- If you want Geralt to move faster, use the Cat/Fast sword stance while moving, it will help out when you get to the swamps.
- The swamp is a pain, but just bear with it; the game gets much better as you progress.
- Use Aard and invest some points in its stun effects to one shot mobs and certain bosses. You should also invest in Group Sword style and Igni.
- Silver swords for monsters, steel for humans.
- Don't rely on torches for lighting in caves/crypts, use a Cat potion.
- Don't worry too much about weapons/armour upgrades, as you get a quest line to obtain legendary armour near the end of the game.
- You've mentioned you like the story and atmosphere; just let it soak in and appreciate the details as you progress through Vizima.
I'm having a odd things happen when moving the character or selecting items. After I let go of control stick the character keeps on walking or when trying to pick an item in the menu it goes way past the item I want. Anyway to fix this? I don't recall this happening before.
IIRC, the only thing they cut was an Ice skating boss battle with Ciri.
They couldn't figure out how to make it work because they couldn't figure out how to do a proper tutorial because this was literally the only time in the whole game where you did it and they couldn't make it work.
If you're playing with a gamepad then it's stick drift, meaning your left stick is either covered in dust (inside the gamepad) or your gamepad is slowly dying....
It's the only game where it does it, All the other games are fine. I really don't feel like replacing the controller for a third time.
Any chance update 1.12 update screwed something up?
From what I read, they also cut most of the sex scenes they recorded. They had like, what, 16 hours of mocap data recorded? I think I even saw someone on Reddit post that some of the original data was still left in the game's files.
It seemed like 1 out of 50 caves in the game were actually dark enough to make me try a Cat potion or take a torch out. In fact most caves get darker overall when you pull your torch out. Brighter close to your character yes, but your visibility overall is lowered.
I really enjoyed the majority of the game, though some things I wish were a bit different:
- The Battle for Kaer Modan was great, and recruiting all those allies was a lot of fun (shades of ME2). But, only a few of those allies have a further part in the story. It would have been more meaningful if some of those allies could have been killed during the battle depending on your plan and your performance.
- I played totally blind and ended up with Ciri living and becoming a Witcher. There is pretty much no chance I will have the time to replay for different endings, so I watched the others on Youtube. It seems like Ciri becoming the Empress is supposed to be the "good" ending, but her and Geralt seemed much happier in the ending I got. In the Empress ending Geralt should just be happy for her and come by and visit now and then, I don't see why it had to be a total break.
- In a similar vein, neither of the romance endings seem to fit Geralt. He makes a point that he is only happy roaming as a sword for hire, killing monsters and accepting contracts. He even says this is the reason why he doesn't go with Ciri if she becomes the Empress. Yet he settles down to the quiet domestic life with either Yenn or Triss. Doing this blind I thought I was being clever by getting them both at once, so I was certainly in for a surprise
Oh jeez ran across a Grave Hag (Lv97???) and got killed. I just snuck around her and picked off the loot from behind. I had Quen and Yrden up with Axii at hand in case things go south. The loot was disappointing for a Lv28 quest, and I'm Lv6!
How is that possible? My understanding is that enemies many times above your level are actually immune to your attacks.
The loot was disappointing for a Lv28 quest, and I'm Lv6!
76 hours and the game is finally done... terrific experience. Some questions though about the story/lore I just couldn't piece together:
What are the Wild Hunt? The characters call them wraiths... but they seem to be quite alive Elves? But they are not the same elves as the ones in Geralts world? According to one of the loading screens, there was some kind of Conjunction which brought monsters, magic, elves into Geralts world. And then when it was over the elves were stranded there, and oppressed by the humans. But the elves who are part of the wild hunt, and their entire civilization, are from their home world and were able to be the dominant (only?) race with a thriving culture? Is there a reason they are so much larger and more powerful than the elves in Geralts world?
I really enjoyed the majority of the game, though some things I wish were a bit different:
- The Battle for Kaer Modan was great, and recruiting all those allies was a lot of fun (shades of ME2). But, only a few of those allies have a further part in the story. It would have been more meaningful if some of those allies could have been killed during the battle depending on your plan and your performance.
- I played totally blind and ended up with Ciri living and becoming a Witcher. There is pretty much no chance I will have the time to replay for different endings, so I watched the others on Youtube. It seems like Ciri becoming the Empress is supposed to be the "good" ending, but her and Geralt seemed much happier in the ending I got. In the Empress ending Geralt should just be happy for her and come by and visit now and then, I don't see why it had to be a total break.
