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Things that the next GTA should have?


Seeing as how San Andreas seems to kind of be blurring the lines between action game and RPG by letting you have "party" members and manipulatable stats, it'd be neat to have a feature where you do something like hire permanent "muscle" that specialize in certain abilities, like a guy who can move double speed in water, or a guy who can give grenades a bigger blast radius. And it'd also be neat if there was some kind of "item" system, like where if you entered a Pizza Stack and tried to eat at full health, the game would give you a "doggy bag" option where you could pocket the food for a certain amount of game days to use during missions.

And seeing as how swimming is pretty much a given for the next game, please, R*, put in some bloody underwater weapons! (And possibly frog diver cops too.) I'd have given a kidney for a harpoon during police chases where the choppers are hitting me dead on even though I'm at the bottom of the sea.)

Skateboards! Why put skateparks in SA but provide the player with nothing to utilize them with?

And more sports too. I found it odd that you could do a triathlon, play basketball, and shoot pool, but couldn't play golf despite the game having three golf courses


The should let TEAM NINJA develop all concerning graphics.
And let NINTENDO develop all concernig control system.
This game could be really GREAT!

I cannot accept that IGN gave 9.9 to a game that can be soooo frustrating due to the shitty control system! :/


Good controls.

But I feel that GTA has been a continual WIP that makes a lot of money. Rockstar should just keep tweaking, switching time periods and places, as they've got plenty to work with, and one day it will be almost the perfect game. Each time I play a new one I get the feeling of "ooh, so close" but, its not quite there.
There's actually a bike in the park that allows you to access a side mission.

I'd like to have the ability to jump from a bike onto a moving vehicle to steal it.

Online play (obviously).

More customization. Allow you to buy land and then build houses and such from scratch.

Multiple story paths.


My wishlist:
- Better graphics - not for me, but for the haters... no more ammo for them. :)
- Stick with the San Andreas 3 cities and suburbs but this time make it so you can enter EVERY building
- More AI routines for pedestrians... like they have their own life and goto work, sleep, workout at the gym, etc
- modern day setting with original songs by popular bands (maybe even them making fun of themselves)
- more and more mini-games!!
- make an item screen for the character so you can hold different items for later use
- this is far out there but: make buildings destructable (make it VERY hard to completely destroy them) and when you cause damage it sets off a routine like the ambulance and construction people will eventually come by and repair it. And if you manage to destroy a building have it goto 7 stars (aka "terrorist" mode) and the only way to get out of that is to complete some hard ass quest while the cops / military / fbi are chasing you.
- flesh out the manhunt controls more... make it so you can peak around corners like in manhunt... also make a better shadow meter so you can hide from cops if they are chasing you

hmmm there's much more :O
- improve indoor camera
- better weapons management
- massively multiplayer online play
- customizable melee tactics
- changing seasons
- downloadable content (continous missions)
- musical score


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
this clothing maintainance needs improvment... It takes so long to buy/change clothes, they need a straight menu interface as well as the whole animated let me look at myself deal.

Ranger X

This game is to vast and great. And at the same time, it can improve alot. What's more, next gen, the possibities for a sequel that push the style further and a more detailed game is more likely. GTA will rule next gen too!!!

Personnaly, i think one of the first improvements the game will need would be to get more perfect with what it does already.
1- when on foot, optional first person view to shoot with ala FPS controls
2- having more moves on hand-to-hand combat and could mix combat styles
3- having stats with the cars that can change when u upgrade/modify the car

on new things now...

4- Dispatch members of your crew of gang here and there to do simple tasks for you while you go for something else (we could enter in some "map mode" or some far top view to select the members and dispatch them)
5- buying stuff for your house, decorate it etc.
6- Online gang war mode
7- Get the damn game in Montreal or another cool city where it could snow sometimes
8- R3 mission of cleaning streets from snow
9- Disasters. Flood, tornados, earthquakes etc.
10- Making the envirronement and stuff interactive and breakable the more they can.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Tokyo setting, Yakuza,........and Ninjas!!!

