-Two RVs dispatched in tandem. Front RV has 5-6 rows of guests with a live actor playing a driver. Previous intel from Hatetofly implied the driver will be killed or otherwise removed from the equation at a certain scene.
-Second RV has 7-8 rows of seats, no driver. Attraction aiming for very high capacity.
-Entrance will be where the JP T-Rex photo op is now. Guests will make their way underground in a highly-themed queue. Load outside.
-Scenes 1, 2, 3, all outdoors
-Transition from scene 3 (outdoors) to 4 (indoors) by passing through "the great wall", as in Jackson's film.
-Eventually transition back outside
-Epilogue-style scene after unload
-Scene 4A, many AAs attack vehicle from both sides, insect projections. After escaping, vehicle may lose control/traction, arrive in cave (bat cave). Said to be visually fucking amazing. Compares with Gringotts.
-Scene 5, arrival of Kong, immense number of projectors, far more than Transformers, comparable to Gringotts
-Impressive physical element in later scene that fans will appreciate