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There are no words.... (absolute FILTH)

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if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Looks a little like wolfy... hahah I thought I was bad!!!
Jesus... why are most guys fucking pigs? I don't get it. Maybe my mother raised me better or something.. I don't understnad how people could live this way. What I don't understand as well is how the roommate could let it go this long with out bitching this guy out?!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
What came immediately to mind:

His trash cans are way too small.

Poor cat.

This guy gets no pussy...


I was in this exact same situation with an antisocial hygenically-challenged bastard roomate awhile ago (minus the cat at least). Moving out of that apartment was a literal/figurative breath of fresh air.

God, smelly anime geeks, I just wanna punch a hole in their idiot faces.



Sadly, the closest he'll ever come to a pussy.


Junior Member
What's more impressive about this guy is that he doesn't seem to realize how disgusting his place is (living with others, calling the bathroom guy, etc...).


Queen of Denmark
clipunderground said:
Jesus... why are most guys fucking pigs? I don't get it. Maybe my mother raised me better or something.. I don't understnad how people could live this way. What I don't understand as well is how the roommate could let it go this long with out bitching this guy out?!
I hear you. I think the dominant force in keeping my apartment clean is me more than my girlfriend. I just can't stand things being messy/out of place.


I'm far from being the cleanest person in the world, but I do feel sorry for his cat. Seriously, its like making someone shit in a permanently backed-up toilet. :(
human5892 said:
I hear you. I think the dominant force in keeping my apartment clean is me more than my girlfriend. I just can't stand things being messy/out of place.

Same here. I'm always tidying up my apartment any chance I get. And before friends come over, it's a damn must.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just the smallest thing out of place can drive me nuts. I clean way too much...but I can't STAND clutter.


About five years ago, my room used to look something like his room, only without the trash, I knew where to find my trashcan. It was just incredibly dusty and there was almost no room to walk. A friend of mine offered to help me clean it and we were busy for two days, filling seven industrial (Xtra Large) garbagebags. It felt so gooed finally being able to walk normally across my room and not having to wipe my feet to prevent all kinds of crums entering my bed.

Now I clean my room every month, dusting and vacuümcleaning, and it feels great! My room is even cleaner than the rest of the house! Mwoehahaha My only real problem is space, I've just got too much stuff, but I'm managing.


ugh... after seeing those pics of that apartment I spent 30 minutes cleaning up my place.

It's still a mess but all I gotta do is move out some boxes, organize my games/dvds, etc... I don't-- and never had -- rotten food and smelly things in my place. I feel sick now just thinking about it. :(


XS+ said:
God, smelly anime geeks, I just wanna punch a hole in their idiot faces.

What the hell does anime has to do with this? he's a lazy bastard. He could've waisted his time on videogames too or watching TV.

Lil' Dice

Chrono said:
What the hell does anime has to do with this? he's a lazy bastard. He could've waisted his time on videogames too or watching TV.

He had a single manga lying around near his bed.....plus he likes cats; we all know that Anime freaks like cats....

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
This guy is his room-mate? Um, sounds like he isn't the cleanest guy either if hes living in that with him and just moaning about it..


My room was clean before, but it's fucking spotless now. Those pics physically seized the neurons of my brain. Waves of crackling electrical disgust that wouldn't cease until I did something about it. Which is weird because I can look at the Russian Beheading video with unwavering eyes, but that bed...



Chrono said:
What the hell does anime has to do with this? he's a lazy bastard. He could've waisted his time on videogames too or watching TV.

It has more to do with it than you would think. Typically, the most hardcore otaku are so oblivious to anything that is truly relavent in their lives that they live like shit. While their heads are in their fucking 'mangas' (Or as I like to call them- Backwards comics with big eyes), the shit starts gathering around them, and they don't even notice it.

As indicated by the thread creator at SA, his two main interests in life are anime and MMORPGs. Fucking pathetic, I know, but also sad. Sad because his life is completely passing him by while he spends his time on these things all day.

If I was the roomate, I would not hurt him, or threaten to hurt him. I would instead threaten to destroy his anime/backwards comic book with big eyes collection. Bet you that the latter means just as much if not more to him than anything else.
personally, i would have cleaned the other bathroom months ago myself before i let it get in that kind of condition... i mean, if that's the bathroom other friends who come over have to use, no way i'd leave it like that... but in any case, that guy would have to go...
I love the delicate balance of multiple cases of Slim-Fast mixed about with Sprite cans and boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls. I was honestly expecting it to be a big fat dude. He doesn't look much representative of his absolutely atrocious, health department horrifyingly unclean habitat. The worst part to me is that litterbox, since I have two cats and I have to clean it everyday. That picture makes me want to vomit. Those poor cats.


