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There are no words.... (absolute FILTH)

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The sad thing is, it would only take like an hour to clean the bedroom (since most of it just looks like trash that needs thrown out, and books that need to be on a shelf), and the bathroom might take two hours.

But judging from the photos, he at least washes his clothes (there was laundry soap, anyway), and he must take the trash out of the bathroom, because that little can couldn't hold two years of trash in it.

But yeah... that's pretty nasty. No way to live.


I don't want to derail this topic.. but since there isn't much of a discussion going on anyway..

I still want to know how the hell is manga "backward" comics?

Please enlighten us, Docpan. You already made it clear you hate anime/manga in this thread and even before when you came into the anime recommendations thread and complained on why "there are many anime" threads suggesting to put ALL anime in one place (i'd like to see someone suggest to put all movie threads in one topic ;) ) so we know your position already. However, hating something so bad really interests me. I don't watch horror movies if I dont like them-- I don't go into every horror movie thread and insult the fans.

Are you like shuri, perphaps? I mean do you hide all your games that have big-eyed anime characters when family comes over? Or does your anime/manga crusade makes you believe your'e not a geek if you only play games (xbox and ps2 of course--not that ghey cube lol!) ? I'm just guessing here. :p

A lot of people on this forum read mangas like Naruto, One Piece, Berserk, Monster, Beck, GantZ, and Ippo. I find it hard to believe all of them are, or even a fraction, are below your intelligence level. :)


I call them backwards comics because you read (the majority of them) from right to left. And that annoys me.

To the other poster dude who asked me where I was basing my info on:
I see these disgusting excuses for humans all the time. I know and have had friends (never kept in touch with them for too long, for obvious reasons) who are otaku slobs!

I'm not saying that only hardcore anime geeks can let themselves go to that extent, but 9/10 times when I see one he's browsing the manga section of a book store, or looking at some anime dvds. Or if I happen to engage in a conversation with one, it usually degrades into him asking me what my favorite anime series and such are - To which I reply I'm not really into it.

I can't explain why that is, it just is. And it repulses me.

Next time you're at Barnes and Noble or some other bookstore, keep your eye on the manga section. There are primarily only two groups that browse through it- a white guy in his late teens/early 20s with uncombed hair and geeky looking clothes, OR a black guy in his late teens/early 20s with an anime t-shirt or SOME article of clothing with Japanese characters on it. I am not kidding you, I see it all the time.

I hate anime because every time I browse through an anime or manga section, those unsanitary, pathetic looking otakus pop in my head, and I feel the sudden urge to vomit.

Wasn't gonna make this post, but you asked for it.

Berserk is one of the only animes I enjoy. Primarily because it avoids all of those cutesy cliches that plague most of it.


Docpan said:
Next time you're at Barnes and Noble or some other bookstore, keep your eye on the manga section. There are primarily only two groups that browse through it- a white guy in his late teens/early 20s with uncombed hair and geeky looking clothes, OR a black guy in his late teens/early 20s with an anime t-shirt or SOME article of clothing with Japanese characters on it. I am not kidding you, I see it all the time.

I check the manga section at the local borders from time to time and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Docpan said:
I hate anime because every time I browse through an anime or manga section, those unsanitary, pathetic looking otakus pop in my head, and I feel the sudden urge to vomit.


you hate anime because...because you don't like some of the people who like it too?

Do you have any idea your "pathetic looking otakus" description could also fit video game fans? Or the star Wars fans that slept outside movie theatres to be first in line to watch the movies? Forget that. That description in itself is so consescending that it sheds more light on your character-- and at the same time discredit any criticism you might have on anime/manga.

You must think really highly of your self that an association of "lower" people with anything makes you want to vomit. Maybe if manga was associated with encouraging people to go insane and murder their classmates. But because your highness can't think of himself sharing something with "those" people? yeesh..

Count how many times you wrote "pathetic" in this thread and multiply it by a hundred: that's how pathetic YOU are.


"Pathetic x 10000 = you!"


Like I said, it could be anyone. But more often than not, the more nausiating their body odor is, the more into anime they are.

But because your highness can't think of himself sharing something with "those" people?

Indeed. I have to scrub myself with Lava extra strength soap several times over just seeing those.... 'people'.

My wish is to replace all their animes with sanitary products. Or that their lack of taking care of themselves causes a disease to spread amongst them at an anime convention and they all die a slow and painful death. That would work just as well, if not better.


I'd just finished eating tacos when I saw those pictures, and I literally had to fight the urge to throw up after viewing that bathroom.

Tama_lh, cutest avatar ever


Docpan said:
the more nausiating their body odor is, the more into anime they are.

God what a fucking idiot.

Indeed. I have to scrub myself with Lava extra strength soap several times over just seeing those.... 'people'.

