The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
After Isle of Mists
I gained 6 levels over the next few hours, 27-33. So funny. So close to master armour now. Wonder where to get some of the highest levels of oils, seems I missed a few.

They're in random locations and can take a LONG while to find.

However, they have a higher chance of appearing in a Contract Dungeon chest.
Hey guys, just wanted to drop in to ask a quick question. I bought the game at launch but getting around to playing it again.

I just finished the series of quests to "Find if Ciri is in Novigrad". I haven't touched the "Find if Ciri is in Skellige". I was wondering, how far into the game am I? Because between the Velen quests and the Novigrad quests (and sidequests, which are fantastic and as good as the main quest) I must've already clocked in 50 hours if not more, but it feels like I'm barely a third through it.
Hey guys, just wanted to drop in to ask a quick question. I bought the game at launch but getting around to playing it again.

I just finished the series of quests to "Find if Ciri is in Novigrad". I haven't touched the "Find if Ciri is in Skellige". I was wondering, how far into the game am I? Because between the Velen quests and the Novigrad quests (and sidequests, which are fantastic and as good as the main quest) I must've already clocked in 50 hours if not more, but it feels like I'm barely a third through it.

You are about 1/4th in.


Friend lent me this for the PS4. I've only played the first entry way back, and lost my save file when I was about half way through.

I rarely jump into late entries of a series, but with it being a lend, though a long term one, and some other factors, I'm considering jumping into the third, or perhaps playing through the second on the PC, though I'm not sure.

Am I fool, or will I still have a good time starting with the third? Any good catch up videos worth watching If I do start on the third?

EDIT: Watched the official catch up for the first game, and thinking I'm going to purchase and play through the second game on the PC.


Just got the Collect 'em All trophy and all that's left are the Radovid one and completing it on Death March. Should be doable before Fallout 4 :).

I really liked collecting all the cards and playing against everyone I could. I did get a Gwent trophy that came with the DLC and yet I don't own the DLC, that's a bit weird.


Friend lent me this for the PS4. I've only played the first entry way back, and lost my save file when I was about half way through.

I rarely jump into late entries of a series, but with it being a lend, though a long term one, and some other factors, I'm considering jumping into the third, or perhaps playing through the second on the PC, though I'm not sure.

Am I fool, or will I still have a good time starting with the third? Any good catch up videos worth watching If I do start on the third?

EDIT: Watched the official catch up for the first game, and thinking I'm going to purchase and play through the second game on the PC.

Do play the second. It is fantastic in its own right and it will enhance your enjoyment of the third.


This is totally going to be my GOTY (Sorry Bloodborne). On my second playthrough, level 24, almost time to experience the DLC for the first time.

I even went out and bought the first 3 books.
This is totally going to be my GOTY (Sorry Bloodborne). On my second playthrough, level 24, almost time to experience the DLC for the first time.

I even went out and bought the first 3 books.

Man, if I could erase my memory and play all the games, read all the books, all over again.
I'm halfway through The Last Wish and it's great. I think having played the games it's making the books better for me. Get to imagine in-game Geralt doing what is going on :p
How did you find the relationships between Geralt and Ciri or Yennefer?

If you had read the books before I am sure it would have felt so much better and easier to relate to game Geralt.

Glad to know that it's the other way around too.
So im thinking about picking this up from the GoG sale. I am wondering how well it will run on my computer though. I have a 7950 and 8 gigs of ram
So im thinking about picking this up from the GoG sale. I am wondering how well it will run on my computer though. I have a 7950 and 8 gigs of ram


My i5-3570k/7850 2GB/8GB RAM ran the game at 30 fps with mostly high settings at launch. Your card is better than this, but google up some benchmarks with the...the 7950 is a R280 right? Anyway, it'll look very nice at 30 fps if that's OK with you.

My i5-3570k/7850 2GB/8GB RAM ran the game at 30 fps with mostly high settings at launch. Your card is better than this, but google up some benchmarks with the...the 7950 is a R280 right? Anyway, it'll look very nice at 30 fps if that's OK with you.

i have an i5, dont remember the exact model but it's one of the newer ones. 30 fps is fine if it doesnt really affect anything


So im thinking about picking this up from the GoG sale. I am wondering how well it will run on my computer though. I have a 7950 and 8 gigs of ram

You will be able to run 30fps at high/ultra mix without much trouble. Probably no hairworks, but no big loss there.
I've been stuck on Imrileth on DMarch for 2 weeks now - I get through the firs stage taking no damage, then he always manages to get me before i dodge roll in the second stage PLUS my swords do pretty much no damage somehow in this stage. It's making me hate the game... any tips?


