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The Wolf Among Us |OT| Season 1


Finally had time to finish the last episode.
I was surprised that most people let the crooked man live (at first). He's such a ruthless, manipulative, smooth-talking psychopath, what good can happen letting him sway the opinion of an easily impressionable jury.
Overall I liked the episode, final-form-Bigby was awesome. Everything was very intense. The only things which I found to be disappointing were the fight against Bloody Mary and the way the final twist was revealed. The former was just not very satisfying after Telltale made you hate her so much and the latter was too rushed. They didn't take into account that the earlier episodes are many months away in the memory of most players. In the first moment I had no idea what was implied. The flashback should have been pictured maybe and not only audio.


Finished and then replayed the entire season. Works a lot better on the binge versus the protracted play for sure.

Curious to know whether there will be a second season (I'd be up for it). Has there been any news from Telltale regarding whether that's likely and what the sales were for the series?


Goddamn I loved that. The choices were even harder than WD for me. Much grayer and not about survival.

Did this underperform? God I hope not. I'd kill for a season 2. I love Fables and WD so much.


But I'm definitely NOT getting season 2 on a playstation device. The performance was atrocious. Only got it on PS3 cause it went on sale at the right time for me.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
But I'm definitely NOT getting season 2 on a playstation device. The performance was atrocious. Only got it on PS3 cause it went on sale at the right time for me.
Performance is pretty poor for this game on the 360 as well.


Finally started this up last night (Steam) right before I was *supposed* to head to bed and stayed up for another hour or so. I was blown away by the presentation. I've played WD and BTTF but this game looks amazing so far. Can't wait to get back to it tonight.


Performance is pretty poor for this game on the 360 as well.

I've got all the rest of their games on PC, where the perfomance was a million times better. But this went on sale when my PC was dead. Oh well, Ill use a save or something if and when Season 2 comes.


Finally had time to finish the last episode.
I was surprised that most people let the crooked man live (at first). He's such a ruthless, manipulative, smooth-talking psychopath, what good can happen letting him sway the opinion of an easily impressionable jury.
Overall I liked the episode, final-form-Bigby was awesome. Everything was very intense. The only things which I found to be disappointing were the fight against Bloody Mary and the way the final twist was revealed. The former was just not very satisfying after Telltale made you hate her so much and the latter was too rushed. They didn't take into account that the earlier episodes are many months away in the memory of most players. In the first moment I had no idea what was implied. The flashback should have been pictured maybe and not only audio.

These are my thoughts exactly.
I've had this since day one but I never sat down to actually play it until a few days ago. Wasn't a conscious decision to wait for the whole season to be out but I'm glad I wound up going that way. It seemed to go a bit off the rails in episodes 3 and 4, occasionally feeling like they weren't sure what they actually wanted the story to be about, but they managed to largely pull it back together in the final episode.

I loved the final scene, such an cool, noir-ass ending.
A big reveal that someone had been subtly pulling our hero's strings all along, ambiguity in the details of how it all actually played out, and the option to respond to the revelation by going "huh" and letting her walk away (clearly the more awesome choice of the two)
, I loved it. I do think it feels like an ending, I really don't see it as something that would lead into a second season, but I do hope they do another. I haven't read the comics so I don't know how hard it is for them to do something interesting without "breaking" the prequel rules. It'd be cool if they just took all the same characters and started doing their own different thing instead of holding to what eventually comes in the comics.

Even though I liked TWAU I'm not sure how I feel about Telltale going forward. The episodic format just doesn't work for some of their games. I guess I'm okay with their focus shifting from "classical" puzzle-focused adventure games to the more straight-up "interactive story" format, but if that means the whole season will be barely 10 hours long yet will still have months between each episode... I dunno. I guess I'm looking forward to Borderlands, it always felt like a cool world and the main games tool absolutely zero advantage of that story-wise so there should be some untapped potential there.


