The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


How do I respawn things? I need troll livers, and every guide/post online gives me a number of locations with trolls that respawn, saying an hour's rest respawns things.

But they don't. Ever. In fact, nothing but bog standard enemies are respawning.

1. I'm on the PC, latest version.
2. Resting for a week does nothing.
3. Saving, then loading, does nothing.
4. Traveling far away by quick travel and then going back, does nothing.
5. Traveling far away by horse and and then going back, does nothing.

Could someone on the PC version please confirm that resting respawns the troll in the bandit camp south west of the Crossroads wp. The internet says it should, but I can't get it to respawn.
Man, such a tough decision what to use when coming across the awesome relic weapons in this game. Sure, the 26% sign intensity, 25% critical hit damage bonus, and 5% critical hit chance is OK, but look at that 1% bonus to Yrden, critical hit, and chance to freeze. Moonblade confirmed OP. Expect nerfs.




Finally got around the expansion content. Fought the first boss.

Stunlocked him in a corner with fast attacks. Won without doing anything but left clicking. Unsure why people complained about him.

Edit: Boss 2 down as well. Lots of rolling made it tedious rather than hard.


Hey all. I had just reached Skellige months ago and have a desire to just speed rush the main quests and finish it off. Can someone give me an estimate of about how long that would take? Thanks.


Hey all. I had just reached Skellige months ago and have a desire to just speed rush the main quests and finish it off. Can someone give me an estimate of about how long that would take? Thanks.

It depends what you have done (presumably Bloody Baron and Kiera's questline). I would estimate that you are definitely less than half way through. If you speed run it I'd expect 15 hours more maybe?


It depends what you have done (presumably Bloody Baron and Kiera's questline). I would estimate that you are definitely less than half way through. If you speed run it I'd expect 15 hours more maybe?

Yeah I've done both of those. Good deal..I figured it'd be hard to give an exact length of time but that gives me an idea.


Yeah I've done both of those. Good deal..I figured it'd be hard to give an exact length of time but that gives me an idea.

If only main missions I'd say 10 to 20 hours sounds about right. Depends on how hard you rush, your lvl etc :p

You obviously will miss half the game and you will not be able to get the best ending so keep that in mind.

To get that you need to do 3/4 side quests. Pretty short quests but hard to say which without spoiling.


I assume I can continue on and play the DLC after I've finished the main game? I've done the early stages of the DLC but I'm thinking it might be better to finish off the story first? I'm level 35 now, you get mad amounts of XP for fighting monsters higher level than you.


Yeah I've done both of those. Good deal..I figured it'd be hard to give an exact length of time but that gives me an idea.

Yup, I mean the game has about five MAJOR quest lines that make up the main plot. Bloody Baron and Keira's combine to make the first (and by far the longest) of these. So you are, in terms of hours, a little less than half way through.

But then again it's not a game I would recommend rushing through. It's so nice to take at a leisurely clip I might recommend setting it aside for now rather than plowing (ploughing?? hehe) through as fast as you can. Up to you though.


I assume I can continue on and play the DLC after I've finished the main game? I've done the early stages of the DLC but I'm thinking it might be better to finish off the story first? I'm level 35 now, you get mad amounts of XP for fighting monsters higher level than you.

You can after the game is completed. I myself dislike it though and just loaded a save right before the last mission.


You can after the game is completed. I myself dislike it though and just loaded a save right before the last mission.
I thought I would do the same, but in the end ended up playing from post ending save and I actually preferred it. It felt like just another adventure in Geralt's life, after Ciri went to Nilfgaard, Yen had some work in Vengerberg, Geralt went in the Path again for a while..
It ended up feeling more natural for me this way, instead of doing this huge adventure when there is unresolved business with Eredin. Ymmv though.
I thought I would do the same, but in the end ended up playing from post ending save and I actually preferred it. It felt like just another adventure in Geralt's life, after Ciri went to Nilfgaard, Yen had some work in Vengerberg, Geralt went in the Path again for a while..
It ended up feeling more natural for me this way, instead of doing this huge adventure when there is unresolved business with Eredin. Ymmv though.

Hah, this is exactly how it is for me.


For the love of god, i have the urge to finish all sidemissions in this game. There are still some yellow notice bords in Velen and i just made a short trip to Novigrad, only to see all the new boards... At least there is not that much more which i can do with my lvl 11. That game will last me at least another 100 hours.

Thought my gwent Northern deck was pretty good now (finished the big city players gwent quest) but that one random blacksmith in Novigrad was stomping me for 12 straight games till i got him.And i only got a sword card with no ability and strenght 2 from him.... he had at least three 10er cards and other tasty stuff in his deck....
For the love of god, i have the urge to finish all sidemissions in this game. There are still some yellow notice bords in Velen and i just made a short trip to Novigrad, only to see all the new boards... At least there is not that much more which i can do with my lvl 11. That game will last me at least another 100 hours.