I've been stuck on Imrileth on DMarch for 2 weeks now - I get through the firs stage taking no damage, then he always manages to get me before i dodge roll in the second stage PLUS my swords do pretty much no damage somehow in this stage. It's making me hate the game... any tips?

If you have it, use the archgriffin decoction. Aside from that, it's all about patience and timing - don't go for more strikes than there's time for between his attacks. Once you're at the last stage of the fight
(after he throws away his shield), put some distance between the two of you, then dodge continuously until he does a strong overhead attack, move in for a couple of hits and dodge away again. I mainly used dodges rather than rolls, to retain control. Igni will melt his frost armour from when he teleports.

Do you have Quen at a decent level?


i have an i5, dont remember the exact model but it's one of the newer ones. 30 fps is fine if it doesnt really affect anything

Before I upgraded I ran it on ultra on the 3570, 16 gig ram and gtx 670. Stable 30 fps if you dropped grass density 1 step lower. Your gpu is stronger I think so wouldn't worry about it.

Hairworks on everyyhing but Geralt made HW pretty stable to use as well that way but not sure how that would go with AMD cards.


Damn right


I've been stuck on Imrileth on DMarch for 2 weeks now - I get through the firs stage taking no damage, then he always manages to get me before i dodge roll in the second stage PLUS my swords do pretty much no damage somehow in this stage. It's making me hate the game... any tips?

I had no trouble with him on my first playtrough on B&BB, killed him in 1 go. But yesterday I came up against him on NG+ Death March and he was a bitch, had a lot of trouble. It seems to me he teleports behind you if you look at him so roll dodge forward, turn around, look at him again until he teleports and roll dodge forward again. Hit him once or twice once he's stuck in the ground and repeat the rolling again.

Also use Igni to disable his ice shield.


After playing through the majority of the game with Hairworks and at 60 fps too boot (980ti), decided to play around with hairworks off. Hairworks is better left off, you lose shadowing from the hair and the lighting on the hair is plain better with it off.

Hairworks is getting there but they just interact with the rest of the gameworld as naturally as the defualt hair does. This includes the monster hair as well, but noticed that monster does tend to look better, maybe i should use a monster hair mod only....hmm....


Been a fan since the first game in 2007.One of the best RPG's of all time,dark and mature as few with non black and white choices all over.

W3 went full tripple A and this makes it one of the best RPG's of all time,thnx to CD Project's devotion.

The downgrade was kind of a letdown and some dumbed down mechanisms especially in potions and mutagens wasn't as good as previous games,but they nailed the rest for good

As far as the expansions goes,normally i'm really skeptical about any DLC type expansion release,but having played the first one i can safely say i'm looking forward to more than just the remaining Blood and Wine expansion.

This game is dope


Had some of the best and most nuts Gwent games today against Sasha from High Stakes Mission.
Over a dozen Spies and Decoys everywhere and she pulled an absolute hardcore comeback from a sure win for me and finished with 1 point ahead. I was clapping and shaking my head. Took me 3 tries to wrestle her down. Other opponents got nothing on her.

Sad that the AI sometimes passes when they are 5:0 or something. Really cheap wins.

Also fook Yen for treating me like a dog.
Fantastic game, finished it earlier this week and bought the SP immediately. Awesome devs who should be supported. The best rpg I've played in a long time, the best since RDR for me, and it might even shade it in a comparison, couldn't praise the game any higher.


Super Sleuth
I just started playing again, just finished the quest "Through Time and Space"

I am fully updated on GOG, no dlc yet.

I use an xbox 360 controller but for some reason it now flashes between 360 indicators and keyboard indicators in the UI and it is incredibly annoying. I turned off both my keyboard and my mouse and it still happens. I restarted my computer and the game, and it still happens.

Anybody know what might be causing this? I don't even want to play it when it does this.


