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The Witness |OT|


Beacon puzzle for the golden / shadow forest.
There's one side of the gate open. I'm assuming the other half does not open since there is no cord coming to it, and I need to trace the tree on the right side of the gate and carry it over to the actual tree shadow on the left.

Is that correct? The shadow on the right is so cluttered I can't even tell where it starts on the maze, so I'm hoping there's more to it. Been there since Wednesday trying various solutions under that assumption.
Just wanting to see if I have the right idea.

Also, I came home all excited to finish the swamp and immidiately ran into the
tilted tetris pieces, which I figured out....and then the second moving platform with the four dots on the sides, and hit a brick wall. The solutions used in the prior color and tetris puzzles - separate the colors, group the piece to the side I want to go - don't work. Arg.
Just when you think you know the rules....


man this fucking game...I'm starting to feel like the puzzles progressively don't follow their own logic, which I know isn't true and I'm just dumb, which makes me even more frustrated. Blow did not give a single fuck when he designed these things lol
I feel like the game gives you like half the rules, and it's a puzzle in of itself for you to push the concept to its extreme to figure out the complete rule set. It never felt unfair to me, in fact figuring these out were some of my favourite moments.


I found a good guide (A.K.A a lot of puzzles solutions). Maybe you'll find it interesting as well.


Not clicking through, but my ideal guide for The Witness would be one that provides progressive hints for how the rules for each symbol work, ending with a simple statement of their rules. No puzzle solutions. It's always understanding a rule that causes my failure, not the application of it.


Beacon puzzle for the golden / shadow forest.
There's one side of the gate open. I'm assuming the other half does not open since there is no cord coming to it, and I need to trace the tree on the right side of the gate and carry it over to the actual tree shadow on the left.

Is that correct? The shadow on the right is so cluttered I can't even tell where it starts on the maze, so I'm hoping there's more to it. Been there since Wednesday trying various solutions under that assumption.
Just wanting to see if I have the right idea.

Also, I came home all excited to finish the swamp and immidiately ran into the
tilted tetris pieces, which I figured out....and then the second moving platform with the four dots on the sides, and hit a brick wall. The solutions used in the prior color and tetris puzzles - separate the colors, group the piece to the side I want to go - don't work. Arg.
Just when you think you know the rules....
Both doors open. The last few shadow puzzles are a pain in the ass.


Beacon puzzle for the golden / shadow forest.
There's one side of the gate open. I'm assuming the other half does not open since there is no cord coming to it, and I need to trace the tree on the right side of the gate and carry it over to the actual tree shadow on the left.

Is that correct? The shadow on the right is so cluttered I can't even tell where it starts on the maze, so I'm hoping there's more to it. Been there since Wednesday trying various solutions under that assumption.
Just wanting to see if I have the right idea.[/spoiler]
There are more puzzles in that area. Do them all. You know, just in case.

Also, I came home all excited to finish the swamp and immidiately ran into the
tilted tetris pieces, which I figured out....and then the second moving platform with the four dots on the sides, and hit a brick wall. The solutions used in the prior color and tetris puzzles - separate the colors, group the piece to the side I want to go - don't work. Arg.
Just when you think you know the rules....
Just focus on the tetris pieces.


Beacon puzzle for the golden / shadow forest.
There's one side of the gate open. I'm assuming the other half does not open since there is no cord coming to it, and I need to trace the tree on the right side of the gate and carry it over to the actual tree shadow on the left.

Is that correct? The shadow on the right is so cluttered I can't even tell where it starts on the maze, so I'm hoping there's more to it. Been there since Wednesday trying various solutions under that assumption.
Just wanting to see if I have the right idea.

1. You can open both doors.
It's al loocated in the foresty area and near sawmill.

2.Try to approach this puzzle from a different perspective.
It's not so much about the solution within the puzzle itself, as it is about the...


I just now realized you can hold R2 to make the curser speed up. End Game Puzzle:
Well that certainly changes the record player speed run


I just now realized you can hold R2 to make the curser speed up. End Game Puzzle:
Well that certainly changes the record player speed run


Also, I think I've figured out (one of) my biggest difficulty(ies) with the puzzles. It isn't that I can't figure out the rules, but that I assume additional rules that don't in fact exist, and they limit what I think is possible. It's noticing patterns that don't actually matter and then applying them everywhere. You can tell Blow was aware of this because several tutorial puzzles are simple ones which show how you can and must break what would have otherwise seemed like an obvious rule.
Also, I think I've figured out (one of) my biggest difficulty(ies) with the puzzles. It isn't that I can't figure out the rules, but that I assume additional rules that don't in fact exist, and they limit what I think is possible. It's noticing patterns that don't actually matter and then applying them everywhere. You can tell Blow was aware of this because several tutorial puzzles are simple ones which show how you can and must break what would have otherwise seemed like an obvious rule.