Interesting so far since I finished first part, although so far I feel I have even less control over the events than Waking Dead. Good thing I always liked the Fables comics though.
I really like these games. They are pure story with none of the fluff. I've been gaming too long, there isn't a battle system I haven't played and most of them are just contrived now. So I'm ok with a few QTE's and an interactive movie.

Besides I thought this series had a much better mix of intrigue, subtle romance and violence than WD. I'll binge WD second season tomorrow. I do think it's best the play the games that way. I played TWAU as they came out and the wait between them is excruciating.

I have TWAU on PC and PS3 and besides some rare occasions where the game just comes to a halt to load up the scene I'm not really seeing where all the complaints are coming from. Considering that even on a PC stacked to the gills like mine, the game still doesn't run perfectly.

Yea I let Ariel(Narissa) go. Yea sure, she was pulling the strings the whole time. That's ok, it lead to justice and that's hard to argue against. Snow and Bigby for life.


Neo Member
Absolutely loved this. So much so that I'm already know ill double dip for a PS4 version and maybe Vita.
First time playing through a Telltale game episode to episode (usually wait for all), and don't really feel it work overall for this game, definitely effected my final choice.
went after her hoping for an explanation, took me a few minutes to work it out after the pretty perfect cut to black end.
Hope they can work on the amount of time between episode on future games.


Thoughts on the whole season -

Just finished blasting through the whole series after buying the season on sale the other day. I had a good time, but I feel a bit conflicted about it overall. I think Walking Dead (Season 1 - I don't play Telltale games until the season is over) was a better package as a whole, even though I liked Wolf's setting and premise more.

I was really getting into the whole "murder mystery" thing, and I was even trying to figure out potential suspects while I was at work today, waiting to play Episode 3. I was actually really suspicious of Toad (what the fuck was he looking at in the mirror back in Episode 2?), but ended up disappointed when they just went ahead and changed the whole tone of the plot to focus on the "war".

I didn't like a lot of the choices being ultimately pointless. I was a very staunch defender of Walking Dead Season 1 as I think the illusion of choice is a perfectly viable method of conveying the story, and that it's far more important to have that illusion be powerful than to arbitrarily make choices more polarizing. Wolf Among Us was bad at this. Shit like getting scolded for beating up the prisoner after I gave him beer and a cig, [GLASS HIM], not saying anything when Snow and Greenleaf were arguing was taken as "NO WE DON'T BURN THE TREE", and the townspeople at the trial being total sheep all took me completely out of the experience.

Low production really showed. The scene in the alley at the end of Episode 3 could have been amazing, but it just ended up being "kinda cool" at best for me. Doesn't help that the half-wolf transformation looks goofy as hell.

I also tried really hard to be nice to certain people only to find conflicts arise a bit arbitrarily. I was nice to Toad every time I saw him, and yet he kept being a complete twat to me at every opportunity regardless. I did everything I could for Snow and she still gives me the cold shoulder at the end for some damn reason. I eventually found that just being the bad cop was both more satisfying and not as jarring. Did literally every single "bad thing" possible to the pimp because he's a lowlife piece of shit, and the scenes with him ended up being more enjoyable as a result.

The whole thing just feels like a missed opportunity to me. Oh well though, it was still good.


I was surprised that most people let the crooked man live (at first). He's such a ruthless, manipulative, smooth-talking psychopath, what good can happen letting him sway the opinion of an easily impressionable jury.
No he's not.
The only time you see him before the trial is at the negotiation. They try to pass him as a smooth-talking guy, but it never shows. They just tell you he is.


No he's not.
The only time you see him before the trial is at the negotiation. They try to pass him as a smooth-talking guy, but it never shows. They just tell you he is.

Yeah, I agree. I would have
killed him in the office so as not to waste time, but since Snow deliberately asked me not to I figured I might as well arrest him. I never really thought he'd be a threat.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
No he's not.
The only time you see him before the trial is at the negotiation. They try to pass him as a smooth-talking guy, but it never shows. They just tell you he is.

