The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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I feel really bad for that news correspondent. But at the same time I want to see how far this can go. So far every day he's looked worse.


Unconfirmed Member
Watching the mogul repeat & Jenn Heil is really annoying as a commentator. She needs to tone it down a bit.

That little laugh she did with nearly everything she said was annoying. On the other hand, Craig McMorris was great during the slopestyle in what I assume was his first broadcast job.


Ewwww NBC is doing it again. They are going to cut off a portion of the closing ceremony to air a soon to fail pilot called Growing up Fisher.


If Russia was looking for revenge on us via our Olympic commentators, they would have targeted Al Michaels first.

lol good point. I still hold out hope that Bob will continue Olympic coverage while being observed in a decontamination chamber.


Are there any accounts of an athletic nobody quickly climbing to olympic strenght? I need to meet these snowboarding cutties.


Watching the mogul repeat & Jenn Heil is really annoying as a commentator. She needs to tone it down a bit.

She was really repetitive for the women's. Every single time, she would say "BIG backflip!" in exactly the same way, same inflection, same tone. They could have just recorded her once and replayed it over and over.


Canadians burned my passport
Watched a bit of NBC coverage and geez, American commercials are so hilariously manipulative.


I'm confused -- NBC's streaming schedule (for tomorrow) says ski slopestyle qualifiers and finals were actually tonight at 4 and 7 EST?




This is why no one likes French Canadians.
How about we change that to ZERO medals for Quebec - since all the top training facilities are in Vancouver (Whistler) and Calgary - home of the 1988 and 2010 games.

What are these guys going to train on - hopes and dreams?
Well, our tax dollars I suppose. Canadian Olympic athletic training is federally funded.
I'm not from Quebec but its hard not to notice the majority of winners every Olympics are from there. Obviously it is a country wide effort with federal funding and facilities in all parts of Canada so it is a Canadian win, but no harm in saying they must have something special in the water over in Quebec. Maybe they're doing something better over there than other provinces in terms of getting younger kids into winter sports? I don't know.


I'm not from Quebec but its hard not to notice the majority of winners every Olympics are from there. Obviously it is a country wide effort with federal funding and facilities in all parts of Canada so it is a Canadian win, but no harm in saying they must have something special in the water over in Quebec. Maybe they're doing something better over there than other provinces in terms of getting younger kids into winter sports? I don't know.

Maybe it has more to do with the national identity? In the 90s, I couldn't think of any of my friends being all that excited about national pride on the Olympic stage, it's something pretty new as far as I can tell. I remember Quebec having enough pride that they considered forming their own nation.


Unconfirmed Member
Quebecers are just more passionate about everything it seems. I'd imagine kids from other provinces move onto other things when they get older, and don't spend as much time training.


Impressive for Mancuso to podium in super combined when she hadn't had a competition slalom run in a year.

That downhill run was crazy. She's gonna be a huge threat for gold on the downhill event.

Quebecers are just more passionate about everything it seems. I'd imagine kids from other provinces move onto other things when they get older, and don't spend as much time training.

Ontarians will always have curling, lol


Haven't watch much of the Olympics yet but my highlight so far is hearing Costas say pussy riot.

Oh man, that is the best thing about that band . . . getting to hear everyone have to say "pussy riot" on TV & Radio. NPR, PBS, the networks, even Fox news . . . they all have to say "Pussy Riot"

If you haven't yet, find Colbert's interview with them from last week's show. It was glorious.
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