The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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I'm gonna be all prideful and say this..

America is coming y'all just gotta wait for a few more days. (Note: I fully expect us to not win the medal count this year)


Québec athletes are killing it so far: 3 golds, 3 silvers.

I was thinking about this yesterday when they were interviewing the Dufour Lapointe sisters on cbc and they were saying how proud they were to have the flag raised and hear the anthem and all I could think was I wonder what they would say if they were quebec nationalists?


I was thinking about this yesterday when they were interviewing the Dufour Lapointe sisters on cbc and they were saying how proud they were to have the flag raised and hear the anthem and all I could think was I wonder what they would say if they were quebec nationalists?

I feel that's more of an older generation thing...


I was thinking about this yesterday when they were interviewing the Dufour Lapointe sisters on cbc and they were saying how proud they were to have the flag raised and hear the anthem and all I could think was I wonder what they would say if they were quebec nationalists?

The flag thing is always very akward in Québec.

I think few of these athletes are hardcore nationalists because they've been competing across Canada since they were kids, are friends with other canadians and travel around the world representing Canada. Most probably don't give a shit.
WTF with the Dutch and speed skating?

Even crazier was smeekins was the gold medal winner then they adjusted his time and mullder became the champion. I'm utterly shocked that with all of the technological shit nowadays they would actually go and manually look to make sure times are adjusted.


WTF with the Dutch and speed skating?

Too many useless rivers in the winter


We used to be real good at it though ;\

Perhaps but I have a number of friends here in Manitoba who are ex Quebecers in their 30s and consider themselves nationalists. Is a big part of why the question came to my mind.

parental upbringing also has something big to do with it too. Ask your friends what their parents think and the answer is right there


Still dominant.
We need more spies over there to find out their secret, because they've had that sport figured out for decades.

Once a 200km natural ice skating tour is the biggest event of the year (if it takes place) in your country you can talk again.


I love it when a country is very good at a sport because it's part of their culture and not because they're throwing millions of dollars at it.
Canada would be lost without Quebec. We must bow to our Quebecois overlords.

They gave us poutine, grade A+++ women with sexy accents, and winter Olympic dominance. We can forgive them for the Habs. We must bow.


Canada would be lost without Quebec. We must bow to our Quebecois overlords.

They gave us poutine, grade A+++ women with sexy accents, and winter Olympic dominance. We can forgive them for the Habs. We must bow.

Only in Canada. Would the US care if their gold medalists were from California or NY? We're all Canadians.
Don't know if anyone's shared this yet: A Sports Illustrated cover from 1984 when the Soviet Union boycotted the Olympics in Los Angeles.


Womens Curling, Korea vs. Japan at 12 am eastern tonight.

I wanna see this but CTV will definitely show women's Canadian curling instead. And NBC television is fucking useless.

Although there's an official internet stream by NBC. But idk if they'll show it there, I can't find a schedule, besides the ones for the TV channels.



Womens Curling, Korea vs. Japan at 12 am eastern tonight.
I wanna see this but CTV will definitely show women's Canadian curling instead. And NBC television is fucking useless.
Yeah, they're scheduled to play at the same time. Today TSN was showing a lot of curling that didn't involve Canada, but if that Korea/Japan game is parallel to the Canadian women's game, the best you're going to get is highlights or maybe an end or two if Jones wraps up her match early.


Womens Curling, Korea vs. Japan at 12 am eastern tonight.

I wanna see this but CTV will definitely show women's Canadian curling instead. And NBC television is fucking useless.

Although there's an official internet stream by NBC. But idk if they'll show it there, I can't find a schedule, besides the ones for the TV channels.


NBC has separate live streams for every event.


When NBC covers an event from beginning to end it's not that bad. The TV coverage where they're wasting all that time with the host is brutal.


Just heard the Kazakh who finished 5th in men moguls barely has money to buy skis. And where he trains, he has to climb the moutains on foot because there is no mechanical ski-lift. That's amazing.

It's not that there's no chairlift, it's that he doesn't have money to buy chairlift tickets.

Also Alex Bilodeau gave hime skis in the past to help him.


Just heard the Kazakh who finished 5th in men moguls barely has money to buy skis. And where he trains, he has to climb the moutains on foot because there is no mechanical ski-lift. That's amazing.

They should give that motherfucker a platinum medal. That's the stuff real champions are made of.
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