In retrospect, a lot of people do this. And it turns out this is what the whole
audio log was about:

but the sincerity of his conviction can in no wise help him, because he had no right to believe on such evidence as was before him. He had acquired his belief not by honestly earning it in patient investigation, but by stifling his doubts. And although in the end he may have felt so sure about it that he could not think otherwise, yet inasmuch as he had knowingly and willingly worked himself into that frame of mind, he must be held responsible for it.

It's a harsh way to put it, but surprisingly on-point even though the original quote had nothing to do with puzzles.


I feel bad for not participating in my own |OT|. I'm waiting for Blow & Co. to iron out some of the PC performance issues before jumping in.


Gold Member
What is this "challenge" people are talking about? I've finished the game (although not with full completion, going for that now), and I have absolutely no idea what you're on about.
What is this "challenge" people are talking about? I've finished the game (although not with full completion, going for that now), and I have absolutely no idea what you're on about.

1. Activate all 11 lasers

2. Check the bottom of the box the people are carrying at the top of the mountain

3. The person before the final room with the puzzle should be accessible now.

4. Find a pillar puzzle and activate it

5. Go through the door it opens. Find the musical box. This is the challenge.


Gold Member
1. Activate all 11 lasers

2. Check the bottom of the box the people are carrying at the top of the mountain

3. The person before the final room with the puzzle should be accessible now.

4. Find a pillar puzzle and activate it

5. Go through the door it opens. Find the musical box. This is the challenge.

Dammit, accidentally saw everything due to quoting, lol. Was just gonna read your first point. Oh well, I'm going for
all the lasers now anyway, and I already knew there's something more about the mountain, so I guess I'd have found out soon enough. I did think there was something odd about that guy sitting there, like I should be able do activate his panel somehow. And I did notice the cable running from it up into the ceiling.


Quick question regarding the Challenge:

When you get to the part with 3 puzzles and you have to solve one, are all three solvable? I mean, I usually find that 2 of them are not (if not impossible, at least not straightforward), and the other one is super easy.
Quick question regarding the Challenge:

When you get to the part with 3 puzzles and you have to solve one, are all three solvable? I mean, I usually find that 2 of them are not (if not impossible, at least not straightforward), and the other one is super easy.

Correct. Only one of the three are solvable.

Two Words

I don't think I got an answer to this earlier. Has anybody been able to use graph theory to help with any of these puzzles? I'm trying to imagine each puzzle as a graph where each intersection is a vertex and the path from one vertex to another is an edge. Basically, you are drawing a path from one vertex to another where a vertex or edge cannot be used more than once (no cycles). Does thinking about these puzzles in this way tend to help anybody out? Any principles of graph theory that you're using here?


Decided to give in and look up what the rules were for blue squares with yellow tetris pieces.
Apparently how the blue squares are grouped or distributed makes no difference.

It's revealing a shortfall with the game. Understanding the rules should not be the bottleneck for any substantial amount of time, but unfortunately that is where about 90% of the frustration in this game lies(so far). As inelegant and insufferable as it would probably seem to Blow, instructions or at least somewhat redundant additional panels should be in the game. Look at the red
area in the marsh. There's no way those first two panels do anything to help the player to decipher or intuit what the ground rules are. Same with the first time you see a block of blue squares.

I think one of the themes John Blow really wanted to explore was communication without actually saying anything. Part of the fun for me was trying to understand what he is saying through the puzzle. I'm always asking myself what point he's trying to get across. And there's a bit of magic there when I solve the puzzle or understand the rule because we just communicated without using language.


I don't think I got an answer to this earlier. Has anybody been able to use graph theory to help with any of these puzzles? I'm trying to imagine each puzzle as a graph where each intersection is a vertex and the path from one vertex to another is an edge. Basically, you are drawing a path from one vertex to another where a vertex or edge cannot be used more than once (no cycles). Does thinking about these puzzles in this way tend to help anybody out? Any principles of graph theory that you're using here?

It is very situational. Königsberg bridges do help for some.

Otherwise, graph theory is mostly interesting if you want to solve the puzzles with an algorithm. For instance, this program:


Neo Member
Need help understanding a puzzle in
the mountain
The bottom giant floor puzzle. I solved it during a brute force attempt but when I look at it finished I still dont get it. Why does it work?
There's a lot of times, when I finally figure out a puzzle, where I find myself thinking "Blow, you son of a..."


