The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


Just about to finish Witcher 2 and ready to plough into Witcher 3. Just wanted to ask though, is the save system in W3 the same as W2 i.e. no saves overwrite each other, they just stack up? I found it pretty tedious deleting my older saves every now and then just to speed up the loading times because my save folder reached into the gigabytes. This is on PC by the way.
Just about to finish Witcher 2 and ready to plough into Witcher 3. Just wanted to ask though, is the save system in W3 the same as W2 i.e. no saves overwrite each other, they just stack up? I found it pretty tedious deleting my older saves every now and then just to speed up the loading times because my save folder reached into the gigabytes. This is on PC by the way.
They overwrite. The game keeps about 3 autosaves.


Just about to finish Witcher 2 and ready to plough into Witcher 3. Just wanted to ask though, is the save system in W3 the same as W2 i.e. no saves overwrite each other, they just stack up? I found it pretty tedious deleting my older saves every now and then just to speed up the loading times because my save folder reached into the gigabytes. This is on PC by the way.

Which path/side did you pick in W2?

You are in for a long fantastic journey! Enjoy! :-D

They overwrite. The game keeps about 3 autosaves.

And various checkpoints on the mission you are at. You can set intervals for the auto save. Max is 15 minutes afaik.

For what it's worth - on my second playthrough I made a save at the start of every mission and at the point before completing. Sometimes in between as well when I knew big things were coming. I think that was around 400 Mb last time I checked how much was saved on the cloud. Main missions + some great contracts/sidequests

So last night I did
the Isle of Mists and then the big battle
after wards and gosh that was a lot of stuff.

I got to check what other possible outcomes are for the battle. Who can live or die. Was like a little Mass Effect 2 suicide mission where suddenly everything comes together.

I turned off after chatting to people at the funeral scene because I needed a break.
I got zero idea where this story is going from here but it feels I am entering the end game. Will I be able to play the DLC soon or will I have to leave that for some kind of post game? I got that warning earlier saying to make a back up save because shit was about to go down and I dont know if that means I am now "locked in" until I finish the story or will it open up again and let me dink around

God that whole part of the game was so good. Wish I could erase it all and experience it all over again. Gaming highpoint in a very long time for me.

Time to replay it some day without
recruiting anyone


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
After playing this, I hope they can remaster this (or at least port the PC version) over to PS4/X1.

My PC is having a hard time running it.


I'm at Bald Mountain now, it's feeling like I've reached the endgame and I won't be able to do any side quests at this point now. Is that how it is?
Ok the game opened back up again.

I am almost level 31. Those last few quests really bumped my level. Think I was only 25-26 when I went to the isle of mists.

Gonna go get my gwent on. Never did that high stakes tournament.

Also gotten into a nasty habit of getting 95% though a game then not finishing it. I think I will push though till the end of the main quest and leave the DLC for post game just to get some closure now otherwise I am never going to finish the story.

Or does the DLC work its way into the main story at all or is it a totally isolated thing from a story point of view?


Neo Member
Just finished this today. What a journey. Been gaming since the C64 days but can't think of anything which is so epic as a single player game. Not perfect but I loved it.

I played it on PC in all its 60 fps glory.


Finally platinumed just now, after a (expensive!) diversion to get a full Mastercrafted Feline set - my one game completed in October, with minutes to spare after starting with it at the end of August. My overall thoughts on the game are overwhelmingly positive; it's easily the best game experience that I've had in a while.

On to Hearts of Stone, I reckon, and the difficulty's going straight back up to Death March after a brief drop for trophy grinding purposes - the combat feels far too throwaway if there's no challenge!

One quick question - I don't suppose that anyone knows a way to clear the "The Nobleman Statuette" quest from my list (on PS4)? I left it too late so it failed, but still shows listed under Secondary Quests. My quest list is otherwise clear, except for the Hearts of Stone quests -though at some point I need to go question mark hunting in Skellige!


