her? Thinking about going Yen only this playthrough.
Aw, hardly anything of Yen
Yen's face changed a lot from her original concept art and model.
Spoiler regarding Crookback Bog:Is that a good explanation though? She mentions nothing of the nightmares the Ealderman mentioned, nor does she explain why the people are drawn towards the tree. Her answers are riddle-like, which seemed too suspect from me. After getting tricked in Fyke's tower, I decided that this spirit had to go.
The book, She Who Knows, seems to have it right.
Any reason you're doing it?
I really wish it wasn't so confusing to get this outcome. I originally killed the spirit first before starting ladies of the wood. Then a while later its like oh the kids are dead now because of that but you weren't given the slightest clue they would be related.