Surprise, surprise:
Not a lot of new info though.
Not a lot of new info though.
Wow fuck thatSurprise, surprise:
Not a lot of new info though.
It was inevitable.Surprise, surprise:
Not a lot of new info though.
Surprise, surprise:
Not a lot of new info though.
Let It Go: The Ride
RIP to all the happy smiling pretty people in the mural and the 1988 film.RIP, Maelstrom mural guy in my avatar.
It was inevitable.
What a shame.
I miss the Epcot of no Disney IP.
And here we go....
Epcot is slowly turning away from an educational, hands on park and into Magic Kingdom light!
I mean shit, 'Frozen', didnt even take place in Norway... so why ruin something many people enjoy as is??
If they wanted to do it right, they should've allocated funds to build a proper Frozen ride... not half ass it with a conversion of another ride...
If this was universal, they'd have knocked down a building and built a new one in its place and put a ride system in and opened the attraction all within a year.![]()
I feel like this will be another ride where I will bring some headphones and play my own soundtrack a la Spaceship Earth and the TTA.
RIP to all the happy smiling pretty people in the mural and the 1988 film.
I think you may be overreacting. They're probably just trying to cash in on the insane popularity of the Frozen train that's still going. I've never been a big fan of everyone jumping to worst case scenario and declaring "It's the end of *insert nostalgic thing here*" after they do something that isn't well liked. I'm going to reserve judgement on this until the ride is actually released.
Also I'd still be okay with a seasonal alteration of Matterhorn into Frozen during the holidays and then changing it back after Christmas.
Surprise, surprise:
Not a lot of new info though.
The popularity of Frozen is not going anywhere, if they wanted to capitalize on it, they should've put a plan in motion to build a proper ride with proper effects from the movie and animatronics when the movie started breaking all sorts of box office records...
This is the same company that didn't build a Little Mermaid ride for 22 years after the film released.The popularity of Frozen is not going anywhere, if they wanted to capitalize on it, they should've put a plan in motion to build a proper ride with proper effects from the movie and animatronics when the movie started breaking all sorts of box office records...
They did a very long time ago. Marc Davis had some sketches for a snow palace ride before Frozen was Frozen.
This is the same company that didn't build a Little Mermaid ride for 22 years after the film released.
This is the point I am trying to make...
You know the movie is going to be a monster, you know its going to have legions of fans, but lets not get something on paper for a brand new attraction. Lets just renovate a 26yr old ride and throw in some effects from Frozen..
Last day at Disneyland and I was able to get on both Haunted Mansion Holiday and Ghost Galaxy before I left tired. The heat right now is something else. Feels pretty close to Orlando summer weather. It was pretty damn busy being the first day of Halloween season + Dapper Day, too.
Great article on what happend to Geauga Lake/Sea World/Six Flags Ohio, its rise and fall
Todays the day. Today is the day we get the Lebron roller coaster announcement at Cedar Point
Yeah, CP needs to stop stringing us along. Just announce it already.
They did, theyre not renaming a coaster.
"More than just renaming a coaster" and "auctioning off the first ride" sounds like they still probably are doing it. Just not announcing it yet.
I think closer to Mantis' closing date or quickly after, we'll finally get an actual announcement of what's happening.
Todays the day. Today is the day we get the Lebron roller coaster announcement at Cedar Point
I still think they're doing something with Mantis that's not a removal. I think we'll hear more closer to Mantis' closure.
Hey everyone, so I am currently in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show, and today I decided to take a trip over to Tokyo DisneySea, which to me, is the nicest of any Disney park I have ever been to.
Flyover video:
POV video:
Press release:
It always amazes me how detailed the park is.Hey everyone, so I am currently in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show, and today I decided to take a trip over to Tokyo DisneySea, which to me, is the nicest of any Disney park I have ever been to.
I got to the park pretty early and was surprised to see how decked out they made it for Halloween, as I assumed that Disney only did that with the Magic Kingdom...
Since the last time I was here (2005), they added their version of Tower Of Terror, which was the first ride I went on, because I wanted to see how it compared to the other versions I've been on (WDW and DL), and I am gonna say, I was a bit disappointed. The overall design of the building is gorgeous (my favorite of the three), and the story is kind of cool (from what I could piece together with my limited Japanese skills), but the ride itself was boring. The drops did not seem that intense, and it felt as if it was the shortest of the 3 versions (WDW<DL<TDS).
Next up was "Port Discovery" section, home to Aquatopia and StormRider. Out of the two, Aquatopia is the one to ride, as it is a pretty unique trackless ride system that changes on a whim and no two rides are alike. I went on both sides (no real difference) and I noticed that more people pick the left side, as I was able to determine every move the vehicle was going to make on the right side, because its so rarely used that you can see the exact path in the water....
StormRider is your classic simulator, ala Star Tours, but with weather... It's a cool escape if you want to get out of the heat, or just off your feet. Other than that, if the line is long, just skip it!
Moving along, we come to the "Lost River Delta." Home to Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull, and Raging Spirits.
Indiana Jones is such a great experience at DisneySea, more so than its counterpart in Disneyland. If I had to guess, I would say that's because the DisneySea version is newer than the DL version, therefore most of the effects are working, and the AA's are better. As I was riding this, I realized that WDW will probably never get a Indy ride, and that we will forever be stuck with that craptastic Dinosaur ride.
Raging Spirits is your run of the mill coaster that has ONE loop on it, and that ONE loop will give you the worst headache of your life! lol! I am serious... after getting off that ride, I had to sit down for a bit, because my head was pounding...
After I defeated my headache, I walked over to Mermaid Lagoon, which is home to a bunch of kids rides all themed to "The Little Mermaid." Since I have no kids, I left and walked over to the Arabian Cost.
The Arabian Cost is is home to Jasime's Flying Carpet ride (same as the WDW version of a different name) and Sindbad's Storybook Voyage.
Sindbad's Storybook Voyage was the only ride I hit, and it's like a mix between Pirates and Small world, but much better than the latter. It's a nice slow moving dark boat ride that tells the story of Sindbad and his journey to find a great treasure.
At this point in the day, my tootsies were starting to get tired, so I wanted to hit up Mysterious Island, home to 20k Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Tokyo DIsneySea's 20k Leagues Under the Sea is by far the best of all the versions of the ride. You truly feel as if you are underwater, descending to depths far greater than the faux depths you hit on the old WDW and DL versions...
Journey to the Center of the Earth is the showpiece for this park! Its a high speed ride through the center of the Earth with some nice airtime and dark sections... Unfortunately for me, when I got in line, the ride broke down, and they had to escort every one off the line, but they did give out Priority ride tickets for any ride in the park, so that was nice...
Since I was upset that Journey broke down, I started walking back to Tower of Terror and realized that they also added Toy Story Mania since my last visit, and since I can never turn down a good ride, I decided to check it out. When I got to the entrance it had a 70min wait, so I figured I would use the ticket... SCORE, right? Nope... you can not use the ticket on this ride (I guess its too new), so I just got in the standby line and was on the ride in 47min. Nothing different than the other versions... still a lot of fun.
After Toy Story, I was going to just go use the ticket on Tower of Terror, since it was right next door and my feet were killing me, but I heard Journey to the Center of the Earth running, so I made my way over there, and for my final ride of the night, I used my priority ticket and was on Journey in a matter of minutes...
And that's it folks... I hope you enjoyed my impromptu Trip Report... Here are some pics to go along with the report:
I could keep posting pics, but instead, I'll just post the link to the entire album:
Parisi's Tokyo DisneySea Photo Album
But what was your Toy Story score? This is important.
Amateur! Jk
Good job on 8-4 btw!