(For the reference: Parks & Rec - Burt Macklin)


Made a decent amount of progress today, just not in the areas I was expecting. Barely a dent in the swamp, then cleared the five puzzles inside the sawmill (struggled all weekend, but having cut outs to arrange made them very doable) only to
find I don't know how to solve the two it opens up down below. I'm assuming these are the ones I need to open up the second half of the door, as no other panels are open, but I'll find out when I come back.

Working on the treetop area now.

I feel like there are mini-bosses everywhere, and I keep having to retreat to level up in order to beat them. But instead of building up experience, I build up knowledge. It's an enormous breath of fresh air.
I think one of the themes John Blow really wanted to explore was communication without actually saying anything. Part of the fun for me was trying to understand what he is saying through the puzzle. I'm always asking myself what point he's trying to get across. And there's a bit of magic there when I solve the puzzle or understand the rule because we just communicated without using language.

Looking back, there's a quote in the game for this too:

But it may certainly be predicted that as the result of this scrutiny we shall have lost all inclination we may ever have had to laugh at it. It simply does not do to expose the inner workings of a joke. The classification concerns a symbolic knowledge of humor which preserves all the characteristics of a joke except its laughableness. The real appreciation must come spontaneously, not introspectively.

Getting a puzzle is like getting a joke, if we go by this analogy.
Reposting something from earlier:

Thanks to everyone's hints, I was able to finally solve this! Yaaaay!

Every beacon activated, except for the town, which I'm working on now. These are some of the best puzzles in the game!

Tried that last night and decided that without cutting up paper I'm stuck! Will have to give that method a go I feel.


Little question about the bamboo area. Don t want a solution nor a hint.

Something tells me the
last animal sounds panel contradicts the previous rules or adapts them
. When you know
the new rule does the puzzle become easy or is it still hard to decipher ?


Looking back, there's a quote in the game for this too:

Getting a puzzle is like getting a joke, if we go by this analogy.

Pretty much. I think he said similar things along those lines when he said that he wants us to break thru the brick wall and see the other side.
Ok my first tetris puzzle has ruined me.

The panel near the dock area which is on an orange container. I have no icea what to do even though I thought I had an idea what the tetris blocks meant but clearly not lol. It's the one with a black dot in the bottom left, and 3 white ones in each other corner. And it has 4 2-block horizontal tetris pieces

Any clues?

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
would someone mind pointing me in the right direction for this one? I really thought I was on the right track but I'm just not getting the logic.



Little question about the bamboo area. Don t want a solution nor a hint.

Something tells me the
last animal sounds panel contradicts the previous rules or adapts them
. When you know
the new rule does the puzzle become easy or is it still hard to decipher ?

The hard thing is knowing whether there is a new rule which you must apply, or if the old rule is still active and the game is just playing tricks with you... After you are certain about those things, everything else is easy peasy. :)


would someone mind pointing me in the right direction for this one? I really thought I was on the right track but I'm just not getting the logic.


How did you draw your lines? Verbalize your thought process. How did you approach this puzzle?

Also, if there are multiple paths you can take, it usually means you are also missing something else. Try to figure out what it is.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
How did you draw your lines? Verbalize your thought process. How did you approach this puzzle?

I lined up the start with the bottom round part, and traced up along the unblocked spots. So left one, right all the way, up all the way, down to the branch then around and to the finish.

so this:

I lined up the start with the bottom round part, and traced up along the unblocked spots. So left one, right all the way, up all the way, down to the branch then around and to the finish.

so this:

You're so close. Pretend you're drawing
an outline of the branches


I lined up the start with the bottom round part, and traced up along the unblocked spots. So left one, right all the way, up all the way, down to the branch then around and to the finish.

so this:


Yeah, you are missing the second "rule".
Try to look closely and try to understand why there are multiple paths you can take in some areas.


Ok my first tetris puzzle has ruined me.

The panel near the dock area which is on an orange container. I have no icea what to do even though I thought I had an idea what the tetris blocks meant but clearly not lol. It's the one with a black dot in the bottom left, and 3 white ones in each other corner. And it has 4 2-block horizontal tetris pieces

Any clues?

The tetris puzzles are taught in the
area, if you haven´t been there yet, you probably won´t know all their rules.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
hmm......edit: I think I'm so stuck trying to solve it the way I originally thought that I can't see it any other way.
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