MetatronM said:
Jefferson doesn't rank very high on my list. I personally don't care much for him.
Not that he ranks lowly, either, but if I had to pick a founding father that I liked the least, it would certainly be Jefferson. But I guess that's because I side with Alexander Hamilton on almost all of their conflicts.
hey lets not have a navy, take our frigates, replace em with gunboats (useless!), and put our ships to land when we dont have war cause its so practical!
Oh lets not forget no standing army, and have undisciplined militia men (which would btw be the reason why we did so shitty in the first year of the war of 1812)
Lets fuck our 15 year old black slave just cause we could.
Lets be an adamant anti-slavery speaker yet NEVER FREE OUT SLAVES
Oh yea not to mention the spoils system precedent set. Jackson replaced 20% of the people in office, Jefferson was a worse offender(dont know exactly what rate)
Oh and who could forget the whole agrarian society train of thought that would mark one of the finer points of the Jacksonian Democrat Republican party. It wouldnt be that bad - if it didn't have such a profound effect on later presidents. No internal improvements was so regressive...booo
What else...oh yea...that embargo was genius. know...that really worked.
add to that the threat of secession by the north due to that policy. Way to really unite a nation.
Oh yea.and the whole strict constructionalist issue - way to quixotic. Government revenue from taxing imports and elimination of all taxes? We'd have never got anything done if Jefferson had his way.
He inderectly killed washinton too.
but he was far from being our worst terms of getting shit done that title belongs to man and a progressive..but way to idealistic and none to pragmatic. Not to mention almost all policies he pushed through congress were all shot dead by Jacksonians.
In terms of regressive policies...i think that title belongs to Jefferson... I just cant see any of his policies working..agrarian taxes...states rights. Itd be dangerous had he have had his way. Not to mention he was a great orator and commanded the respect of many people, in turn making this policy effect worse than it really should be.
Jackson was pretty bad...that trigger happy hick. That whole thing with Peggy
Harrison died a month..but had potential.
Oh yea and Bush is way far, far, far from being our worse president. Far.