Thought my gwent Northern deck was pretty good now (finished the big city players gwent quest) but that one random blacksmith in Novigrad was stomping me for 12 straight games till i got him.And i only got a sword card with no ability and strenght 2 from him.... he had at least three 10er cards and other tasty stuff in his deck....

Random gwent players give you a random card from a poll. Only the story related characters give you specific cards.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
For the love of god, i have the urge to finish all sidemissions in this game. There are still some yellow notice bords in Velen and i just made a short trip to Novigrad, only to see all the new boards... At least there is not that much more which i can do with my lvl 11. That game will last me at least another 100 hours.

My first run I did some of the side quests but mainly focused on the story. I'm now at the tail end of my second run and I have done every single side quest so far and plan to complete every last quest in this game. It's been at least 10 years since I've loved a game this much to dedicate myself to fully completing it.


Just finished the main story. I'm pretty happy with my ending.
Ciri became a witcher, the North sort of stayed independent (I killed Radovid), Geralt and Yen lived happily ever after.

Still have to do the expansion now but what a superb game.
Thanks to that huge patch, I'm back in the Witcher 3 again. It has made a huge difference to my enjoyment of the game now that the drop to 20fps is gone. Now if they could fix the load times!



Thanks to that huge patch, I'm back in the Witcher 3 again. It has made a huge difference to my enjoyment of the game now that the drop to 20fps is gone. Now if they could fix the load times!

Funny thing is...I am back to release date Witcher 3 loading times :D


Are the load times really that long on consoles? Seen so many people mention them but I really do not know how long they are.

On PC they aren't that bad. Only Velen seems to be around 10 seconds on my almost 4 year old system.
Are the load times really that long on consoles? Seen so many people mention them but I really do not know how long they are.

On PC they aren't that bad. Only Velen seems to be around 10 seconds on my almost 4 year old system.

They got worse after a patch, but in the current version they're back to launch speed, which is like 30 seconds. The loading screens only occur when you go between major areas or die though, so I never found it to be too bad, since that doesn't happen too often.


Load times (PS4) is literally the only thing bothering me with this fantastic game (looting shouldn't be so easy but well, i still take it). Fast travel is okay but loading after dying is almost sandwich time. Probably a good excuse to "git gud" :)


just used a decoction for the first time in the whole game (now i've already finished it) and found it helped me kick ass in this dungeon full of weird spiders that were level 30.

bit late now like...


Hey GAF, quick question - I'm at the part where
you're preparing to battle the Wild Hunt in Kaer Morhen with the people that you're recruited to come help you.
Is this the last part of the game?

Asking cause there's a bunch of sidequests I haven't completed yet and dunno if I should proceed just yet...
Hey GAF, quick question - I'm at the part where
you're preparing to battle the Wild Hunt in Kaer Morhen with the people that you're recruited to come help you.
Is this the last part of the game?

Asking cause there's a bunch of sidequests I haven't completed yet and dunno if I should proceed just yet...

Nah, that's just the end of act 2. You got act 3 too.
I don't know if any other platforms are affected by this, but on PS4 there is a stutter that occurs sometimes, and someone over on the CDPR forums figured out that an empty consumable slot is the culprit. For anyone who is also experiencing stuttering - make sure none of your consumable slots are empty. I just tried removing a rabbit leg from my consumables and the stutter returned, I put it back and it disappeared.

I can finally play the game now. :D


Hey everyone! I bought The Witcher 3 on PC for pretty cheap but I'm starting to transition back towards consoles because of friends. I'm wondering just how different the PC vs. console versions are? I know the graphics won't be able to match it but are they extremely off-putting? Is there parity in updates? Any different content?


Quick question for those of you have beat Act 1:

How did the dispute between Whoreson and Dandy start? He mentions that they didn't deliver the treasure (that's when Whoreson nabbed Dudu). Okay, but didn't the treasure only be found by Menge after the fact when Dandelion was arrested on Temple Isle? or did Menge discover the treasure beforehand leading to them not being able to deliver to Whoreson?

Feel like I missed something here.


Hey everyone! I bought The Witcher 3 on PC for pretty cheap but I'm starting to transition back towards consoles because of friends. I'm wondering just how different the PC vs. console versions are? I know the graphics won't be able to match it but are they extremely off-putting? Is there parity in updates? Any different content?

Considering that TW3 is purely singleplayer game, it makes no sense to play it on console because of friends, if you have a good PC. The framerate and loading times alone make a huge difference.
Content is the same across versions, but PC version had shitload of mods that consoles don't have.
Question related to the sidequests :
I'm at the part where you prepare for the battle at Kaer Mohren, recruited your allies and am going for Ciri in the island in Skellige

The game warned me to absolutely make a save and not continue if there are some sidequests I haven't done yet because it would be impossible to do so after (I appreciate the warning). My question is : are all sidequests impossible to do after that point or just certain ones ? If so, which ones ? Thanks.