- In a similar vein, neither of the romance endings seem to fit Geralt. He makes a point that he is only happy roaming as a sword for hire, killing monsters and accepting contracts. He even says this is the reason why he doesn't go with Ciri if she becomes the Empress. Yet he settles down to the quiet domestic life with either Yenn or Triss. Doing this blind I thought I was being clever by getting them both at once, so I was certainly in for a surprise
It's important to note thatThose who say that theis the "good" ending have no clue about the Witcher universe or lore. The only "good" ending is the one you got, the"Ciri becomes empress of Nilfgard"ending is the bittersweet one and the last one is just straight sad."empress"
To further explain my point:
Since I've read all the Witcher books, Ciri becoming the empress is the worst thing that can happen to her. During the course of 7 books all that she wants is to be free and to stay out of politics, since everyone wants to catch her and impregnate her (since she has the Elder Blood running trough her veins). Geralt spends 7 books trying to find, and protect her, and there are countless times in the books where she talks about how she want to become a female witcher, not to mention that she despises the idea of living in a castle again with royal people all around her. Letting her become the empress is straight up failing as a "father" and sending your child into an unhappy future. Yes, she would be an empress of the mightiest empire, but she wouldn't be happy.
It's important to note thatIt's definitely bittersweet though, as it's meant to be.she chooses that particular option herself, of her own free will, if it gets offered to her. The only way she doesn't choose it is if the offer is never made to her in the first place.
Yes, but only ifyou go against her wish not to see her real father. So it's again Geralt failing in hearing out what Ciri wants, and therefore it's a bad decision.
You don't actually go against her wish., and she asks what you think she should do. All Geralt says isYou just mention that Emhyr wants to see herand she says ok since it's on the way to their destination anyway."Well, he is your father",
It's not like Geralt told her "You better go, or no Gwent for a month"
You don't actually go against her wish., and she asks what you think she should do. All Geralt says isYou just mention that Emhyr wants to see herand she says ok since it's on the way to their destination anyway."Well, he is your father",
It's not like Geralt told her "You better go, or no Gwent for a month"
Not getting hyped, it's the same site that announced several false release dates for the expansion :/
This image uses resources already published (screen + WIII logo + B&W logo).
Yikes. Didn't know it was that bad.- Geralt of Videogamia, FOTY 2015"Well, he was planning to rape you, murdered your family along with the entire city you lived in and traumatized you for life, but he did take advantage of your mother in the world's most convoluted eugenics con scheme, so technically he is your father."
Yikes. Didn't know it was that bad.
IIRC, the only thing they cut was an Ice skating boss battle with Ciri.
They couldn't figure out how to make it work because they couldn't figure out how to do a proper tutorial because this was literally the only time in the whole game where you did it and they couldn't make it work.
But maybe in some expansion or something we will add it," he teases, "because it's a cool idea."
I'll mention some of the larger cuts here:
There was going to be a big Wild Hunt Infiltration sidequest, where Geralt would have used some magic bauble to take on the appearance of a Hunt soldier. This questline would have developed Eredin and the Hunt, expanded on their backstory given them the much needed characterisation that they needed, especially if you hadn't read the books.
Thequest line was originally meant to be much darker, with ritual suicides (people jumping off cliffs to their deaths) and orgies taking place. This original version actually got very far along, with a lot of the custom animations being worked on. I speculate that this was cut and edited mainly due to censorship. It was meant to be really dark, fitting with theSabbathnature.Crones and Imlerith's
There was a thread on this. Apparently it got quite far as a concept. I love how many varied things were considered.
Read about this one on the CDPR forums. Wish it was a darker in that part of the game as it lacked a certain punch compared to the tantalizing character introductions. Thefight was no joke though.Imlerith
Ou shiiiiiitt
Not getting hyped, it's the same site that announced several false release dates for the expansion :/
This image uses resources already published (screen + WIII logo + B&W logo).
Yikes. Didn't know it was that bad.
Yep, turns out it was bullshit.This image uses resources already published (screen + WIII logo + B&W logo).
I'm assuming (based on the way it was for Hearts of Stone) the recommended level for Blood and Wine will be 35-40?
I recently finished a NG+ and did my second HoS playthrough after it, so I'm currently level 68. Hopefully that's around the recommended area, because I did this NG+ playthrough solely to have my ideal legendary gear ready and all bombs and potions fully upgraded for when Blood and Wine is released.
NG+ will almost surely sit around the 60-65 starting mark if you want to start Blood & Wine that way.
People keep asking this, especially on Steam.So, do you guys think there will be a good discount for the Heart of Stone / Blood and Wine DLC bundle (PS4?)
Was waiting for this but i'm not sure if should just get the season pass for 25 € and start playing Heart of Stone.
An Olgierd cosplay guide was released a few days ago, with more to come.
A couple years ago they released cosplay guides for the main characters, providing useful full and up-close in-game renders for graphics comparisons at the time (eg: the previous version of Yennefer, and the general LoD to expect), so it's cool to see it continued for the expansions.
Are you consuming it in the cave where the mission takes place?