So im playing the HoTs expansion, and I have to say that
The Caretaker
fight was fucking stupid

The fact that he heals constantly means that it took me easily 5-10 minutes to beat him
So im playing the HoTs expansion, and I have to say that
The Caretaker
fight was fucking stupid

The fact that he heals constantly means that it took me easily 5-10 minutes to beat him

He doesn't heal constantly. He goes through phases. And you can cancel his ability to heal himself.


yeah it was a souls esque fight where you have to figure out his pattern and exploit it, was kinda obvious after it kept happening
So im playing the HoTs expansion, and I have to say that
The Caretaker
fight was fucking stupid

The fact that he heals constantly means that it took me easily 5-10 minutes to beat him

heals when he does damage. Just avoid getting hit
. The real problem comes a little later
wraith heals self after taking a few hits, has to be interrupted but I cannot do this fast enough, wraith back to full hp
still stuck on that


heals when he does damage. Just avoid getting hit
. The real problem comes a little later
wraith heals self after taking a few hits, has to be interrupted but I cannot do this fast enough, wraith back to full hp
still stuck on that

Igni can be a good, quick way to stop the wraith from healing.


The real problem comes a little later
wraith heals self after taking a few hits, has to be interrupted but I cannot do this fast enough, wraith back to full hp
still stuck on that

I found that the easiest boss fights of them all lol. I wonder if people use oils, potions, decoctions, etc.?


heals when he does damage. Just avoid getting hit
. The real problem comes a little later
wraith heals self after taking a few hits, has to be interrupted but I cannot do this fast enough, wraith back to full hp
still stuck on that

when the wraith starts to heal,you just hit the paintings in the wall to interupt its healing.Took me some mins to figure out,but otherwise it's an easy fight really,way easier than the caretaker


Seriously, the "interlude" missions at (rather late game spoilers)
Kaer Morhen, helping Lambert, the other Witcher and Yen and drinking were really great. Lots of banter and deep talk. It's also really great how salty Yen is about Triss (said that i don't love her at the Djin mission since i romanced Triss) :X. Would never choose her. There are no strings on me !

Truly great game.

Feline armor set looks really neat.
when the wraith starts to heal,you just hit the paintings in the wall to interupt its healing.Took me some mins to figure out,but otherwise it's an easy fight really,way easier than the caretaker

By the time I
hit the painting the wraith is back at full hp.
I am playing on NG+ hell march.


I just finished a major event yesterday. I completed
The battle of Kaer Morhen. Pretty heartbreaking conclusion to that act. No sweet Vesemir :(

Anyway, I'm continuing with the story and the aftermath of that act by
killing Imelerith. I completely wrecked that prick. Also enjoyed fighting the Witches but felt it was a bit too easy.

I also kinda dislike
the Wild Hunt being actual human-like beings. I thought they were of a completely different world and being. Made them more mysterious and their motives unrelatable. I know some will find their human aspects more interesting but I personally don't. It might change as the story progresses

Also, I need some help. At my point in the story, is there any more gwent cards to collect? I still haven't completed the quest yet. I've done all the gwent card quests up until now including the big tournamnet.

Karl Hawk

I just finished a major event yesterday. I completed
The battle of Kaer Morhen. Pretty heartbreaking conclusion to that act. No sweet Vesemir :(

Anyway, I'm continuing with the story and the aftermath of that act by
killing Imelerith. I completely wrecked that prick. Also enjoyed fighting the Witches but felt it was a bit too easy.

I also kinda dislike
the Wild Hunt being actual human-like beings. I thought they were of a completely different world and being. Made them more mysterious and their motives unrelatable. I know some will find their human aspects more interesting but I personally don't. It might change as the story progresses

Also, I need some help. At my point in the story, is there any more gwent cards to collect? I still haven't completed the quest yet. I've done all the gwent card quests up until now including the big tournamnet.

They are
elves from another world, not humans. Kinda liked it to be honest, it gives a different perspective since the elves living in Geralt's world are purely fucked with racism and persecution by shit-faced humans. Damn shame they weren't well-developed


They are
elves from another world, not humans. Kinda liked it to be honest, it gives a different perspective since the elves living in Geralt's world are purely fucked with racism and persecution by shit-faced humans. Damn shame they weren't well-developed

Yeah I can see it being interesting but it's a shame they won't be fleshed out. I just imagined them being this monsterous race that were completely unrelatable which makes it slightly disappointing that they are elves.


The DLC is fanfuckingtastic. Totally didn't expect it to be this well thought out. I'm used to modern day standards of "DLC". Seems like they felt they could just go all out on the quests and not worry or feel pressures.

Almost finished it, right at the end, an egg timer is a clue to where I am at. The two new main characters are great (not Shani, as in I'm not referring to her here). Shani is awesome as well though.


