The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Guys, I complete forgot where the Baron's wife and his daughter got attacked and now I don't where to look for her anymore. Any tips? I already talked to his daughter but I have no clue where to look for his wife.


Keep doing other (main) quests connected to the Baron, the Baron's wife story line will eventually pick up again.

Oh okay, that's probably why. I remember not buying cards from a couple of inkeeps because they were awful lol. Never knew they held exclusive cards. Anyway to find out which inkeep still has cards without checking every single city?

If you're using the Gwent Cards site, keep in mind you do not have to have all the duplicate cards in order to get the trophy. For example, there are like 3 Nekker cards but you only need 1 for the trophy.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Keep doing other (main) quests connected to the Baron, the Baron's wife story line will eventually pick up again.

Nice, thanks.

Karl Hawk

Probably not game-related, but I was thinking: What do you think about a guide thread for Witcher books? With The Witcher series getting mainstream appeal with the release of the third game on consoles, I think it might be appropriate to have some newcomers get more familiar with the universe and read the novels.


Probably not game-related, but I was thinking: What do you think about a guide thread for Witcher books? With The Witcher series getting mainstream appeal with the release of the third game on consoles, I think it might be appropriate to have some newcomers get more familiar with the universe and read the novels.

I'm about to start reading the novels, so this would be great
Probably not game-related, but I was thinking: What do you think about a guide thread for Witcher books? With The Witcher series getting mainstream appeal with the release of the third game on consoles, I think it might be appropriate to have some newcomers get more familiar with the universe and read the novels.

Don't we already have this?


Probably not game-related, but I was thinking: What do you think about a guide thread for Witcher books? With The Witcher series getting mainstream appeal with the release of the third game on consoles, I think it might be appropriate to have some newcomers get more familiar with the universe and read the novels.

That's partially what the Community thread is.

Karl Hawk

Don't we already have this?

That's partially what the Community thread is.

Aye, true, but due to it being on the community section, we don't see a lot of discussions around it (Most people in the gaming section probably don't even know it exists), so its why I asked in the first place.

Its just an idea, so I wanted to know your opinions on this. If its not gonna work out, I can bail out of it, no big deal :)
Aye, true, but due to it being on the community section, we don't see a lot of discussions around it (Most people in the gaming section probably don't even know it exists), so its why I asked in the first place.

Its just an idea, so I wanted to know your opinions on this. If its not gonna work out, I can bail out of it, no big deal :)

Well, even if you made a new thread on the same subject, it would also be moved to community after a month, just like this very thread did too. I don't see how it changes anything, to be honest.

Karl Hawk

Well, even if you made a new thread on the same subject, it would also be moved to community after a month, just like this very thread did too. I don't see how it changes anything, to be honest.

Fair enough. I always felt that the players who loved the Witcher games (in addition to newcomers from Witcher 3) should give the novels a try.
just started and glad it can run well on my pc. Do got a question about the abilities. Do i gotta really think about what I put my points into or do I get enough points to get most of them?


If you've not kept any record so far, I'd recommend finding a checklist and marking off which cards that you do have. I used this one for my playthrough:

To establish whether you've collected all of the randomly-assigned cards, you'll need to find a Gwent player who you know that you've not yet played and beat them - if you don't get a new card, then you have all of the random cards. You can't test this by beating someone who you've already beaten previously, though, as you'll only ever get one card from each player this way.

Have you kept track of the missable cards?

  • From the scholar in White Orchard Tavern: Zoltan Chivay
  • From a merchant who appears as a 'person in distress' near to Claywich: Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter, Sweers, Puttkammer, Etolian Auxiliry Archers, Black infantry Archer
  • From 'A Matter of Life & Death': Dandelion, Milva, Vampire: Bruxia
  • From 'A Dangerous Game': John Natalis, Fringilla Vigo, Isengrim Faoiltiarna
  • From 'High Stakes': The Steel-Forged, The Relentless, Queen of Dol Blathanna, Destroyer of Worlds

If you're using the Gwent Cards site, keep in mind you do not have to have all the duplicate cards in order to get the trophy. For example, there are like 3 Nekker cards but you only need 1 for the trophy.