Quick question, can i save between the three gwent games at the
party of the Triss Merigold mission ? I beat the two players before and now i'm asked to fight sir marius florin. I have a good deck but you never know. Don't want to fight the two before again but i don't know if i can fight this Florin guy if i say "no thanks" now instead of "I'd like to play".

Edit: Just played him and won easily. His deck seemed really weak compared to the first two guys. Only problem are these cards who draw other similar monster cards from the deck. But i had 4 Blue Stripes Commando + Commander's Horn who evaporated his monster army :) and he passed.


I always bring my Frost cards when I'm up against a monster deck. Love it when I freeze all those melee dudes and I win by a mile.


I always bring my Frost cards when I'm up against a monster deck. Love it when I freeze all those melee dudes and I win by a mile.

Had just another arms race with a random mechant who placed a lot of these monster cards. This time i had 5 blue stripes commando and a horn. Then both of us just filled the row with other close combat cards. End of round each of us had 150+ points in the the close combat row alone.
Had just another arms race with a random mechant who placed a lot of these monster cards. This time i had 5 blue stripes commando and a horn. Then both of us just filled the row with other close combat cards. End of round each of us had 150+ points in the the close combat row alone.

Heh, as you get further into the game, you'll start seeing some far stronger cards and more advanced strategies/set-ups :) Something to look forward to.

As you unlock more cards, you should clear your NR and Nilfgaard decks of almost every melee card (aside from the dragon and hero cards), and make sure to only include appropriate weather cards.


besides blue stripes commando, i don't use any normal melee cards anymore. Have already enough 10s and 15 heros + spies. But often enough ,3 commandos bring me an early pass from the enemy. 4-5 are trouble for enemies without frost or these death cards.
These card games are nice when you have the insight. Had an eye for this Hearthstone game and gwent rekindled the idea to dip my toe into it.

Have to say that i was a big Igni fanboy but i start to use Aard way more. This instant kill for downed humans is just to good. Is it worth to invest into the 360 (sweep) version?


I made a random impulse purchase of this the other day on an Amazon lightning deal.

I'm pretty scared. I've never played an epic rpg before, I don't normally do games that are like a billion hours in length like this, but I thought fuck it, I'm going out of my comfort zone for a change. I'm terrified at the thought of that overly complicated menu system. I hope I can get into it.

I won't be starting it until after I've finished Tomb Raider anyway. Hold me GAF.


Witcher 3 is triple AAA rpg with everything quite polished and easily understandable. Tutorials are rather good too.
If you would start something like Wasteland 2 or Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines with stats and team management, i would say "youarealreadydead".
But this one is quite good. Besides skills, you don't need to mind any character stats. (besides oil buffs and gear).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally finished the main storyline at 88 hours played. Man, what a game. I was pretty satisfied with the ending I got, too.

I took a long break for Metal Gear, but I think TW3 remains my favorite of the year. Definitely right up there with Metal Gear and Bloodborne.

I'm still debating what to do next. I kind of want to start a New Game+, but I also have the first paid DLC to play through. I've also heard a lot about Mastercraft Armor, so I might want to track down those recipes before starting a new game.


Witcher 3 is triple AAA rpg with everything quite polished and easily understandable. Tutorials are rather good too.
If you would start something like Wasteland 2 or Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines with stats and team management, i would say "youarealreadydead".
But this one is quite good. Besides skills, you don't need to mind any character stats. (besides oil buffs and gear).

Cheers dude, this makes me feel a lil more at ease :) I remember ages ago seeing a video of Gwent? Chasing a griffin on his horse and I thought god damn, I wanna play that, but I always stopped myself cos of the huge length. I need to stop being a pussy.


Finally finished the main storyline at 88 hours played. Man, what a game. I was pretty satisfied with the ending I got, too.

I took a long break for Metal Gear, but I think TW3 remains my favorite of the year. Definitely right up there with Metal Gear and Bloodborne.