Also, I need some help. At my point in the story, is there any more gwent cards to collect? I still haven't completed the quest yet. I've done all the gwent card quests up until now including the big tournamnet.
You can access all of the Gwent-related quests during Act 1, so you'll not have gained access to any more quests from completing the sequence at
Kaer Morhen
. The one thing of note that comes to mind is that access to play against Lambert for the Triss Merigold card only opens up around this point.


You can access all of the Gwent-related quests during Act 1, so you'll not have gained access to any more quests from completing the sequence at
Kaer Morhen
. The one thing of note that comes to mind is that access to play against Lambert for the Triss Merigold card only opens up around this point.

I don't understand why I haven't completed the quest then. I've done everything and the inkeeps/blacksmits/merchants don't give me cards anymore after I beat them. I'm at a loss. Do any of the inkeeps have exclusive cards?
Do any of the inkeeps have exclusive cards?

Yeah, tons of vendors and innkeepers have cards, and they always have "exclusive cards". I always talk to merchants who I haven't talked to before to see if they have any. The last cards I got where on some island in Skellige where the innkeeper wouldn't spawn unless I meditated right in front of him. Dude had some monster cards; a vampire in particular.


Yeah, tons of vendors and innkeepers have cards, and they always have "exclusive cards". I always talk to merchants who I haven't talked to before to see if they have any. The last cards I got where on some island in Skellige where the innkeeper wouldn't spawn unless I meditated right in front of him. Dude had some monster cards; a vampire in particular.

Oh okay, that's probably why. I remember not buying cards from a couple of inkeeps because they were awful lol. Never knew they held exclusive cards. Anyway to find out which inkeep still has cards without checking every single city?


Oh okay, that's probably why. I remember not buying cards from a couple of inkeeps because they were awful lol. Never knew they held exclusive cards. Anyway to find out which inkeep still has cards without checking every single city?

If you've not kept any record so far, I'd recommend finding a checklist and marking off which cards that you do have. I used this one for my playthrough:

To establish whether you've collected all of the randomly-assigned cards, you'll need to find a Gwent player who you know that you've not yet played and beat them - if you don't get a new card, then you have all of the random cards. You can't test this by beating someone who you've already beaten previously, though, as you'll only ever get one card from each player this way.

Have you kept track of the missable cards?

  • From the scholar in White Orchard Tavern: Zoltan Chivay
  • From a merchant who appears as a 'person in distress' near to Claywich: Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter, Sweers, Puttkammer, Etolian Auxiliry Archers, Black infantry Archer
  • From 'A Matter of Life & Death': Dandelion, Milva, Vampire: Bruxia
  • From 'A Dangerous Game': John Natalis, Fringilla Vigo, Isengrim Faoiltiarna
  • From 'High Stakes': The Steel-Forged, The Relentless, Queen of Dol Blathanna, Destroyer of Worlds
Well I finally finished this game, 158 hours later! I was doing every single side thing until
Skellige, got sick of sailing around to points of interest
. I really enjoyed it a lot. Pretty happy with my choices overall (
Ciri became Empress, Cerys queen, Temeria is restored, Nilfgraad took over because I killed Radovid
) except for one...

I went with
and felt good about it at the time (I hadn't even been to
yet though) but I regretted it after going through all of those quests. Felt genuinely bad during
The Last Wish when I broke up with Yen
. Also the scenes with
Ciri and Yen
didn't feel right. If I could have changed that decision I definitely would have. Alas, live and learn haha. Fantastic game, definitely plan on reading the books sometime.


I'm still playing Hearts of Stone, just finished one of the first major story quests,
the wedding.
Really like it so far.

The best thing about HoS has to be the improved encounters. The new enemy types are really good to fight against. The boss battles are very good too. I'm using more potions and strategies to be sure.

One of the biggest improvements is to the regular human enemies. They way they designed the battles is a lot better, with a mix of pole-arm wielders, guys with shields, ranged foes, all seem to be working together to make more challenging fights than in the base game. I was using more bombs and having to parry more effectively.

I came across one camp that
was fighting a bear, so I let it thin them out then pounced on some guys who were distracted with it only to be ambushed by some spiders.

It's just another level of complexity. If the combat was as good as HoS in the base game it would have gotten even more praise.

I do agree with people about the Wild Hunt themselves. Having them
turn out to be elves in cool armour was really disappointing. In the first Witcher the king of the wild hunt is a spectral undead thing. I can't recall if any of the wild hunt appear in TW2, but if they did they were spectral in nature. Them just being elves chilling and painting and stuff was hella lame. I thought they were this sleepless undying horde that chased their prey across time and space. Nope, elves.
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