Does that spoiler mean to imply that he's one of the official concept artists?
But he absolutely is a nobody. He's some self-appointed, through violence, fake baron who all the true men in power in the region think is some useless ant.He's a good character and there could easily have been more to his story, definitely wasn't an absolute nobody.
Shame if it's true you don't meet him again, imo.
WhatBarely getting started.
I think I did the part you mentioned like over 2 weeks ago, and I play like 3-4 hours every evenings (where I have nothing else to do, which is often) after work.
I'm still trying to find Ciri. Goddamn sidequests and exploration are keeping me extremely busy outside of the main story.
Does that spoiler mean to imply that he's one of the official concept artists?
And, awww, of course he doesn't sell the one I want. (The forest one with the elven archer.)
But he absolutely is a nobody. He's some self-appointed, through violence, fake baron who all the true men in power in the region think is some useless ant.
That's not to say he isn't interesting and his story is crap, of course not, but he is a nobody both in the political game and the hunt for Eredin.
Fuck. Some days I have a good time and others I just want it to end. It's so good though. I'm really loving it but damn. I told myself not to play anything else until I've finished it. Seeing people beat it like a week after it came out made me want to give up haha.
Fuck. Some days I have a good time and others I just want it to end. It's so good though. I'm really loving it but damn. I told myself not to play anything else until I've finished it. Seeing people beat it like a week after it came out made me want to give up haha.
I'm just about to go to isle of mists, I'm still in act 1 right?
Jesus! How long is this game, I played a lot and I just met the Baron and I am helping him find his daughter. How far am I?
Barely 10% in tbh15% in?
Heh, Depending on how you play I'd put the Baron at maybe 5%. There's so much disparity between play styles, as if you end up doing lots of quests than the game will take you much longer than following the main quests. But it's funny because lots of the main quests branch off into side quests that you feel compelled to do since you want to see how those plot threads pan out.
Just such brilliant design by the devs to do this.
Can somebody tell me where I'm at storywise as far as how many hours of strictly story I have left? I'm loving this game so much that I've pretty much been ignoring the main quest just to do everything else. Haven't even gone to Skellige yet even though I could have a long while ago. I justmet up with Zoltan and am going to talk to all the girls Dandelion slept with.
WHAT. I've played 15 hours and haven't done the Baron yet (though I have the quest). No way am I only 5% in.
On a side note (spoilers) -
Does anyone know if you can complete a side quest which involves Triss helping you after you show her a certain item? Using the guide, there appears to be two of these quests and I did one of them already but Triss has already left Novigrad. Any way to meet up with her to complete the second quest? The quest is called - The Soldier Statuette
In regards to the side note, if anyone knows or not, please let me know. Thanks.
Well, consider this. You can explore almost the whole world, do a huge amount of sidequests, find and explore all the question marks and still be at the start of the main quest. So you're at "5%" in the main story, but that doesn't mean you've seen 5% of the game.WHAT. I've played 15 hours and haven't done the Baron yet (though I have the quest). No way am I only 5% in.
I fucked up...I fucked up big time. I am with Triss, but everything is pointing in the direction that I am supposed to be with Yen. Now I am atCan anyone tell me how bad the second option here is? I already know what happens if youthe ship where we broke the spell, have the option of telling her I still love her, or I dont want to be with her anymore.choose both of them.
The play time counter on my game is bugged, but I estimate I'm in the region of 90 hours played. Still haven't visited Skellige yet. I'm going to wrap up a few more side missions before I finally board a ship and be on my way... which will probably add another 5 or so hours.
Also, the loading screen narration is clearly supposed to be from the point of view of Dandelion, same as the character archive. So why is it Vesemir that speaks? Did no one at CD Projekt notice?
The play time counter on my game is bugged, but I estimate I'm in the region of 90 hours played. Still haven't visited Skellige yet. I'm going to wrap up a few more side missions before I finally board a ship and be on my way... which will probably add another 5 or so hours.
Also, the loading screen narration is clearly supposed to be from the point of view of Dandelion, same as the character archive. So why is it Vesemir that speaks? Did no one at CD Projekt notice?
Also, the loading screen narration is clearly supposed to be from the point of view of Dandelion, same as the character archive. So why is it Vesemir that speaks? Did no one at CD Projekt notice?
Is it really Vesimir? I didn't found it sounds so alike. For me it sounds more like an old Dandelion.
(It's plainly stated in one of these screens that it is Dandelion speaking)
Jesus! How long is this game, I played a lot and I just met the Baron and I am helping him find his daughter. How far am I?
Man I ended up.killing keira![]()
i'm level 20 and just got to skellige, i'm feeling very little challenge even on death march - any recommendations? haven't died in a long time
or will things just start to pick up difficulty wise?
So I was down south, happened upon some ruins, found some stuff. But then there's a point of interest up on a hill that seems to have an invisible wall all the way around it.
If you dismantle a crafted item, will you get the ingredients you used back? My inventory is bursting from all four witcher gear sets and I would like to get temporarily rid of some of them...
I tried, typed spawn Sukrus but nothing happened. I also submitted the bug to CDPR, meanwhile other people triggered it, still no answer or fix.
Oh damn just did Yen's romance side mission:told her I didn't love her now the Djinn's magic was gone and that she got her wish, even though she told me she felt no different. I mean I wanted to be with Triss but that was just brutal...
Sorry if this is really stupid, but I just started this and I have a few questions after playing W2 that I couldn't find answers to in the OPit would be great if anyone could answer these with as little spoilers for W3 as possible.
So the opening scene - when (chronologically) does that take place? I knowit's a dream and Ciri is a child in it but it seems to be based on a memory, just different - when did that memory happen? Before W1?
Secondly, Yennefer - inW2 Geralt pieces together that she was taken by the Wild Hunt, and he gave his soul in place of hers. When did that happen chronologically? Before W1 again? Because it made it sound like it was an old legend, but then wouldn't Yennefer and Geralt be hundreds of years old?
Sorry if these are stupid, I just can't piece together the chronology properly.![]()
spoilers for that quest,
I loved it.
I was like "Screw you canon". I know the books and the games are considered separate but for the games story lines it essentially removes all that "but it's canon" crap every Yen defender uses, it was all the product of a curse.
Ah, okay. Thank you! Do you know how long before W1 they took place? Also, how didYes both of those events take place before W1. Ciri's grooming in Kaer Morhen takes place in the first book of the saga - Blood of Elves. The second eventtakes place between end of books and beginning of W1.
And by the way - Yen and Geralt are quite old as they don't age normally and I think at least the former might be older than 100 years old.