I don't know where that is in relation to white orchid :/

Notice that WO looks bigger on the map that it is and Skellige looks a lot smaller.
Somebodt needs to do a map with actual scale.
I don't know where that is in relation to white orchid :/
I know you can make it work with her. Just seemed like since she was of that mind about it there would be fewer hurt feelings.
You can't tell her what to do, you're not her real dad.I know Ciri has powers but will she ever get the power to button her shirt up all the way?
*Geralt voiceYou can't tell her what to do, you're not her real dad.
I knew what was behind the spoiler tag before revealing it. So deliciously weird even before the context of where it came from which is pretty disturbing.Following themight be the weirdest thing I've ever done in a video game. I couldn't stop laughing at just how odd it was.creepy flying ghost fetus to find the baron's family
Yeah, for a modern style "cinematic" RPG, the game is incredibly accepting of players finding and doing things out of order. I've had so many cutscenes where Geralt said he had already slain the monster or retrieved the wanted item.Anyway, I like how you can go anywhere, and run into interesting things even if you don't have the quest accepted![]()
I tookTriss's trepidation as her assuming Geralt would naturally flock back to Yen now that his memory had returned, but we made it work anyway.
Still in Skellige myself so I haven't seen her again, but I can't imagine she won't appear later
Yeah at first I was half sure Bloody Baron was voiced by Mark Addy(Robert Baratheon).
i feel bad for all y'all motherfuckas who can't use hairworks
I kinda RP'd differently and just straight uptold the Baron I didn't want to hear his shit, but I kinda wish I got the full story about "why" he beat his wife til she miscarried and all that but I honestly just wasn't having any of it. Although in all honestly I personally would like to have heard/read the whole exchange to make a better call about the Polygon review.
I thought he behaved exactly like real-life abusers do. You got his perspective, a mix of blaming himself with a heavy dose of blaming others. Polygon calls it misogynist to have it spelled out that way, but its the same perspective you'd see from a wifebeater in a decent novel or drama. And that should be the point: having some flimsy reasons, even reasons to be reasonably angry with someone, aren't worth physically assaulting someone over. That's why there's no path I'm aware of where there is a real reconciliation between the Baron and his daughter. She will always hate him for what he did. Rightfully so. Unsurprising that Arthur Gies would rather sound the alarms yet again than really think about the type of story CDPR told. As usual with him (and most games journalists), the portrayal of a character is confused with the personal beliefs of the creators.
Found my new wallpaper from Reddit:
It's a fan art. Amazing work.
White Orchard is a fraction of the size of the other areas and far less dense in terms of content.Not to be a Debbie downer but white orchid area was a lot smaller than what people hyped it to be, so I'm starting to think those 100 hour reports will be more like 30-40 for me (which is still fine)
I finished orchid in about 4 hours and I did everything on the map and every sidequest (according to a IGN guide at least)
I loved it tho so that's what matters
Not to be a Debbie downer but white orchid area was a lot smaller than what people hyped it to be, so I'm starting to think those 100 hour reports will be more like 30-40 for me (which is still fine)
I finished orchid in about 4 hours and I did everything on the map and every sidequest (according to a IGN guide at least)
I loved it tho so that's what matters
Not to be a Debbie downer but white orchid area was a lot smaller than what people hyped it to be, so I'm starting to think those 100 hour reports will be more like 30-40 for me (which is still fine)
I finished orchid in about 4 hours and I did everything on the map and every sidequest (according to a IGN guide at least)
I loved it tho so that's what matters
Found my new wallpaper from Reddit:
It's a fan art. Amazing work.
White Orchard is a fraction of the size of the other areas and far less dense in terms of content.
Didn't realize all that. Thanks. Too late for me to change it now.Her reasoning isn't becauseHer train of thought and reasons stem from:she doesn't want to make it work or doesn't want to get hurt
(Universe/novel and romance spoilers from Witcher 1/2)
- Yen and Geralt were transformed into soul mates at one point way before the games
- While Geralt and Yen were in love basically because they didn't have a choice, Triss also fell madly in love with Geralt.
-She's best friends with Yen and while she doesn't want to get in between the two, she still loves Geralt.
- In Witcher 1 and 2 Yen isn't in the picture so it's just Triss and Geralt.
- In this game you find Yen and she's trying her hardest to let go of you because she thinks Geralt only has 'happily ever after' eyes for Yen. You can choose Triss instead.
Cool. Doesn't change the fact I read a lot of "omg I'm 20 hours in and I'm still in the first zone" comments
Also I'm playing on the second to last difficulty if that matters
Edit: don't get me wrong I WANT you guys to be right![]()
Cool. Doesn't change the fact I read a lot of "omg I'm 20 hours in and I'm still in the first zone" comments
Also I'm playing on the second to last difficulty if that matters
Someone said earlier that there is a mod that maps the XB1 guide button to quicksave on PC. Anyone know where that is?