I was also worried about
not killing him in the office, as I thought he would pull a Mark Anthony Stunt, Shakespeare style and he would get off or something. He's way to easy to talk down during the trial though.


I really loved Wolf Among Us, but I am done playing these episodes as they come out. The wait is just too long.

I am going to play Tales Of Borderlands and Game Of Thrones after all episodes are finished for those titles.

I remember I lost all my Walking Dead S1 save files, so I blasted through all of Season 1 (including 400 days) prior to playing Season 2, so that I could have a file to export.... it felt amazing. It was incredible to be able to play through each episode one after the other without having to wait for surprise announcements month after month for the next episode's availability.

I'm going to enjoy blasting through the disc versions of WD S1, S2, and Wolf Among Us on the current gen consoles this fall, that's for sure.


No he's not.
The only time you see him before the trial is at the negotiation. They try to pass him as a smooth-talking guy, but it never shows. They just tell you he is.

The way he tries to get under your skin both at the negotation and when he has you at gunpoint? That was really well executed imo.

Great spoilerquote btw ;)
After finishing this yesterday I went back to Walking Dead season 2 for a bit and it made me realize just how much I really enjoyed Wolf Among Us. Nothing reaches the level of the central Lee/Clem relationship in TWD s1, but overall I just liked spending time with the TWAU characters far more than the rotating cast of expendable side characters in TWD.


I'm pretty dense. I didn't understand the final part of the ending till I read up on this thread.

And if you liked the stories and characters, I highly recommend the comics.
Just finished the 5th episode and damn, I really enjoyed this one and the season overall

holy shit, bloody mary in her original form was fucking terrifying for me. When a whole bunch of them had Bigby down, I jumped back from my keyboard and missed the QTE the first time. But then awww hell yeah, the REAL Big Bad Wolf! That was really cool.

I enjoyed the trial of the crooked man, trying to win over the people. I was worried a bit as he went on sometimes, Beauty and Beast looked like they were flip flopping hard.I ended up imprisoning him, because c'mon, isn't that worse than death? I thought he'd be locked up, but shit, he's a bird. That's fucking torture....I like it.

Now, I totally didn't understand the ending until I googled it, but I did remember the line "You’re not as bad as everyone says you are." Kind of lost me there, but I did like that last choice.

I was also kinda confused by Snow being all terse, and Bluebeard having a meeting with her. I guess that was to show just some things stay the same? Then they damn near make me ball my eyes out, sending the poor kid, and the Dad but he was shitty, away to the "farm". Of course he's god damn terrified of going there, it's called "the farm", and they "send you up north". Gah, that's like 1984...I just picture it as the farm from Animal Farm, just bigger and shittier.
Game forgot several of my decisions (most importantly,
it thinks I burned the tree, when I did not
) and then crashed before the end. Bravo, Telltale.

What a mess this one was.
Game forgot several of my decisions (most importantly,
it thinks I burned the tree, when I did not
) and then crashed before the end. Bravo, Telltale.

What a mess this one was.

That's a real bummer.

Has Telltale issued any patches for TWAU whatsoever? ...or really, any of their games?

I had a gamebreaking issue during one of the earlier episodes where a scene was in some sort of "THIS OPTION IS BLANK" state. Dunno how it even happened, but fortunately it resolved itself after I quit the game and restarted from a checkpoint. If that didn't resolve the problem, I don't know that I would have had the will to replay it, short as the episodes are.
It was so great when that popped up.

My reaction:

Ripped that fuckers head off without thinking twice. I was getting real tired of trying to be Nice Bigby.


Just finished Episode 5. Loved it.

Super Wolf vs. a hundred Bloody Marys was fantastic. I kept Crooked Man alive. Treat him like shit for the rest of his miserable life in a cage. Also the Fath as Narissa theory is fascinating to me.
Really liked the demo on PS3, but also hugely enjoyed The Walking Dead S1.