Karl Hawk

Question related to the sidequests :
I'm at the part where you prepare for the battle at Kaer Mohren, recruited your allies and am going for Ciri in the island in Skellige

The game warned me to absolutely make a save and not continue if there are some sidequests I haven't done yet because it would be impossible to do so after (I appreciate the warning). My question is : are all sidequests impossible to do after that point or just certain ones ? If so, which ones ? Thanks.

Have you completed these following quests:
King's Gambit (Siding with Cerys or Hjalmar)?
Triss quests? (A Matter of Life and Death and Now or Never)
Zoltan's quest? (A Dangerous Game. You need to complete it to have him as your ally)
Assassin questline? (Redania's Most Wanted, An Eye for an Eye, and a Deadly Plot)

Once you complete those, you needn't worry about any other side-quests once you enter the Isle of Mists.

Oh, and another thing. During a certain quest with Dijkstra, try not to be angry at him so you can unlock an important side-quest.
Have you completed these following quests:
King's Gambit (Siding with Cerys or Hjalmar)? Yes
Triss quests? (A Matter of Life and Death and Now or Never) Yes
Zoltan's quest? (A Dangerous Game. You need to complete it to have as your ally) Yes
Assassin questline? (Redania's Most Wanted, An Eye for an Eye, and a Deadly Plot) Yes

Once you complete those, you needn't worry about any other side-quests once you enter the Isle of Mists.

Oh, and another thing. During a certain quest with Dijkstra, try not to be angry at him so you can unlock an important side-quest.
Yes to all of the above

About your last spoiler :
I don't think I was mad at him at a point in the game but I didn't deliver his lost treasure, so he told me no when I asked for his help...could this be related ?

Karl Hawk

Yes to all of the above

About your last spoiler :
I don't think I was mad at him at a point in the game but I didn't deliver his lost treasure, so he told me no when I asked for his help...could this be related ?

Did you ask Menge about the treasure during the Treasure Hunting quest? If you didn't, then no worries, he'll only give you 1000 gold for finding his treasure as he won't be able to join in the battle

When I meant to say don't get angry at him, I meant at a later quest after the Battle of Kaer Morhen. I won't spoil it for you since I'd prefer you find it out by yourself


Hey everyone! I bought The Witcher 3 on PC for pretty cheap but I'm starting to transition back towards consoles because of friends. I'm wondering just how different the PC vs. console versions are? I know the graphics won't be able to match it but are they extremely off-putting? Is there parity in updates? Any different content?

Like someone else already said - pure single player game so if you got a proper pc you really should just go for that versions.

It looks better, the loading times are a non issue compared to consoles and in such a huge game there might be little things that bother you which you can mod away in just a few clicks. Inventory weight, hud stuff, graphics mods etc.

It is by far the superior version. And since you have it already it would save you the cost of buying the console version.
Anyone else get FPS drops in the fight with the (early DLC spoilers)
toad prince
? It seemed to hover around 40 when I usually get 60 with some stutters.

Karl Hawk

So should I finish the game before doing Hearts of Stone? Or can I go ahead and start it up whenever?

As long as you are in the recommended level (30) or near to it (Let's say level 27 or 28), you can play it. Hell, you can still play the expansion at post-ending.
So last night I did
the Isle of Mists and then the big battle
after wards and gosh that was a lot of stuff.

I got to check what other possible outcomes are for the battle. Who can live or die. Was like a little Mass Effect 2 suicide mission where suddenly everything comes together.

I turned off after chatting to people at the funeral scene because I needed a break.
I got zero idea where this story is going from here but it feels I am entering the end game. Will I be able to play the DLC soon or will I have to leave that for some kind of post game? I got that warning earlier saying to make a back up save because shit was about to go down and I dont know if that means I am now "locked in" until I finish the story or will it open up again and let me dink around
So last night I did
the Isle of Mists and then the big battle
after wards and gosh that was a lot of stuff.

I got to check what other possible outcomes are for the battle. Who can live or die. Was like a little Mass Effect 2 suicide mission where suddenly everything comes together.

I turned off after chatting to people at the funeral scene because I needed a break.
I got zero idea where this story is going from here but it feels I am entering the end game. Will I be able to play the DLC soon or will I have to leave that for some kind of post game? I got that warning earlier saying to make a back up save because shit was about to go down and I dont know if that means I am now "locked in" until I finish the story or will it open up again and let me dink around

You will be locked in a bit more, then you are free to go dinking around.
I got that warning earlier saying to make a back up save because shit was about to go down and I dont know if that means I am now "locked in" until I finish the story or will it open up again and let me dink around
You'll have one more main objective and then it opens back up again.
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