The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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Most athletes get little federal support directly.
Most of their funding is from federal programs. Canada's Own the Podium program divides about $70 million annually in federal government funding between summer and winter sports. There are several other federal programs. There is also corporate sponsorship from companies like RBC, HBC, and Petro Canada. There is some provincial scholarship funding from BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. As far as I could find, Quebec provides zero funding.

Canada funds these athletes. Not Quebec.

What works best for American luger Kate Hansen? Dancing.

What is she listening to while she dances?

“Strictly Beyonce. My girl Bey,” she told NBC in a post-race interview. “She just gets me fierce and I get stoked and I just have to (dance). I have good mojo going on so it’s just how I roll.”

NBC cameras captured Hansen busting a move, but she said she doesn’t even notice the cameras in her face. She’s in the zone.

“Honestly, I’m completely in my own world and it doesn’t matter who’s staring. I’m still gonna dance,” Hansen said.

My own proclivities aside... White girl dancing, do not want.

I like how she lies about listening to Beyonce though. She is definitely listening to "baby got back", we all know white girls can't kick them nasty thoughts.


Noobie Olympics times. Why is that Bob Costa with red eyes? Is he reporting from Russia and accidentally washed his face with piss?

Also whats with the Canada / Quebec thing? They hate themselves?


Noobie Olympics times. Why is that Bob Costa with red eyes? Is he reporting from Russia and accidentally washed his face with piss?

Also whats with the Canada / Quebec thing? They hate themselves?

He has pink eye(s).

She's totally going to be on Ellen.


Just saw a repeat of Charles Hamelin's race and I gotta say it kinda freaked me out how early he was celebrating. The front of the second place skater's skate looked only maybe 6 inches behind Charles' at the point where Charles stopped trying and had his hands in the air crossing the line. I guess Hamelin is the experienced athlete and he's gonna know when he's got it in the bag, but it freaked me out nonetheless. I'd personally want to be pushing until well past the finish line.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Just saw a repeat of Charles Hamelin's race and I gotta say it kinda freaked me out how early he was celebrating. The front of the second place skater's skate looked only maybe 6 inches behind Charles' at the point where Charles stopped trying and had his hands in the air crossing the line. I guess Hamelin is the experienced athlete and he's gonna know when he's got it in the bag, but it freaked me out nonetheless. I'd personally want to be pushing until well past the finish line.

but did you see dat pass ? That was a really good pass he did inbetween two fast skaters :O I went woah when I saw it.

Chris R

Yay, more curling!

edit: so stupid that NBC has this on the TV in 3 hours or whatever instead of now. Hope we beat Russia, but I'd almost rather be watching Canada vs Sweden...


The history of Canada in general is a story of a bunch of different cultures trying to come to some sort of consensus on how to build a nation together. Conflicts of various sorts between the English and French in Canada have been going on for several hundred years since before the nation was an independent state.


Russians look like models.. Americans looks like soccer mom's from Wisconsin..

I'm in love with one of the Russian girls. Makes me want to finish learning Russian. :D

That's what makes curling so damn different though. It's more about skill and practice than pure athleticism meaning we're bound to see some older folks.


Does NBC not have any other sports anchors available, to have to subject us to Bob Costas' double pink-eye? Send him home and let him get it cleared up.

I had conjunctivitis once, and I vaguely recall being sensitive to light -- those studio spotlights must suck.


This is why no one likes French Canadians.

It's really disgusting how nationalistic and xenophobic many are. They get far more funding than many other provinces, not to mention all those separatist politicians get their pensions paid from National tax payers etc.

All those Quebec athletes not only train all over Canada, but many receive federal funding. How do I know? Because in the run up to Vancouver 2010, I'd see them train for free at the Whistler track, see them at the Richmond oval. Quebecers are fools to think they'd even be a fraction of what they are if it wasn't for national support, training facilities, sponsorship.

Why does Quebec dominate in the Olympics, maybe it was because of all the money and funding the province got in the run up to the Montreal Olympics, maybe it's the fact they get more equalization payments than the rest of the Provinces combined, maybe it's the fact that Ontario receives a fraction of the support Quebec does, and yet has a similar or larger population.

This shit makes my blood boil, I remember before Turin some asshole said he'd only be Flag bearer if he could only fly the Flag of Quebec.
Why is NBC profiling a Canadian?
Because a good story is a good story. The Alex Bilodeau story with his brother who has Cerebral Palsy is a story that anyone from anywhere would appreciate because it is a human story. Canadian broadcasts have profiled American athletes, Russians, and many other non-Canadians. As I'm sure BBC and etc local stations all do.


Ski slopestyle.

They are going backwards up the jump ramps.
Skiing with no poles still looks odd to me.

Because a good story is a good story. The Alex Bilodeau story with his brother who has Cerebral Palsy is a story that anyone from anywhere would appreciate because it is a human story. Canadian broadcasts have profiled American athletes, Russians, and many other non-Canadians. As I'm sure BBC and etc local stations all do.
Oh I know it's a good story, it's just out of place for NBC. It's all USA, all the time lol.
Wow, amazing job Berra

yeah, that was pretty sweet. ski slopestyle - never would've imagine such a thing could exist. This has been an awesome addition to the Olympics. the tricks are great, the scenery is fantastic, and the air they get is just insane. maybe the novelty will wear off for me, but right now this is great.
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