Okay that second quest I haven't done yet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Will try to find a way of activating it when I next get on!


Okay that second quest I haven't done yet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Will try to find a way of activating it when I next get on!

Which of those quests do you mean - 'A Dangerous Game'? Sadly, both that and 'A Matter of Life & Life' are missable. IIRC, you've already been to the
Isle of Mists
, which is the event after which they can't be completed.

The Witcher 3 seems like the GOTY after all.Many great games have come out this year but Witcher 3 is THE game.

Agreed wholeheartedly, except that there's no 'seems like' about it to me; the closest competitor in my mind is Axiom Verge.

As an open question - out of interest, what's the highest-level enemy that you've all come across , pre-NG+? There's a
level 48 archgriffin on a small island a little north of Ard Skellig
that I found a day or two ago and can't think of anything else that really came close.


Which of those quests do you mean - 'A Dangerous Game'? Sadly, both that and 'A Matter of Life & Life' are missable. IIRC, you've already been to the
Isle of Mists
, which is the event after which they can't be completed.

Sorry I meant the vendor who's in distress, I haven't found him yet and bought his cards. Merchants never have cards. It's always inkeeps so that's why I probably missed it. I'll try to find him tomorrow!

And I'm pretty sure I've done those 2 other quests.


Sorry I meant the vendor who's in distress, I haven't found him yet and bought his cards. Merchants never have cards. It's always inkeeps so that's why I probably missed it. I'll try to find him tomorrow!

And I'm pretty sure I've done those 2 other quests.

Ah, that's okay then. I'd advise you to make a backup save before going after the merchant - there are a few ways in which the rescue could mess up and make the cards unpurchasable.


Finally finished this after 202 hours on the clock (Actually 300, but that's a longer story).

Loved it; I think it's the best in the series as a whole, but it's definitely not perfect.


So, after a few months, I booted the Witcher up again to play the expansion. Seeing "Skellige's Most Wanted" in my questlog I thought "After all this time it's surely fixed".
I was wrong.


As an open question - out of interest, what's the highest-level enemy that you've all come across , pre-NG+? There's a
level 48 archgriffin on a small island a little north of Ard Skellig
that I found a day or two ago and can't think of anything else that really came close.

Yeah, that's the highest level enemy in NG.


So, after a few months, I booted the Witcher up again to play the expansion. Seeing "Skellige's Most Wanted" in my questlog I thought "After all this time it's surely fixed".
I was wrong.

Wow, really? I haven't tried it myself yet, but the latest patch was supposed to fix it.

Karl Hawk

So, after a few months, I booted the Witcher up again to play the expansion. Seeing "Skellige's Most Wanted" in my questlog I thought "After all this time it's surely fixed".
I was wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does re-downloading Skellige's Most Wanted works on consoles?


Ah, that's okay then. I'd advise you to make a backup save before going after the merchant - there are a few ways in which the rescue could mess up and make the cards unpurchasable.

I rescued the elf and he didn't have any cards on him. Did I mess it up? Did I save the wrong person? So confused.


Big lol at the Witcher contract mission with the Vampire who likes drunks. The songs Geralt sung ... :lol. plus the rections from the people on the street...
Overall the (often dry) humor in this game was pretty good but not overly forced.

Just defended (rather End game spoilers)
Kaer Morhen against the Hunt. Ciri is still way OP when you control her. Have no problems with these "Elves" reveal since i had a little suspicion that these are not some spectre/elementals but the cold/mist magic (and the Bestiary with the elemental oil for the Hunt dogs) kept my skepticism at bay. Reminded me of 13 warrior and another movie where bad guys seemed supernatural but had just armor. Now i'm heading off to kill the Tower shield dude with Ciri.
Is there another break where i can fast travel away to other spots or is this a run till the end now? Didn't expect to jump 4 levels up because of the battle but now i'm lvl 29 and could upgrade to complete superior feline armor/weapons (have the diagrams already) if i get the chance to reach the female blacksmith and hatori again.
Little disappointed how they handled Triss-Geralt reunion. I said i love her and didn't see her for weeks/months and then we get a little hug and some hints of sex as dialog (and i have to ask Yen for permission to have some privacy with my love? lol). I don't wanted another sex scene but i expected to have a bit more time/dialogue with her, even in face of a big battle. After the battle she heads off with Yen in an instant to some Lodge mages... uhh, see ya i guess.
Triss and Ciris models (faces) are just exceptional well made. Ciri has a little dimple on her cheek when she speaks which i didn't see before. Yen really fades against these two.