Enter buildings without loading....just walk up to the door and go right in.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The controls get better when you get your stats up... They're initially sh!tty for a reason.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Rei_Toei said:
A walkman.

Best suggestion yet. I like running and riding the bike around sometimes to do missions but I miss the music when I do that, a walkman would be great they could make the sound go all light and headphone like....


Snowball said:
The should let TEAM NINJA develop all concerning graphics.
And let NINTENDO develop all concernig control system.
This game could be really GREAT!

I cannot accept that IGN gave 9.9 to a game that can be soooo frustrating due to the shitty control system! :/

You read my mind and typed out its contents.

The controls in SA are beyond shitty. The graphics are completley average and have many clipping/draw distance/other visual issues, plus a crappy framerate, and ass-bad animation. Fix these problems, you'll have a much better game.


belgurdo said:
Skateboards! Why put skateparks in SA but provide the player with nothing to utilize them with?
I use them for bikes and motorbikes. :D

I would like no more popups while I'm driving. I was doing the driving school mission (drive to far end of city and back) and an entire building apeared only after I hit it. I was like "uh...wtf did I hit?" and then the building appeared.

Milhouse's seasons idea might be cool.


I want a game plus mode, where you finish the game, then you can replay as a member of the opposing gang or the police or whatever. Your main goal would be to knock off the original main character (in the case of SA, it'd be CJ as the last boss/mission), and you'd have a set of harder missions and basically a whole new story based on what happened when CJ took over or whatever... like zelda's second quest, kinda. I usually give GTAs a second or third replay, but this would be an even better incentive to do so.

I also want children and more animals in the games... how do the police not have dogs?
Can we go back to having all the weapons at all your safehouses. It's too much of a trek to run across the city to pick up a weapon let alone across a state. The world's simply too big to keep that aspect from becoming chore-like.

Same with the assests. It wasn't really all that feasible in VC to run around and pick up your assests revenue and its even less feasible with 3 cities.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Can we go back to having all the weapons at all your safehouses. It's too much of a trek to run across the city to pick up a weapon let alone across a state. The world's simply too big to keep that aspect from becoming chore-like.

Same with the assests. It wasn't really all that feasible in VC to run around and pick up your assests revenue and its even less feasible with 3 cities.
a) I didn't realize this was the case with GTA:SA. I thought Grove Street tags would unlock weapons at some point. A step backwards, indeed.

b) Yeah, I mean can you imagine Scarface or Don Corleone having to pick up their cash in person? At the very least it should be delivered to some kind of headquarters (eg. Johnson Family House)


Ante Up
Better graphics, improved control and camera, and an increased emphasis on turf wars.

Really, SA is already a 9.5+ game as-is. There's nothing that it needs to "put it over the top" as I think the game has already gone past that point. The above improvements will certainly be welcome, though.

I cannot wait to see what this game is going to be like on PS3.

Out of the suggestions here, I think the Walkman idea will go the farthest towards increasing the fun factor of the game.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Heheh :) I'd also like to be able to store food, ammo, weapons and kevlar in my house, put money under the matrass or something, and have a laywer and a court. I dunno, it seems that Rockstar has a golden formula going right now, with every generation they can make improvements on the size and graphical aspects and improve lot's of little things with each update. I guess they basically can keep pumping out GTA's untill consoles and videogames can be totally real-life on every aspect. Still far away :).


Online play would definitely be the way to go. You could join other peoples gangs, and if you're not in a gang, you just have to survive. :D The cities are just huge warzones between gangs. To get in a gang, the leader could have you do some insane stunt, kill so many gang members, steal something from another gang. Now THAT would be awesome. It could add a whole other level to GTA. It'd kinda be like a MMORPG without all the trading and stuff, but there should be items you could pick up and get awarded.
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