Merchants of Novigrad has got to be my favourite track off of the OST so far. I've been humming it all day, it just catches the mood of walking around the big sprawling city so well.
What I like about the way BioWare handles relationships (past the "bother them enough to trigger a relationship" phase) is that even though the end result is about as binary, they allow you to specify your character's motivations. Your character can be in love, they can be horny, or they can simply care about someone and not necessarily feel like having sex right now.
Here, I felt like I was forced to choose between two lies to avoid getting locked out of my preferred outcome, and that sucks.
Witcher gear is the stuff that is worth crafting correct? Are those the green items? I crafted a couple of green swords (one of each)
Cool. Doesn't change the fact I read a lot of "omg I'm 20 hours in and I'm still in the first zone" comments
Also I'm playing on the second to last difficulty if that matters
Edit: don't get me wrong I WANT you guys to be right![]()
Mutagens with the same color as the talents in that column buff the talents?
That's a fucking cool system
In regards to the whole Familiy Matters main quest and a potentially 'better' ending:
I've read several reports that you can save both the orphans and Anna if you set free the tree spirit from the ancient oak before receiving the Whispering Hillock quest from the crones. Apparently by doing the quest out of order the spirit will take vengeance on Dunharrow, free the children(they end up in Marabella's school for orphans in Novigradand), Anna still winds up insane but the Baron will take her to the blue mountains looking for a cure instead of hanging himself. Can anyone confirm this?
They played 15 hours of Gwent.
Another question:
Is there a more effective way to refill your health other waiting for these stupidly fucking slow food items?
Another question:
Is there a more effective way to refill your health other waiting for these stupidly fucking slow food items?
Another question:
Is there a more effective way to refill your health other waiting for these stupidly fucking slow food items?
You had to ruin it![]()
In regards to the whole Familiy Matters main quest and a potentially 'better' ending:
I've read several reports that you can save both the orphans and Anna if you set free the tree spirit from the ancient oak before receiving the Whispering Hillock quest from the crones. Apparently by doing the quest out of order the spirit will take vengeance on Dunharrow, free the children(they end up in Marabella's school for orphans in Novigradand), Anna still winds up insane but the Baron will take her to the blue mountains looking for a cure instead of hanging himself. Can anyone confirm this?
Another question:
Is there a more effective way to refill your health other waiting for these stupidly fucking slow food items?
How? I don't think there are any Gwent players in that area?
Swallow potion.
Or meditate if you're playing on a difficulty below hard.
I'm looking for a more (less stupid) way to refill my health during battle.different foods have different regen rates. Other than that, the Swallow potion increases HP regen, there's a ability (Sun & Stars) that gives you passive HP regen, and below blood and broken bones difficulty meditating regens HP.
Right, I got to Skellige and no quests failed (thanks everyone).
But how do I get back to Velen? Fast travel?
I find it weird myself.
I'm looking for a more (less stupid) way to refill my health during battle.
I'm looking for a more (less stupid) way to refill my health during battle.
But here CD Project makes much bigger changes to relationships of a well-defined character with prior relationships.The reason Bioware can do these things is because the MC is usually a blank slate without a prior relationship with any other character in the world.
If I go back to Velen will I fail any quests in Skellige? Sorry to be a pain in the arse, I just hate failing quests and I haven't failed any yet.
What items effect weight in the inventory other than the weapons?
If I go back to Velen will I fail any quests in Skellige? Sorry to be a pain in the arse, I just hate failing quests and I haven't failed any yet.
If I go back to Velen will I fail any quests in Skellige? Sorry to be a pain in the arse, I just hate failing quests and I haven't failed any yet.
Her reasoning isn't becauseHer train of thought and reasons stem from:she doesn't want to make it work or doesn't want to get hurt
(Universe/novel and romance spoilers from Witcher 1/2)
- Yen and Geralt were transformed into soul mates at one point way before the games
- While Geralt and Yen were in love basically because they didn't have a choice, Triss also fell madly in love with Geralt.
-She's best friends with Yen and while she doesn't want to get in between the two, she still loves Geralt.
- In Witcher 1 and 2 Yen isn't in the picture so it's just Triss and Geralt.
- In this game you find Yen and she's trying her hardest to let go of you because she thinks Geralt only has 'happily ever after' eyes for Yen. You can choose Triss instead.
80 plus hours of enjoying this game came to a screeching halt due to a late game mission.who thought following the elf guy from portal to portal was a good idea? I died several times trying to make it through the damn snowstorm and said fuck it.
All the quest have been top notch till this point and there's no way to just leave and restart at the same point.
80 plus hours of enjoying this game came to a screeching halt due to a late game mission.who thought following the elf guy from portal to portal was a good idea? I died several times trying to make it through the damn snowstorm and said fuck it.
All the quest have been top notch till this point and there's no way to just leave and restart at the same point.
This is true in the books, but the game defines the wish asGeralt wanting to "be with her forever", which doesn't make much sense, because it clearly didn't happen by then.
The wish wish never meant to be revealed to the audience and CD Projekt really cheapened that whole subplot with their uncharacteristically simplistic relationship writing.
Much obliged, dziękuje : )I can confirm.
That's not exactly right concerning Geralt and Yennefer.I found it odd the game actually explicitly stated what "The Last Wish" was but it's seems pretty clear from the novels that it simply tied their fates together, like Ciri. They aren't forced to fall in love with each other but they are bound by fate, which effectively in the books means the characters keep meeting up with each other no matter how many times they try and separate and go their own way. Again, just like Ciri who is bound to Geralt by "Destiny" despite his initial reluctance to accept this fact.
80 plus hours of enjoying this game came to a screeching halt due to a late game mission.who thought following the elf guy from portal to portal was a good idea? I died several times trying to make it through the damn snowstorm and said fuck it.
All the quest have been top notch till this point and there's no way to just leave and restart at the same point.
Just a joke.
So, regarding the XP bug, what are we to do, stop playing until a patch is released?
So, regarding Family Matters, I keep hearing the phrase The Baron andthe entire town died.Is this a reference to Downwarren or the Barons residence?
The first one happened to me along with one of the two main outcomes, but people seem soupset that people in the town died which makes no sense to me if it's Downwarren, and made me wonder if there is a separate outcome where more people die in Crow's Perch.
80 plus hours of enjoying this game came to a screeching halt due to a late game mission.who thought following the elf guy from portal to portal was a good idea? I died several times trying to make it through the damn snowstorm and said fuck it.
All the quest have been top notch till this point and there's no way to just leave and restart at the same point.
I'm not sure if they've even mentioned the wish before. Both Yennefer and the Djinn incident were only mentioned in passing prior to Wild Hunt.Did they define the wish like that in the previous games? If so, that's actually a bit unfortunate. I like the vaguer view of what the wish was, and like you said "be with her forever" doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
You know, the only criticism I have of this game is that I fucking hate the map breadcrumb things, it's like it's on crack, heroin and steroids.
Shit just goes mental and points in all different directions.
You know, the only criticism I have of this game is that I fucking hate the map breadcrumb things, it's like it's on crack, heroin and steroids.
Shit just goes mental and points in all different directions.