Speaking of disney castles. The city were I live, Valencia in Spain, is just celebrating the festivity of Fallas (its similar to bonfires but MUCH bigger and artistic, you can find more info if you are interested in the wikipedia article
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falles, I would love to explain them in detail, but it would be really long to do lol) and today they burn them. So I went witgh the family to the Fllas Museum, where they have photos of every important Falla in the history of the festivities. So I was looking this photos when I saw that in 1985, the Falla from the City Hall square (there are 700 fallas arpox around the whole city each year) was giant reproduction of the disney castle in the magic Kingdom:
I was born in 1987 so sadly I didnt see it

But thats absolutely nuts, and it looks really good.
A normal (the bigger ones, as there are smaller also) Falla looks like this (the two first photos are from this year's 1st and 2nd prize, the third one is the 1st prize of 2012):
Theres a big centerpiece and its surrounded by multiple scenes and smaller figures with jokes and parodies on them. So I suppose the Magic Kingdom Castle one had this figures inside of the Falla instead of the outside (something very strange to see). Sadly, is the only photo I can find of it, so i dont know how the inside was or even other outside parts.
And yes, we burn them lol (There are 5 days on the streets and then the 19th of March, are burnt, putting and end to the festivities until next year). It's something to see with your own eyes, so I invite anyone that comes to Valencia on March to watch them.