Planning to pick this up on Steam and go through the whole season over the next week rather than play S2 of TWD and have to wait for the last episode.


Just finished this and I've gotta say that I liked it a lot. In my opinion it was better than TWD S1(can't say about S2 as I haven't started it yet).

I'm surprised I was liked at the end even though I ended up killing/attacking a lot people.

Can't wait for the Game of Thrones game.
I've only played the first episode, I even bought the season pass. I really need to go back and download the rest of the season now. That would include me dusting off my 360 first.


My reaction:

Ripped that fuckers head off without thinking twice. I was getting real tired of trying to be Nice Bigby.
Haha true true. I chose the same option. I do have to say though, even though I stopped playing after the second episode so I could play the rest back to back, I still didn't get that final twist. In TWD it worked because it was more reactionary, but if telltale is going to do another detective game, they'd better release it all in one go.

(Or maybe it's done to improve replayability, but I don't replay games)


I'm curious, do the comics follow Bigby, or any one particular character...or just differing stories?

They start off following
Bigby for the first arc, and after that they branch out significantly to follow others. While Bigby is still my favourite, there are plenty of other really strong leads! I suppose the best way to put it would be that the character you're following is always directly involved with the current plot at large, and a main agent in it.

Card Boy

I'm curious, do the comics follow Bigby, or any one particular character...or just differing stories?

Bigby and Snow White are the main characters to begin with then alot of other characters like Prince Charming, Flycatcher, Boy Blue, Beast, Rose Red, Bufkin all share the spotlight.


Bigby and Snow White are the main characters to begin with
then alot of other characters like Prince Charming, Flycatcher, Boy Blue, Beast, Rose Red, Bufkin all share the spotlight.

I did try and keep it vague, avoiding mentioning characters who haven't been referenced in TWAU. Come on...
So yeah I am looking through that dump of 3D models for this game that was posted like 10 months ago. Now that it's all out and it's interesting that there's a few that never got used.



Detective Branagin in a jogging outfit:





Unconfirmed Member
So yeah I am looking through that dump of 3D models for this game that was posted like 10 months ago. Now that it's all out and it's interesting that there's a few that never got used.

It seems like the Detective Brannigan would have had a bigger role but then they changed the story after episode 1 :/
Waited for the entire episode to be out and finally finished this game.

It's my favorite TellTale game. The atmosphere is a good selling point. I wish some of my choices from previous episodes played more on Episode 5.
Bring Season 2

Fake edit: Walking Dead Season 2 episode 5 is out, I guess that's my next marathon


So yeah I am looking through that dump of 3D models for this game that was posted like 10 months ago. Now that it's all out and it's interesting that there's a few that never got used.

That's cool. Makes me wonder what the original story was and this could also explain the huge delay with episode 2.


I'm surprised how little people are talking about the final twist. Did you let her go, or did you chase here, it was actually a pretty hard choice, but after figuring it out I just let her go. She pretended to be Faith to get Bigby's attention no need to press it any further.


Well I've finally started now that they are all out and damn is it a god story with a fantastic atmosphere. Fuck the jank though, every time this game hitches it feels like its going to crash and burn.

I'd buy a disc version for the PS4 with a better framerate and far less jank.
I'm surprised how little people are talking about the final twist. Did you let her go, or did you chase here, it was actually a pretty hard choice, but after figuring it out I just let her go. She pretended to be Faith to get Bigby's attention no need to press it any further.

ending spoilers
There are several hints throughout the game that Faith might be still alive. hell, her fable is based on her getting away from a terrible situation by becoming a donkey and then living a new life.

So yeah, there's like no doubt about that part in my mind.
Remember, we dont see faith's body. You wanna guess why? Because it was narissa's body, and if the glamour wore off post death then you'd have a mermaid's body lying on the table. we never see what's left of faith's body. Suspicious, no? So really, the question is how she got narissa to take her glamour.
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