Holy crap. I'm not a clean freak, and that guy certainly has me beat in being messy. Shit I feel bad for what mess I do have now, shouldn't it be the other way around?


Grandma's Chippy
That guy is a sick slob, but the roomate is a moron.

Why the hell would you EVER let it get that bad...I can understand the bedroom clutter as you may want to let the guy do what he wants in his own room, but the bathroom?? And where is that litterbox??

I would cut the power to his room, and hide all his anime crap until he cleaned that shit up!

The roomate is more annoying to me than the slob.


One of my friends lives in similar kind of messiness and filth. The good thing is that he realizes that and usually refuses to let me in at his place. I've only been there two times in a year and I don't think there's going to be a third time as I've threatened to bring my camera. :)

What amazes me is that he leaves dirty plates, ustensils and discarted pizza boxes on the carpet, along with cans and bottles of soft drinks half finished scattered everywhere and waiting to be spilled, all under a layer of newspapers, DVD cases, Magic cards and video games. It's insane. I don't know how he can live there. And I remember when he first moved out of his parent's place some years ago, he actually offered me to be his roomate. I really dodged the bullet on that one.

And yes, he's a bachelor. :D


Docpan said:
It has more to do with it than you would think. Typically, the most hardcore otaku are so oblivious to anything that is truly relavent in their lives that they live like shit. While their heads are in their fucking 'mangas' (Or as I like to call them- Backwards comics with big eyes), the shit starts gathering around them, and they don't even notice it.

As indicated by the thread creator at SA, his two main interests in life are anime and MMORPGs. Fucking pathetic, I know, but also sad. Sad because his life is completely passing him by while he spends his time on these things all day..

No it doesn't. There are "hardcore otaku" in videogames too. Is it out of this world to believe a videogame fan might love games so much that he lives "oblivious to anything that is truly relavent" ? And it's not just videogames. Slobs are slobs. all you need to be to have that kind of room is LAZY and that's it.

It really is funny coming from a guy on a videogame message board trying to associate anime/manga fans with that slob and calling manga "Backwards comics with big eyes." Exactly what is so "backward" about them (ever read Berserk, Kenshin, Monster..)? that fact that YOU don't like them? It's amazing, and fucking pathetic, seeing insecure people like you actively put down anything you don't like as if it's a threat to you.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Docpan said:
It has more to do with it than you would think. Typically, the most hardcore otaku are so oblivious to anything that is truly relavent in their lives that they live like shit. While their heads are in their fucking 'mangas' (Or as I like to call them- Backwards comics with big eyes), the shit starts gathering around them, and they don't even notice it.

As indicated by the thread creator at SA, his two main interests in life are anime and MMORPGs. Fucking pathetic, I know, but also sad. Sad because his life is completely passing him by while he spends his time on these things all day.

If I was the roomate, I would not hurt him, or threaten to hurt him. I would instead threaten to destroy his anime/backwards comic book with big eyes collection. Bet you that the latter means just as much if not more to him than anything else.


I know several very messy folk and not one of them enjoy anime. It has nothing to do with it. It could be a factor in SOME situations, but in general, that's a stupid connection to draw there. Quite frankly, of the examples I can think of, most of those people are actuall athletic and don't just sit around on their PCs for hours. Suggesting that such "slob-like" behavior is connected to anime is just flat out ignorant.

Where the hell did you draw that conclusion from anyways?

Actually, as Chrono said, your statement actually places you in a poor light. It makes you look like an intolerant, insecure prick. Sweeping generlizations such as that are a major problem in this world today. Sure, you're just talking about something small right now...but these kind of things can blow up into massive racial or nationalistic issues. That attitude needs to die.

For the record, I have never actually sat down and read a manga before...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Holy f*cking shit, that second house is nasty. I would never set foot in that place. Good lord! What IS that on the Washer or Dryer?

I wonder if this guy was into "Backwards comics with big eyes"?
it wud be made better if the guy stumbled upon the something awful forum and saw that. Might make him sort himself out. Probably not though


MrPing1000 said:
it wud be made better if the guy stumbled upon the something awful forum and saw that. Might make him sort himself out. Probably not though

Someone should e-mail him the URLs for this and the something awful thread... or expose his username on the online RPG he plays. That would wake him up. I mean how much does it cost to hire somebody to clean that for you? not much. Just open the yellow papers. If I was his room mate I would've done this-- called a compnay in and let them clean everything when he's out.
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