After 4 hours with this game, I'll never forgive Nintendo for how hard they dropped the ball promoting it. Fucking GOTY contender and justifies a Wii U purchase on its own.
Soooo, are we playing with English or Japanese voices?
The satisfaction I have with this game is... I don't know, I feel I'm in 1992 again, with my SNES copy of Street Fighter 2. So good.
It's good to hear that this is another Kamiya masterpiece. He seems to have the most consistently high quality track record in the industry.
Oh oh! Its going to be good watching all this americans experiencing it for the first time.
Weird glitch I discovered in that last Kahkoo-regah, seems it secretly spawns you in the traditional room for a Kahkoo-regah at the begging which is why your quickly able to draw a line before the title "Secret mission" comes up, results in the entire fight being slowed down.
. I would like to marry him.
this is probably one of the most FUN games Ive played in years. To put everything in short at the very start, I LOVE THIS GAME.
I REALLY want to like this game because I love Platinum, Kamiya and the game's visual style.
But there are some points that really piss me off (spoiler tagged just in case because of the influx of new players):
[*]Constant interruptions by dialogue that goes on FOREVER that completely breaks the flow of the game. Also, fuck Wonder Pink, Wonder Blue at some points in the middle of the game and especially FUCK Luka. What a stupid brat.
[*]Remember the parts in Bayonetta that everyone hated? The two throwback sections that lasted 30 minutes combined in a 15 hour game? How about we make a game that has one of these sections in atleast every second stage? I swear Kamiya did this just to piss off the people who played Bayonetta and complained about it. It wouldn't even be so bad if they managed to seperate them correctly. As it stands, it's a complete nightmare to PP boss fights because the rating takes both the boss fight and these throwback sections into account. Aced the boss fight but got hit during throwback section? Say goodbye to that PP and start over.
I loved going for the PPs in Bayonetta and MGR but I just don't wanna bother in this game.
I got no desire to replay the game at the moment which is a pretty damning thing to say about a Platinum game.
What's the download size?
Holy cow, even his standard "A" button combo is the same a Viewtiful Joe's! I just might cry :-(
did someone say my name
I will once I complete the game in Super Easy and can start normal with all my acquired arsenal.Everybody play on Normal.
Prove yourselves.
Everybody play on Normal.
Prove yourselves.
Normal can be frustrating if you don't like to die.
The battle system has some depth and even just some reaction time requirements that, if you're not used to them, can really screw with you. In that case, I'd say easy would be a good place for beginners with the option to tick it up or down between missions if it's too much of a pain.
Don't worry about rankings the first go around. If you die, just continue.
Thank God the US Miiverse is finally up.
I have been wanting to take SO MANY pictures.
Normal can be frustrating if you don't like to die.
The battle system has some depth and even just some reaction time requirements that, if you're not used to them, can really screw with you. In that case, I'd say easy would be a good place for beginners with the option to tick it up or down between missions if it's too much of a pain.
Don't worry about rankings the first go around. If you die, just continue.
I did worry about the ranks, so I replayed a few missions before moving on to the next. Which was good, because I could buy everything on the Wonderful Mart way before the end of the game, and the battle system only gets better and better after your purchases.
i haven't seen a commercial all week and i watch Disney/cartoon network/adult swim so wtf nintendo.
i will get my copy later today or order from amazon tomorrow
Oh, yeah: buy Unite Guts and Unite Spring the first chance you get. Not debatable. Don't spend those hard earned dollars on anything else until you've got those two. They're essential.
What are the control schemes and which ones are people liking the best?
Oh, yeah: buy Unite Guts and Unite Spring the first chance you get. Not debatable. Don't spend those hard earned dollars on anything else until you've got those two. They're essential.
Still not sure why they didn't just give you those two moves right from the start. It's like having to buy the air dodge in Bayonetta, its so goddamn essential to the flow of the combat, it feels weird to have pay money for 'em.