Eh, as long as the Avatar area is done well I don't really care about the IP it's based on. Disney doesn't need to pull in new blood like Universal does.
Problem with Avatar at night is that AK closes early, due to the animals needing to follow some sort of schedule. I think even in the summer hours, the park closes at 8:00pm, which as I am sure you are aware is to early to appreciate anything at night, since the sun is still up. During the fall and winter months, it might work better, cause the sun goes down earlier, but during the summer... How are we supposed to appreciate the glowing luminescent creatures that they show in the concept art??
Animal Kingdom needs more content to entice people to stay open to close. Avatar, the night time entertainment and maybe just one more ride around Africa would make AK a more less "complete" park, and the last time that was true for Disney World (outside of Magic Kingdom) was probably an early 90s version of EPCOT.
Animal Kingdom needs to fix Everest... FAST! The fact that the Yeti has not moved for almost 4yrs is ridiculous! Everest is THE ride in AK, and to leave it broken for so long, and insult people with a strobe light is pathetic! Shit, even the Yeti in the Matterhorn in DL works...
They also need to add some other big E-TIcket, non Avatar, rides! Something that will get the teens and twenty-somethings to stay at the park.
There were some rumors today of Hollywood Studios getting a Frozen Stage Show, Meet and Greet and Fireworks show in the Premiere Theater / American Idol Theater later. That and a fully implemented Star Wars Land would fix a lot of the issues that Studios has.
I read those too, that they are going to shutdown AI (which has been confirmed) and possibly shut down Indy Jones show (still a rumor) and turn it into a full fledged Star Wars land... but lets be honest here, by the time that happens, Star Wars 9 will be coming out.
I don't know how they fix EPCOT and keep it true to the original vision. Future World needs more help than all other parks combined. World Showcase is complete from a Dining, Events and Retail perspective but another Country and a ride or two would help tremendously
EPCOT needs to put in rides that teach kids, but also makes it fun. I think they should bring back the original Journey into Imagnination, and add a after ride area where kids can use their imaginations to create things or play with things, kind of like a wonderlabs.
I think they also need to beef up Innoventions. I would love to see more things in there that are hands on, and not just short shows on specific subjects. Make more hands on things. Have kids try to solve puzzles so that they can get the power from A to B or the water from A to B... give them something to do.
I know this will never happen, but maybe DIsney partners with Google to showcase their new driver-less car and have test rides for people to show what it can do...
Spaceship is just a travesty! There used to be all this cool future tech that was shown at the end of the ride, as you were coming down the support leg, but it was so old that that future tech was now actual tech that people use everyday, so instead of working with top tech companies to see what might be coming down the road in 5, 10 or 15yrs, they just leave it blank, and pre-occupy you with a video screen so you can create a postcard from the future.... SO. DAMN. LAME.
I could go on and on about Epcot and how bad it is now, but I think you all get the point!