I'm still debating what to do next. I kind of want to start a New Game+, but I also have the first paid DLC to play through. I've also heard a lot about Mastercraft Armor, so I might want to track down those recipes before starting a new game.

I should not have left the game on in rest mode. Seems like the time got counted too. Doubt that i already played 250 hours (11 days) but it rather lines up with when i bought the game. :(


Cheers dude, this makes me feel a lil more at ease :) I remember ages ago seeing a video of Gwent? Chasing a griffin on his horse and I thought god damn, I wanna play that, but I always stopped myself cos of the huge length. I need to stop being a pussy.

It's easy to pick up once you become used to the basic controls. They also managed to cleverly integrate the game's tutorial in a non-patronizing way :)

Stick to regular difficulty if anything is overwhelming, you can adjust the difficulty at any point.
I should not have left the game on in safe mode. Seems like the time got counted too. Doubt that i already played 250 hours (11 days) but it rather lines up with when i bought the game. :(

Unfortunately, the in-game counter is broken across all platforms (it has been that way since launch). It will almost always display too much, although for some it displays too little, as it might randomly reset.


Unfortunately, the in-game counter is broken across all platforms (it has been that way since launch). It will almost always display too much, although for some it displays too little, as it might randomly reset.

Indeed, it randomly reset for me a few days before I beat it, but as it seems to count time in Rest Mode on PS4 it was way off my actual play time for me.


So, in NG+ and finally getting to the hearts of stone DLC...runeright is appearing to be a big waste of money, tested out a few of the enchants and not impressed at all, especially considering it is locking out your rune slots for other buffs.

Am I just trying out the wrong ones or is this the consensus?
Going after the initial Griffin gear and a level 20 leshen appeared (whatever that is) down here and I don't know what to do! He somehow hit me and I nearly died. Is this thing supposed to be here?
So I finished Skellige's Most Wanted. I see why everyone was so eager to get it fixed--it's a very cool quest. (Quest spoilers)
I, of course, tried to reason with my accusers; there's no sense killing everything when the monsters are all I'm after. The thing I'm curious about are the monster-slayings they reference--it's been too long since I've played, so I don't know if they're in-game or from books or whatever. In any case, anything dealing with dopplers, godlings, werewolves, or trolls has been wonderful and Skellige's Most Wanted continues this trend.

With the completion of this quest, I've gotta say it again: the way seemingly mundane tasks so effortlessly blossom into something intruiging and fun is a testament to CDPR's success with the Witcher 3. Time and again it proves to me that it is the benchmark for open world quest design.

The only thing that's wearing thin on me is the loot stuff--it really should've used Witcher 2's more limited approach, though, heck, even the Witcher 1's extremely restricted equipment repertoire would be more interesting. Tying new equipment into quests and making the rewards as awesome as the quests themselves is all the game needs... All it would take to adapt TW1 or TW2's systems is some sort of stat upgrade mechanic so that they can be level-matched to Geralt's progression, then it could retain the feeling of progression (perhaps even enhancing it) while giving a more viable selection of equipment throughout the whole game.
Going after the initial Griffin gear and a level 20 leshen appeared (whatever that is) down here and I don't know what to do! He somehow hit me and I nearly died. Is this thing supposed to be here?
I don't recall seeing one, but it was months ago that I got it. It might be a roaming monster that stumbled into the area at a bad time--you'll definitely see high-level monsters from time to time just doing their own thing.

An easy fix would be to leave the area, meditate for 24h, and return--that ought to clear it up. If it's still there, then it was patched in and is the guard for the area; if it's gone, then it is a roamer.
Can anyone tell me if the game time counter is broken. It says I've played for over 150 hours but I do not think so. Especially considering I'm only level 20
Working on upgrading the wolf school gear and other side stuff
Can anyone tell me if the game time counter is broken. It says I've played for over 150 hours but I do not think so. Especially considering I'm only level 20
Working on upgrading the wolf school gear and other side stuff

Literally five posts up:

Unfortunately, the in-game counter is broken across all platforms (it has been that way since launch). It will almost always display too much, although for some it displays too little, as it might randomly reset.


