Has this been posted yet?
Found a thread about an XP bug that's been confirmed by CD Projekt, looks to affect all versions. Seems like greyed quests (even main quests) aren't giving xp. May take a break if this is the case. Am playing on Blood and Broken bones and the last thing I want is even less xp...
Has this been posted yet?
Found a thread about an XP bug that's been confirmed by CD Projekt, looks to affect all versions. Seems like greyed quests (even main quests) aren't giving xp. May take a break if this is the case. Am playing on Blood and Broken bones and the last thing I want is even less xp...
So I reached, entered the building a saw somefyke islerunning around. I then struck me that several people in this thread referred to a quest calledmice.A Towerful of Mice
I haven't accepted this quest yet, not even up to that part of the story.
If I continue in this area, do I risk breaking the quest?
Has this been posted yet?
Found a thread about an XP bug that's been confirmed by CD Projekt, looks to affect all versions. Seems like greyed quests (even main quests) aren't giving xp. May take a break if this is the case. Am playing on Blood and Broken bones and the last thing I want is even less xp...
Greyed quests aren't supposed to give XP. This bug is specifically regarding quests that are equal or above ones level and still don't offer XP. It's easy to check for. If you complete a quest and get XP...then you don't have the bug.
Following themight be the weirdest thing I've ever done in a video game. I couldn't stop laughing at just how odd it was.creepy flying ghost fetus to find the baron's family
You won't be able to do anything there without a quest item.So I reached, entered the building a saw somefyke islerunning around. It then struck me that several people in this thread referred to a quest calledmice.A Towerful of Mice
I haven't accepted this quest yet, not even up to that part of the story.
If I continue in this area, do I risk breaking the quest?
You should keep playing unless you aren't getting xp. I've just completed a bunch of story quests getting about 1000 for each completion, so it's not happening to everyone.Has this been posted yet?
Found a thread about an XP bug that's been confirmed by CD Projekt, looks to affect all versions. Seems like greyed quests (even main quests) aren't giving xp. May take a break if this is the case. Am playing on Blood and Broken bones and the last thing I want is even less xp...
Following themight be the weirdest thing I've ever done in a video game. I couldn't stop laughing at just how odd it was.creepy flying ghost fetus to find the baron's family
You can feel free to do this now if you want or leave it until you find it during a story mission.So i found a cave in Velenand a voice told me to begone.So i entered the cave and a weird being wants me to free it.
I get the feeling that this is a quest you find somehow later so the question is should i reload a save and wait to find the quest or should i just do whatever i decide to do?I mean even if i dont find a quest tied to it i can always come back right?
Yeah, I LOVE those sorts of sections. I was under the impression that the Witcher series were very serious business in tone so those things are unexpected and welcome.As a big fan of weird fiction I quite love the game's various dalliances with the bizarre.
10 days since the game released, and my screenshot folder is already at 1Gb +.
Can't stop pressing that printscreen button on my gamepad.
Wait what gamepads have printscreen buttons?
Is there one of these for Yen?
You can feel free to do this now if you want or leave it until you find it during a story mission.
It's a small part of a much larger story mission. There's no big build up to this bit. The quest is called Ladies of the Wood, by the way.
Nope. TeamTriss foreva and a day.
I kinda RP'd differently and just straight uptold the Baron I didn't want to hear his shit, but I kinda wish I got the full story about "why" he beat his wife til she miscarried and all that but I honestly just wasn't having any of it. Although in all honestly I personally would like to have heard/read the whole exchange to make a better call about the Polygon review.
970 installed and ready to go. Wow it's a dream to play it this smoothly.
New to the series. Going with Yen because (spoilers through early Skellige)Those who started with Witcher 1 - Team Yen
Started Witcher 2 - Team Triss
Series noobs - Toss up?
This is when I'm glad I finished the game prior to the new patch lol
I'm going to sound hyperbolic here but I've really thought about this.
I just played one quest (main story) that might've convinced me this the best, most well realised open-world RPG ever made.
Can you clarify because I don't think that's an option for everybody
New to the series. Going with Yen because (spoilers through early Skellige)It just seems right with what I gathered about the characters.Triss seemed convinced that there was no way it would work between them/made her peace with that and Geralt said Yen also considered Ciri a daughter.
At the end I thought you can help decide who becomes the ruler. Who is the best option (lesser of multiple evils) or what makes the most logical sense
Following themight be the weirdest thing I've ever done in a video game. I couldn't stop laughing at just how odd it was.creepy flying ghost fetus to find the baron's family
I found it quite sad, I have children myself and immediately sympathised with the Baron.As a big fan of weird fiction I quite love the game's various dalliances with the bizarre.
in regards to your Triss commentyou make it work with her if you choose the right game choices
As to the rest that's from the novels which have a bunch of reasons as to why it works that way.
I bought mine from a merchant in Oxenfurt.When / where can we get a respec potion? I've done all of white orchid
I'm closing in on 100 hours and feel that this is one of the best RPGs I've ever played open-world or otherwise.
Nope. Just left white orchard.Are you still in White Orchard? You won't get anything good until you leave there. Once you hit level 8 and start exploring you'll be finding good stuff. I've only used crafted or relic items for the majority of my playtime.
Found my new wallpaper from Reddit:
It's a fan art. Amazing work.
New to the series. Going with Yen because (spoilers through early Skellige)It just seems right with what I gathered about the characters.Triss seemed convinced that there was no way it would work between them/made her peace with that and Geralt said Yen also considered Ciri a daughter.
On a related note
Will I get to see Triss again. She left with the other mages but it seems like that would be far too early for a major character to disappear. Just want a simple yes or no.
Just finished that Bloody Baron questline.... so good. His voice actor sounded familiar.
The Witcher FB page posted that too but isn't it legit official works? I saw in Poland stores were giving away that poster with copies of the game and I've wanted a HD version ever since.
I bought mine from a merchant in Oxenfurt.
Found my new wallpaper from Reddit:
It's a fan art. Amazing work.
I tookTriss's trepidation as her assuming Geralt would naturally flock back to Yen now that his memory had returned, but we made it work anyway.
Still in Skellige myself so I haven't seen her again, but I can't imagine she won't appear later
Yeah at first I was half sure Bloody Baron was voiced by Mark Addy(Robert Baratheon).
Oh, it's official?
Didn't know that. The original image is in portrait format, and someone made this 1080p wallpaper from that.
I found a quest called A Feast for Crows and Longclaw is a weapon in the game.How many GoT voices are in this game... Tywin, Robert, I swear I heard Sansa's voice during the Baron's quest as. A lot of influencethe ghost in the tower
Yeah I believe so. This is what was on their FB page:
How many GoT voices are in this game... Tywin, Robert, I swear I heard Sansa's voice during the Baron's quest as. A lot of influencethe ghost in the tower