The point was that no matter how "dirty" anime fans are, anime has nothing to do with them. When you say you hate anime because of your unfounded generalizations on WHO watches it you end up revealing what an insecure retard you are. The only people who actively hate others different then themselves and make up imaginary negative and exaggerated generalizations are people with a desperate need to feel better about themselves.

There's a 'favorite anime character' thread on the first page btw. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

My wish is to replace all their animes with sanitary products. Or that their lack of taking care of themselves causes a disease to spread amongst them at an anime convention and they all die a slow and painful death. That would work just as well, if not better.

As I read more and more of your posts, I kept thinking to myself how similar your hate is (in terms of motives) to just about any hate most groups that suffered injustices had to endure. I don't want to mention examples as some might be offended but use your imagination (if you can that is) and you'll see my point. Of course your hate isn't directed to large groups like members of a religion or an ethnic group, but nonetheless it's VERY similar to the worst murderers of history. Thank you for proving my point with that quote.
If anyone here needs to die it's the sick fucks that think like you. You might want to try and get help though as there's a 99% chance this hate is somehow linked to giving a a sense of security/superiority over something that you need to make up for the sense of insecurity/inferiority. Just a guess. Your an asshole either way.
That is the point disgusting bathroom I've scene in my entire life... and seeing it juxtapose with hygiene products just make it seem strange.

And Chrono just let it go man...


honestly, my bedroom is no better.
DVD's, soda cans, games, CD's, cups, bowls, books, magazines, clothes, paper, bottles, shoes, ect, ect, throughout my room.


i like the fact the slob graduated in general studies

so basically he got a degree saying he went to college

unless he goes to grad school the degree is shiot


ha, that second house is below disgusting. Well, after last night's read, I decided to clean up my room today. And man it's nice!


Lisa Lashes said:
Umm. What is anime?

First thing that comes up on google image search:




The coolest people I know are into anime. My drinking buddy loves DBZ and Eva and all that other anime crap. A friend of mine has zero trouble picking up girls and is a very likeable person, yet he has a pinup of Nakoruru in his crib.

On the other hand I've known people who clearly don't think showers are a priority, have horrible personalities, and live and sleep in all-but-condemned biohazards of rooms/apartments. And guess what they all uniformly are into?? Annoying Jpop and anime. A certain brand of disgusting antisocial slobs just seem to like anime. I can't explain it, but that's what I've seen with my two eyes (and nose :X )

So yeah I TOTALLY understand where Docpan's coming from, whether I agree with what he's said or not.

EDIT: Oh this is stemming from what I said earlier (haven't been following this thread). It has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT. There's your answer.

The "smelly anime geeks" snap was referring more to my former roomate, even though the thread from Something Awful said that slob reads Sailor Moon and OMG.


Saturnman said:
One of my friends lives in similar kind of messiness and filth. The good thing is that he realizes that and usually refuses to let me in at his place. I've only been there two times in a year and I don't think there's going to be a third time as I've threatened to bring my camera. :)

What amazes me is that he leaves dirty plates, ustensils and discarted pizza boxes on the carpet, along with cans and bottles of soft drinks half finished scattered everywhere and waiting to be spilled, all under a layer of newspapers, DVD cases, Magic cards and video games. It's insane. I don't know how he can live there. And I remember when he first moved out of his parent's place some years ago, he actually offered me to be his roomate. I really dodged the bullet on that one.

And yes, he's a bachelor. :D

Had a friend just like that. All he's done for the past 2 or 3 years is play Everquest since he lost his job. His girlfriend (who fucking lives with him) works, while he sits at home. Sink was piled with dishes filled with rotten food, literally tons of soda cans and half full soda bottles on the floor, all their clothes on the floor, it was nasty. Whenever he went somewhere he grabbed the first thing on the floor next to him and put it on. What finally did it for me was when he got a puppy. Imagine piles of month old shit on the floor, and rather than cleaning it up, they step around it. I saw a few that had been smushed, and I knew I had to stop going there. I wish I had taked a picture before he left, because it was sickening.


I lived with 6-8 guys over a period of 4 years when I was in college and I know what filth is. The bathroom that was assigned to our group is quite dirty..... almost as dirty as the that guys bathroom. It became that way after I quit cleaning it when it became evident that my room mate and the guys in the other room won't ever clean it, so I just used the other groups bathroom who knew what I am going through. My group and a second group are total slobs and they all have different interests. A couple a video gamers, a couple just works and goes to school all day who gets tired when they home, this one guy(and a chick) who is hardly ever home. I am probably the cleanest person in the house and also the person that is most likely to be called an otaku. My other friends like to watch animes too, but they wouldn't put in the effort to download them or buy them.... and they are have different taste in what animes they watch.
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