Wow, have people really claimed to have spent 20 hours in White Orchard? I don't see how that's remotely possible. I'm not even sure if I've played 20 hours and I've cleared a bunch of quests and areas in Velen.
Not to be a Debbie downer but white orchid area was a lot smaller than what people hyped it to be, so I'm starting to think those 100 hour reports will be more like 30-40 for me (which is still fine)
I finished orchid in about 4 hours and I did everything on the map and every sidequest (according to a IGN guide at least)
I loved it tho so that's what matters
Cool. Doesn't change the fact I read a lot of "omg I'm 20 hours in and I'm still in the first zone" comments
Also I'm playing on the second to last difficulty if that matters
Edit: don't get me wrong I WANT you guys to be right![]()
Is it safe to go to Skellige without auto failing quests?
I want to dostory but I'm afraid to go.Lamberts
Is it safe to go to Skellige without auto failing quests?
I want to dostory but I'm afraid to go.Lamberts
in regards to your Triss commentyou make it work with her if you choose the right game choices
As to the rest that's from the novels which have a bunch of reasons as to why it works that way.
If you mean for thethen I choseislandsthe lady. She was level headed, smart, and wasn't just another war-obsessed viking
No sorry I am talking about deciding between. . this game is hard with names. I thought this was like one of the last decisions. End spoiler:the guy who killing all the mages, Ciri's father, and some other guyIf you don't pick Ciri's father he dies or something I heard
I'm so confused by these posts. You were in a tiny little starter area and you're complaining it wasn't long enough? And when people who have played it are telling you the map is absolutely massive once you leave there you're being dismissive because of some unspecified comments you read on the internet?
Why not just play the game and find out for yourself. I don't think you could get through this in 30 hours if you tried your hardest.
Pretty sure most people are referring to Velen as the first zone.
I can't remember when that one auto-fails, but to do part of itIs it safe to go to Skellige without auto failing quests?
I want to dostory but I'm afraid to go.Lamberts
Yeah, don't worry, going to Skellige shouldn't effect anything.
There will actually be a pop-up at a certain point warning you when you're about to hit the point of no return.
Let me warn you right now since it happened to me. That quest fails ifyou don't do it before going to Kaer Morhen
Thanks guysI can't remember when that one auto-fails, but to do part of ityou need to go there anyway, IIRC.
I'm reading the book this is from right now, and I'm not sure I agree with that interpretation.- Yen and Geralt were transformed into soul mates at one point way before the games
- While Geralt and Yen were in love basically because they didn't have a choice, Triss also fell madly in love with Geralt.
I'm so confused by these posts. You were in a tiny little starter area and you're complaining it wasn't long enough? And when people who have played it are telling you the map is absolutely massive once you leave there you're being dismissive because of some unspecified comments you read on the internet?
Why not just play the game and find out for yourself. I don't think you could get through this in 30 hours if you tried your hardest.
In regards to the whole Familiy Matters main quest and a potentially 'better' ending:
I've read several reports that you can save both the orphans and Anna if you set free the tree spirit from the ancient oak before receiving the Whispering Hillock quest from the crones. Apparently by doing the quest out of order the spirit will take vengeance on Dunharrow, free the children(they end up in Marabella's school for orphans in Novigradand), Anna still winds up insane but the Baron will take her to the blue mountains looking for a cure instead of hanging himself. Can anyone confirm this?
I'm reading the book this is from right now, and I'm not sure I agree with that interpretation.The story seems to indicate that their fates were bound together in an inseparable manner. It doesn't necessarily indicate that they fell in love without choice. That's certainly an interpretation I guess, but I don't necessarily buy it. The wish seems vaguer to me than that.
Nah. Rhaknar just got excited by some posters mentioning that the game was 200 hrs long. He then saw people saying they spent 20hrs in White Orchard and assumed they were the same posters and got dejected because he only got 4hrs out of White Orchard.
Rhaknar. I spent about 4 hrs in White Orchard. Am at 21 hrs now and am only at level 7. (I think some posters mentioned story mode endgame is at about level 30.)
Oh man I feel so dumb right now.
They should try an incorporate a NeoGaf reference in there somehow.
This is true in the books, but the game defines the wish asI'm reading the book this is from right now, and I'm not sure I agree with that interpretation.The story seems to indicate that their fates were bound together in an inseparable manner. It doesn't necessarily indicate that they fell in love without choice. That's certainly an interpretation I guess, but I don't necessarily buy it. The wish seems vaguer to me than that.
Incredibly frustrating. Retried that scene like 10 times trying to see if I could change it.I like Jorund a lot.Shame it ended that way.
I've read two reports, one on reddit and one posted bellow IGN's walkthrough page, both times people claimed that they stumbled upon the cave below the tree by accident and that it changed the outcome for the Barons main quest line. Dunno if true, that's why I'm asking.Wow, that's cool. Can you actually get Whispering Hillock before then or do you just need to know where to go?