..It's real time spam on messaging clients like AIM or MSN.
I'm sure a fair number of us have people on our contact lists that work for various websites, and among those people, I'm sure a lot of us get people from said sites telling us about new stories and stuff like that.
This shit pisses me off.
You guys probably know I work at N-Sider; big deal, we update monthly and I dont think any of us have spammed anyone with links to an amazing new story or whatever; regardless, if there is ONE site out there that pisses me off the most with this constant spamming, it's the "Advanced Meda 'Network' "
I'm casually working away on some 3d stuff and I get disrupted with the following convo:
(I am NSiderDotCom)
Why bother? I know they want to drive hits to the site, but to be all "WORLD EXCLUSIVE OMG!!" is over the top; what's next? World Exclusive on PenisEnlargementAdvanced?
I know I'm not the only one who gets shit like this, so please, if anyone else shares in my dread, please post your experiences.
I'm sure a fair number of us have people on our contact lists that work for various websites, and among those people, I'm sure a lot of us get people from said sites telling us about new stories and stuff like that.
This shit pisses me off.
You guys probably know I work at N-Sider; big deal, we update monthly and I dont think any of us have spammed anyone with links to an amazing new story or whatever; regardless, if there is ONE site out there that pisses me off the most with this constant spamming, it's the "Advanced Meda 'Network' "
I'm casually working away on some 3d stuff and I get disrupted with the following convo:
(I am NSiderDotCom)
xNCLMatt: Hi
NSiderDotCom: hi.
xNCLMatt: Have you seen our world exclusive on DS Advanced?
NSiderDotCom: no, and its probably nothing too exciting either
xNCLMatt: First details on Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
NSiderDotCom: yup, nothing exciting.
xNCLMatt: yeah... nothing really big
NSiderDotCom: then why tout it as such?
xNCLMatt: but pretty cool news
NSiderDotCom: not a comic fan, so nah.
Why bother? I know they want to drive hits to the site, but to be all "WORLD EXCLUSIVE OMG!!" is over the top; what's next? World Exclusive on PenisEnlargementAdvanced?
I know I'm not the only one who gets shit like this, so please, if anyone else shares in my dread, please post your experiences.