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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
And it's times like these where I wish occasionally you could waive due process.


Oh hey another useful thread where i can post stuff like: "what the fuck!" "bomb the planet from orbit!" "mankind sucks!"



So it's okay to treat human beings like animals or objects? Wow, I wonder why bad things still happen in this world!


I wonder why they did this in the first place.

The men and boys should be detained indefinitely, they're probably a lost cause but perhaps some of the boys can be rehabilitated and deemed safe enough to be let out into society.

But focus should be on why they did this in the first case, and how thee cause of their behaviour can be extinguished.

Because this will happen again and again until more effort is done to stop rapes from happening in the first place.

Call it rape culture, the result of a society where women are viewed as sex object, a society that fails to teach their young the values to follow.

Whatever the cause is, it need to be identified in order to be combated.

Otherwise this will continue to happen and more victims will be created from lack of preventive action.


Sir Fragula said:
Getting away from the usual pathetic GAF bloodlust... Is it really acceptable to post the names of rape suspects prior to their conviction in a court of law?

So by that logic should we the public not know Jared Lee Loughner's name yet? "A man we can't identify shot 19 people." Hell we couldn't even know his name while he was on trial, right, because he wouldn't have been convicted yet? Two years later: "Remember that shooter years ago? No? Well anyways his name was Jared Lee Loughner."
Does this also apply to news events in other countries? "An unnamed dictator in Libya has ordered his soldiers to kill protesters. We can't tell you who he is because he hasn't been convicted of any crime." "Isn't that guy's name Gaddafi?" "We can't confirm or deny that."
spagett said:
No, I'm pretty sure those are people. Monsters don't actually exist.

Nope they gave that up when they raped an 11 yo. Again, if they can be identified on this video, there is no need for a trial.


Neo Member
krypt0nian said:
Nope they gave that up when they raped an 11 yo. Again, if they can be identified on this video, there is no need for a trial.

If stories like these have taught you anything, its that rape is a very human thing to do. If they've got such great evidence against them, put them on trial. They will be found guilty and brought to justice the legal way. People running around screaming "rape them!" are being dumb.


Shanadeus said:
But focus should be on why they did this in the first case, and how thee cause of their behaviour can be extinguished.
Uh here's the answer: some people are willing to do some fucked up shit in order to get what they want.
xbhaskarx said:
So by that logic should we the public not know Jared Lee Loughner's name yet? "A man we can't identify shot 19 people." Hell we couldn't even know his name while he was on trial, right, because he wouldn't have been convicted yet? Two years later: "Remember that shooter years ago? No? Well anyways his name was Jared Lee Loughner.
It's probably better that the public doesn't know the names of serial killers, really.
spagett said:
If stories like these have taught you anything, its that rape is a very human thing to do. If they've got such great evidence against them, put them on trial. They will be found guilty and brought to justice the legal way. People running around screaming "rape them!" are being dumb.

So are murder and cannibalism.

Who gives a shit?
krypt0nian said:
Nope they gave that up when they raped an 11 yo. Again, if they can be identified on this video, there is no need for a trial.
For how horrible it is, rape is very much a human act and has been apart of humanity since the first loser couldn't get a girl to fuck and therefore found a girl he could force having sex with.

Therefore it should be tried under the laws of human actions.

@Count Dookkake: And those are tried under law just like everything else.


Crescendo170 said:
Yes, lets blame the girl. That's some sound fucking logic right there.
It's the lie they want to believe in. They just can't accept that their neighbor, friend or cousin is a rapist.

At least i hope that is what they are doing because it would mean that deep down inside they would know the truth...
God dammit Texas.

And an extra fuck you for shitty grammer, "It ain't nobody in this community not upset behind this. It's pitiful." wat?!

As terrible as it is I'm SO glad there is video of this. If it was only her word against theirs it would probably get uglier than it already is. And WTF it surfaced at school?? Are kids so dense they send out video of the horrific crime they committed only DAYS earlier to friends like it's some new funny meme or something?? "Hey dude, check this out, me and a bunch of other guys totally raped a little girl. What'd you do last weekend?" Thank god for stupid criminals. FUCK. THESE. ANIMALS.


spagett said:
Monsters don't actually exist.

If stories like these have taught you anything, its that rape is a very human thing to do.

I was responding to the notion that these men are not people, but monsters or animals.

Is genocide a human thing to do? Hitler: not a monster.
You realize that there are other uses of the word "monster" aside from in fictional stories, don't you?
Edit: And even if you're going to be dense and pretend like you don't understand what people are trying to say and instead get all technical about their word choice, you're still wrong, because these people are certainly animals. Intro high school biology.


These people are pathetic, face it your relatives are pathetic rapists and will be going away for a loooooong time
xbhaskarx said:
Is genocide a human thing to do? Hitler: not a monster.
You realize that there are other uses of the word "monster" aside from in fictional stories, don't you?
Yes genocide is completely a human thing to do. Do you see animals completely wiping out others in their respective ecosystems? No. Nature has a balance, and we ignore it.