All in all, really one, if not the best single character RPG i've ever played. Strangely, the world sometimes reminds me of Dragons Dogma.

Looking forward to the last strech over the weekend. I guess is should get straight into the DLC after i finish the main story? Still have to buy it.


I returned the game after playing for a few hours. It wasn't bad, but I realized I wasn't in the mood for a huge, open world WRPG right now.

I might pick up the GotY version in 2016.


Fired the game back up after sort of falling off back in July. Sort of got stuck trying to work out what decision in wanted to go with it the whole Ladies of the Wood questline and then other stuff and games took my attention away. That and just sort of waiting for patches.

Decided I wanted to try out a build different then what I'd been doing till now on my Death March run. I've been doing a strictly sign run thus far and have been doing alright especially once I got Active Shield going for Quen.

I've seen tons of builds but many of them are old so I'm not sure which are still viable with all the patches. Any particular recommendations?

I saw a build that had Poisoned Blades as a staple and another that did a lot with the combat trees and alchemy. I know I want to keep Active Shield and Delusion for the prompts and extra exp.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Big lol at the Witcher contract mission with the Vampire who likes drunks. The songs Geralt sung ... :lol. plus the rections from the people on the street...
Overall the (often dry) humor in this game was pretty good but not overly forced.

Just defended (rather End game spoilers)
Kaer Morhen against the Hunt. Ciri is still way OP when you control her. Have no problems with these "Elves" reveal since i had a little suspicion that these are not some spectre/elementals but the cold/mist magic (and the Bestiary with the elemental oil for the Hunt dogs) kept my skepticism at bay. Reminded me of 13 warrior and another movie where bad guys seemed supernatural but had just armor. Now i'm heading off to kill the Tower shield dude with Ciri.
Is there another break where i can fast travel away to other spots or is this a run till the end now? Didn't expect to jump 4 levels up because of the battle but now i'm lvl 29 and could upgrade to complete superior feline armor/weapons (have the diagrams already) if i get the chance to reach the female blacksmith and hatori again.
Little disappointed how they handled Triss-Geralt reunion. I said i love her and didn't see her for weeks/months and then we get a little hug and some hints of sex as dialog (and i have to ask Yen for permission to have some privacy with my love? lol). I don't wanted another sex scene but i expected to have a bit more time/dialogue with her, even in face of a big battle. After the battle she heads off with Yen in an instant to some Lodge mages... uhh, see ya i guess.
Triss and Ciris models (faces) are just exceptional well made. Ciri has a little dimple on her cheek when she speaks which i didn't see before. Yen really fades against these two.

All in all, really one, if not the best single character RPG i've ever played. Strangely, the world sometimes reminds me of Dragons Dogma.

Looking forward to the last strech over the weekend. I guess is should get straight into the DLC after i finish the main story? Still have to buy it.

After you kill
you'll be able to fast travel again.

And yeah, this game really is the best character-based RPG out there. Hell, it beats out most RPGs period.

I've heard the DLC is really good. I've only played it for a few hours but I can confirm that so far it has been some pretty top notch stuff, but I haven't played enough to pass judgment. You can definitely play it after you beat the main story, but I'm leaving the final mission on hold until I finish the DLC. I'm on my second playthrough anyway so I know how the story ends.


Is there a better guide out there for all the achievements/trophies? I'm mainly worried about the one that (minor story spoiler)
has you recruit people for a certain battle
That and possibly missing out on some gwent cards. I remember a month after release most of the guides claimed to be guides but were 90% just reposting what every achievement was. Thanks in advance!


Is there a better guide out there for all the achievements/trophies? I'm mainly worried about the one that (minor story spoiler)
has you recruit people for a certain battle
That and possibly missing out on some gwent cards. I remember a month after release most of the guides claimed to be guides but were 90% just reposting what every achievement was. Thanks in advance!