This game is just incredible. I played a ton last night and made a lot of progress. There are definitely some slow parts of the game but it all depends on which quests you are doing. I usually throw in a few contracts and side missions then go do a story mission or two to kick things up.

I've recently learned to switch out my skills based on what I am fighting. In the beginning I would just keep what I had and it seemed like it would be difficult to have everything but just like oils, bombs and potions, you want to use certain skills for specific fights. If it's a wraith contract I'll swap in my yrden spells.

I haven't really used the alchemy tree yet but I think I might put in one that will make my potions more effective as I'm using them more in battle now.

I have a lot of the map to explore in Velen and Novigrad so I might do that next before tackling the next story mission. I want to make sure I am not over leveling for the main story though.


Can anyone tell me if the game time counter is broken. It says I've played for over 150 hours but I do not think so. Especially considering I'm only level 20
Working on upgrading the wolf school gear and other side stuff

let me guess, you have put your PS4 into rest mode with W3 on. Then it counts this "standby" time too.


oh hi there



Really Really Exciting Member!
So Hearts of Stone is 8$ and the expansion pass is 20$. Do we already know the price of the 2nd DLC? If it's 12$ alone, I can buy them seperatly I guess.
So Hearts of Stone is 8$ and the expansion pass is 20$. Do we already know the price of the 2nd DLC? If it's 12$ alone, I can buy them seperatly I guess.

Can't remember if the price for the second expansion has been revealed, but it's probably $16. And it might have another physical limited edition, too.


After Isle of Mists
I gained 6 levels over the next few hours, 27-33. So funny. So close to master armour now. Wonder where to get some of the highest levels of oils, seems I missed a few.


Has pop in always been as bad in cutscenes as it is now? Pretty much every shot has pop in.

And any recommendations of what to get done before "Final Preparations"?


So I went around getting mastercrafted diagrams for Feline and Wolven, and built both fully, only to
look at the stats and discover that all mastercrafted sets have the same base stats.

I didn't even notice I completed all the Witcher contracts! Neat!

Has pop in always been as bad in cutscenes as it is now? Pretty much every shot has pop in.

And any recommendations of what to get done before "Final Preparations"?

7. Fix texture pop-in on characters

NOTE: The following tweaks may cause some of your in-game graphics sliders to reset to "Low". This is perfectly normal and the game will actually make use of your tweaked values as long as you don't move those respective sliders around anymore! All of the other graphics sliders can, however, be safely moved around without fear of overwriting your tweaks.

Patch 1.07 introduced some heavy texture pop-in on characters, which can be incredibly distracting at times! To remedy this issue, if not solve it altogether, navigate to your "...Documents/The Witcher 3" folder, open the "user.settings" file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad), then tweak the following parameters:


Bear in mind that you will need to manually add TextureStreamingReduceGameplayLOD=false under the [Rendering] section of your "user.settings" file yourselves, because the game does not include it by default!


Can anyone tell me if the game time counter is broken. It says I've played for over 150 hours but I do not think so. Especially considering I'm only level 20
Working on upgrading the wolf school gear and other side stuff

Since launch the time counter has been broken, it either under or over the time you have played.
Sucks because it would be really nice to see how much time I put into it.


Has pop in always been as bad in cutscenes as it is now? Pretty much every shot has pop in.
I have it on PS4, so this wasn't a problem until 1.07?

yeah, sometimes the pop ins are really aggresive, especially in "cutscenes". People have no helmet or hair for 5 seconds, whole houses start appearing etc. Doesn't bother me a lot but in some scenes it's just confusing and really blatant.(PS4)


Just received my Gwent card set.

Think it'll be worth something to collectors later down the line? I'll leave it in wrapped up for now.


Picked up the game at launch and for one reason or another, put it down before I even made it out of white orchard. Played for a few hours recently and...yeah, now I'm hooked.
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