Neo Member
xbhaskarx said:
Is genocide a human thing to do? Hitler: not a monster.
You realize that there are other uses of the word "monster" aside from in fictional stories, don't you?

Like Zephyr said, yes, genocide is a human thing to do also.

All I am saying is we should ease the bloodlust and put these people on trial.
This is horrendous. Absolutely disgusting.

That poor girl. I can't even begin to imagine. I really hope those responsible are arrested, tried, and locked away for a long time. Only eleven... man.


Sir Fragula said:
Getting away from the usual pathetic GAF bloodlust... Is it really acceptable to post the names of rape suspects prior to their conviction in a court of law?
Most responsible media outlets will hold off on running the names until the suspects have been charged. The paper I work at was burned in the past after the police arrested someone on a charge, we ran the name in the paper and then the police let him go because he was the wrong guy. Entirely embarrassing for all parties involved. Usually, children under 18 are identified only as juveniles. But if they're being charged as adults, then it's fair game.
Zzoram said:
It's American culture to blame everyone but yourself or your kids for your kids' problems.

I don't think it's necessarily American, it's more universal than that; you hear the same thing in Aus, and the UK at least, can't speak for elsewhere. It just seems that there is more media around the American cases so the reaction gets projected further.
Brian Griffin said:
God dammit Texas.

And an extra fuck you for shitty grammer, "It ain't nobody in this community not upset behind this. It's pitiful." wat?!

As terrible as it is I'm SO glad there is video of this. If it was only her word against theirs it would probably get uglier than it already is. And WTF it surfaced at school?? Are kids so dense they send out video of the horrific crime they committed only DAYS earlier to friends like it's some new funny meme or something?? "Hey dude, check this out, me and a bunch of other guys totally raped a little girl. What'd you do last weekend?" Thank god for stupid criminals. FUCK. THESE. ANIMALS.

Bunch of kids at my school filmed themselves beating an arab boy in the bathroom, it made national news actually. It was also incited by a young adult who made his way onto campus somehow. I realize parents have a lot of shit on their plates but they really need to pay fucking attention to who their kids socialize with. I bet the younger men/boys involved in this heinous act wouldn't have been if their parents actually gave two shits about raising them properly.


This makes me feel so sick. It's bad enough that 1 sick person thinks its ok to do this to a child, but to have a large group of men do it makes me want to lose all hope in humanity. If its not bad enough this girl who will probably be fucked up for the rest of life over this has put up with hate from the attackers families.

Some people are just a fucking cancer on this world


Articate said:
I find people's reactions in this thread little better than what happened.

Really? You don't see much of a difference between typing an opinion on an internet forum and gang raping an 11 year old girl? Are you some sort of sociopath?
sullytao said:
This makes me feel so sick. It's bad enough that 1 sick person thinks its ok to do this to a child, but to have a large group of men do it makes me want to lose all hope in humanity. If its not bad enough this girl who will probably be fucked up for the rest of life over this has put up with hate from the attackers families.

Some people are just a fucking cancer on this world

Just imagine how much shit she'd get if there wasn't a video. Fuckin' victim blaming culture.

Articate said:
I find people's reactions in this thread little better than what happened.

Always someone who has to post this false equivalency garbage. Tool.


ZephyrFate said:
Yes genocide is completely a human thing to do. Do you see animals completely wiping out others in their respective ecosystems? No. Nature has a balance, and we ignore it.
You are stating it like humans are outside of natures control. As much as people don't want to admit it, humans are as much a part of nature as any other animal. If there is balance in nature, we are either part of it or nature has no balance.

Rad Agast

spagett said:
I was responding to the notion that these men are not people, but monsters or animals.

When your actions affect your fellow man in a negative way ---> bad behavior.

When you lose all decency and throw away all reason to follow basic animal instincts ---> animal.

When you lose all decency and throw away all reason to follow basic animal instincts causing harm to others in the process ---> monster.

It's really simple, I don't know what you're trying to argue here. Normal mentally healthy human beings don't succumb to every basic instincts but rather use reason and logic to weigh how the actions they're thinking about undertaking will affect the society they're living in.

Back on topic, any one who was caught on video should be free game for the press (including the sick fuck taking the footage). If they want to hide names/identities of other suspects then that's well and good but after being sentenced in court they should make the guilty party known through the media.
I don't understand the mentality of the attacker's relatives. If my Brother, or Father etc raped an 11 year old girl (and there was video evidence of them committing the crime), they would be fucken dead to me, in-fact I would be the first one to beat them down.


yet you guys will wack off to victims of sexual abuse when you watch porn. That's the irony of it all.

I'm all for castrating rapists after their sentences are served.
Sutton Dagger said:
I don't understand the mentality of the attacker's relatives. If my Brother, or Father etc raped an 11 year old girl (and there was video evidence of them committing the crime), they would be fucken dead to me, in-fact I would be the first one to beat them down.

Denial is amazing.
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