I referred to the guides from PlayStation Trophies, which seemed to cover everything necessary:

Main guide:
Gwent cards:
Is there a better guide out there for all the achievements/trophies? I'm mainly worried about the one that (minor story spoiler)
has you recruit people for a certain battle

Just do all the side-quests and be nice to people and it'll work out. No need for guides.

No need for guides for Gwent cards either; it's always obvious when there's Gwent involved.


I've decided to jump back into the world of Witcher and finish this awesome story before I start Fallout 4. So from now on, the northern realms are my home.

Before I stopped playing I'd gotten up to
initial Ciri quests in Velen. Can't quite remember everything I've done up till now but I don't want to start over because I'd already put in a tonne of time going all over White Orchard.
Hopefully anything I'm hazy on comes back to me as time goes on. I'm guessing I'm still really early in the story? According to GOG Galaxy I've only played for just over 5 hours which seems really off. I'm sure I did more than that my first sitting and I've had the game alt tabbed for hours at a time in the past. Is there a way to see time played accurately in game?

A few things.. My FPS seems to have gotten worse since I last played. I was managing a good 40 with occasional drops, not it's struggling to hover just above 30. Updates change anything? My drivers are up to date and everything.

Any worthwhile mods to grab?


According to GOG Galaxy I've only played for just over 5 hours which seems really off. I'm sure I did more than that my first sitting and I've had the game alt tabbed for hours at a time in the past. Is there a way to see time played accurately in game?

You might have been playing offline or without being connected to the GOG server in previous sessions. Galaxy for some reason requires the client to be online to record playtimes, which is odd for a DRM-free service (maybe due to achievements?, no idea).


This is my new favorite thing this month:

Most voice actors can't even remember the plot of the game they just voiced... Love this man for being into it enough to even make this joke in the first place!
Most voice actors can't even remember the plot of the game they just voiced...

Lol, random generalization with random hyperbole.

If you spend so many hours working on a game with such massive amounts of dialog, you're probably going to remember that Geralt asks to play Gwent a lot.


Not sure what is going on with my game at the moment, but when I tried booting it up today it completely froze my computer. Ctrl Alt Del and pressing Task Manager didn't do anything, I just had a permanent black screen. Just rebooted and managed to start the game only now it crashed after talking to an NPC.. Wtf :/


Just finished the Family Matters questline... That was quite the journey jeez. Still a long ways to go yet. Think I'll hit some notice boards, clear up a few side quests and head to Novigrad.

I don't really feel like I'm making much progress character wise. I haven't upgraded any of my gear to better stuff since like level 5, I feel like you rarely ever find anything good outside of ingredients/mats.


Lol, random generalization with random hyperbole.

If you spend so many hours working on a game with such massive amounts of dialog, you're probably going to remember that Geralt asks to play Gwent a lot.
Obvious hyperbole, sure, but Doug's also obviously making a joke about how the TW3 community is all about Gwent. It's not just a random "oh I recorded that line several times" joke, come on. CDPR has made the same joke, so it's not like the people who made the game aren't at all aware of how crazy the community went for Gwent and I think Doug deserves a few bonus points for taking the time to notice too.


Good end fight. Almost all the "good" endings. Fantastic game. Have only a dozen Witcher Contracts and Gear quests left and 3-4 horse races (secondary quests). I guess it took me around 150+ hours (Blood and Broken Bones). Loading times are bad but not many nitpicks i have beside that.

Do you guys think that there will be a DLC bundle when the second DLC releases?

Edit: Oh nice, just read that there will be a 24,99 € bundle with Heart Stone and Blood and Wine. Going to get that.


Finally loading this up after a long break. I'm about 5 hours into the game, but after playing through Dark Souls 2 in 60 fps, I'm still somewhat bothered by the framerate here (playing both games on PS4).

I'm sure I'll stop thinking about framerate issues soon enough. However, the last patch I downloaded was 1.08 and I won't be able to download any more patches this year. Are the improvements in the later patches, most importantly to the framerate, big enough to warrant that I wait, or should I just play it now?
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