Where the fuck do I start?
How I Met Your Mother/That 70's Show/2 and a Half Men/Big Bang Theory- Terrible, unfunny "comedy" shows. Just boggles the mind that these are successful in any way whatsoever. Completely unfunny and cringey in the worst possible way.
Halo franchise- fuck is so good about it? Slow moving and boring. Killing aliens has never been so boring. I have no interest in what it did to further the FPS genre on consoles when it is such an average/below average series of games. Give me Doom/Goldeneye/COD any day of the week.
"Popular" music today- god damned is ANY of it any good? To me it all sounds the same. I know we can go onto Spotify (fucking streaming but more on that later) and find more music today that is actually good, but I remember a time when mainstream music stations actually played great music (the 90's in particular). Fuck today's popular/mainstream music.
Streaming- fuck we are a lazy generation of entitled twats! From all I hear if it isn't streaming then we can't watch it! Remember when we used to put discs into music/video players and actually listen/watch 1 thing at a time? Remember when we owned movies, tv shows, music, games? Cue the fucking people now telling me that they don't have the space or some such shit but who cares? I want to know that I am not constantly renting shit and paying some corporation to have to borrow what they will own. Fuck that. Unfortunately there are so many fucking pussies out there that this is the future we are heading into.
Game Pass/subscription services- much like above, does anyone want to own anything they spend their money on? I hear so many people complain they have no money for anything anymore, yet they have ALL the streaming TV subs, Spotify, YouTube, Game Pass etc... how much are they spending each month to not own a fucking thing? Do they really need over 200 games on Game Pass at any 1 time? What happened to just buying a game you like, playing it then putting it aside and waiting for the next great game to arrive, buying it, playing it to completion then repeating the process? And how about the "old" days of demos to find out whether the game was good or not? Each to their own but I really can't believe we are heading into subscription futures. Cue the people telling me "but no one is stopping you from buying anything that is streaming"... For how long will that last? Time will tell I suppose.
Movie theatres- Where are they going? Why don't people want to go to the "movies" anymore? Some will point to big box office takings for certain marquee films of the past few months, and yes, we are going through a pandemic but, as mentioned above, people are happier to sit inside their own homes and watch the latest Marvel film on Disney+ instead of going out and seeing it at the local multiplex. I just don't get it. I don't want the theatre experience to die. I want my kids to experience what I did seeing T2 at the movies with hundreds of others. Like I did with Tim Burton's Batman. Jurassic Park. Star Wars. We cannot lose these experiences...
This whole woke culture- I'm sick of the holier than thou fucktards who think they are better cause they "appreciate" diversity or some other such buzzwords. Who fucking doesn't appreciate diversity, dick heads?!? We just don't go around preaching to everyone how fucking high and mighty we are. This especially goes for the twats in Hollywood. Fucking hypocrites. And speaking of diversity- I never EVER saw myself in ANY film or game or tv show when I was younger. I didn't have to, as I had an imagination! I used it to imagine I was Ripley from Aliens, or Indy from Raiders, or the T800 from T2! Honestly, what does a young black girl seeing a black princess on a Disney movie get out of it over a white girl seeing a white princess in a Disney movie? 3 fifths of sweet fuck all, that's what! It means nothing. It's just another box for these companies to tick off to try please a very tiny vocal minority of retards on twitter.
Privilege- Fuck OFF with this bullshit! You want something in life, then go get it! And stop acting like there are road blocks in your way. EVERYONE has road blocks blocking them to ANYTHING they want. Life is meant to be a fucking prick of a thing. Fight through it. You are NOT meant to be a success at everything you try, but give everything a go! I cannot stand people saying they have white privilege or some such shit. I'm working in an office, bored as fuck and wanted to be a film maker! No one but myself is the reason I'm here doing what I fucking loath. And that is the same with everyone on earth.