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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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B.K. said:
It's not bloodlust. It's justice. Animals deserve to be treated like animals.

But isn't this the retribution which we as people living in the 21st century want to abandon? I understand that these people are sick fucks that don't deserve the light of day, but satisfying our own blood lust through their suffering isn't much better than murder.

Why For?

I've never truly understood the thought process behind rape (Aside from insanity).

Is it about sex? power? I don't understand.

I always though rape was about sex, and the attacker simply wanted sex and this was the only way they saw to get it. But then I'd wonder, if it's about sex, then why would you rape an underage child/girl or an elderly woman?

Do they do studies on this shit?


Though the story is absolutely heinous and disgusting, I think some of the responses in this thread are pretty repulsive too. I understand why people feel that way, but that doesn't make it right.


Why For? said:
I've never truly understood the thought process behind rape (Aside from insanity).

Is it about sex? power? I don't understand.

I always though rape was about sex, and the attacker simply wanted sex and this was the only way they saw to get it. But then I'd wonder, if it's about sex, then why would you rape an underage child/girl or an elderly woman?

Do they do studies on this shit?
My teacher was just saying today that psychologists say it's an attack of power. But who knows if he knows what he is saying.

Why For?

overcast said:
My teacher was just saying today that psychologists say it's an attack of power. But who knows if he knows what he is saying.

But this is my point.

What sort of 'power' are you gaining raping a child? It's just mind fucking to think about.

I mean, if you were so inclined to going to go out of your way to rape a woman, wouldn't it be a supermodel of some sort? So within your own warped mind, you've 'achieved' sex with a supermodel?

What sort of satisfaction did your mind get from raping a child or a 90 year old woman?
krypt0nian said:
You missed the point where I didn't care because I was pissed off. Where was the law as a deterrent? I'd love for vigilante justice to be a consequence for things like this. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.
Vigilante justice means that the fucked up, violent people are in power, which means that shit like this is more likely to happen. Staring into the abyss and all that.

Best wishes to the poor victim. She deserves to overcome this.
Vigilante justice can never, ever be condoned but I can't help but wish some people would have the balls to just go and do it once in a while...
I don't understand any of this.

Was it like "these boys and men snatched up an 11 yo girl and decided to gang rape her and record it but were all "Oh shit, we didn't know she was 11!" when the cops came for them"?

Was it "11 yo girl running around at night, getting together men and boys to fuck and they were all "Yeah! Lets have group sex and record it!" and they thought she was 18/ legal because of her body"?

Was it "11yo girl who looks legal was running around at night and got pressured into having group sex which was recorded and the men didn't know she was 11"?

What exactly is the angle here and what exactly happened on tape? WHY do people seem shocked that she was 11? Did they think it was ok to rape a legal age woman? Did they think she was doing this by choice?

Zzoram said:
It's American culture to blame everyone but yourself or your kids for your kids' problems.
Ohh STFU, its human nature to place blame on everything else but you. WTF does gaf like to take shots at America when ever shit like this happens?
also, I'm a bit confused by the 2 articles.

were the suspects in Cleveland arrested by Cleveland police or Texas police? if this took place in Cleveland, why would Texas police do any arresting out of state? Why wouldn't the Cleveland police handle that? and Clevelanders are calling the Texas home of this girl and harassing her? I just want to make sure these are the same cases or different cases.

lastly...I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if the 11 year-old may not have looked much older. I remember when I was in HS there were a couple of 11/12 year old girls at my church that were getting around town. I don't know if it was the attention they got from guys or what, but they'd be known to date 20+ guys who had no clue how young they were. The one I knew well gave all appearances of being 19 or 20 herself and never got carded when buying alcohol/cigarettes or going to clubs. Very mature looking. Very well-endowed. Only in prolonged conversation could you begin to detect them being younger than appearances would suggest. They also always lied about their age.

One of the girls was truly notorious...she went and got with as many guys as she could. She was truly gorgeous. A younger, better looking Mariah Carey. You would have never suspected she was 12 or 13. It was so sad to watch because it was so obvious she was looking for something and hoping to find it in men. I didn't know her too well, so I wouldn't venture a guess into her psychological state...I only remember that she was wild and her grandparents (don't remember where he parents were, but she didn't live with them) were too old to exert any real control over her behavior. She eventually got pregnant (maybe @ 15 or 16) and her grandparents finally shipped her off.

(that commentary has nothing to do with the rape committed, only to suggest that *maybe* they didn't know the person they were assaulting was a child...not that it would have made any difference to these dogs)
Tom Penny said:
Let them get raped in jail. It's better than outright killing them.
I just hate that they'll be supported by $30,000 worth of taxpayer dollars per person. money that could have paid for a college students' entire undergraduate tuition.
Someone already brought this up but I think it's a disturbing point; how do 18 different people find common ground in the rape of a little girl?

18 people. If rapists and murderers are so anomalous among civilised society then what are the chances of that shit, it doesn't make sense to me.

Also there's no way an 11 yo can look anywhere near legal age, not that that redeems anyone of this crime.

I will follow this story because the whole thing is confusing as hell for me.

The Hitman said:
Pics of the girl? Nudes at all?
Bad call, I bet you regret this already.


Why For? said:
I've never truly understood the thought process behind rape (Aside from insanity).

Is it about sex? power? I don't understand.

I always though rape was about sex, and the attacker simply wanted sex and this was the only way they saw to get it. But then I'd wonder, if it's about sex, then why would you rape an underage child/girl or an elderly woman?

Do they do studies on this shit?
This is an important observation. Yes, there are many studies about motivation for rape. Wikipedia provides a decent overview of the subject. Rapists' motives vary and often can't be narrowed down to a single factor. The desire to assert power through sexual degradation is a significant one in many cases, most plainly in the kind you mentioned, where the victim doesn't meet normative sexual standards.

The Hitman said:
Pics of the girl? Nudes at all?
Au revoir.


Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.


Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.
How does this matter? What's the point?


Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.
Nice try but there's pics of them in the OP's link.
Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Why are so many of the quotes talking about her age and how she was acting? No matter the age or behavior, they kidnapped her and raped her. Yes, the young age makes it worse, but if she was a grown woman this would still be despicable.
krypt0nian said:
You missed the point where I didn't care because I was pissed off. Where was the law as a deterrent? I'd love for vigilante justice to be a consequence for things like this. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.
Honestly, pining for vigilante justice does no one any favors. Especially ironic of you to ask when you seem so... peaceful... when it comes to gay rights.

Actually, there isn't any irony. You're impulsive all around.

Rad Agast

Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.




Never mind.
Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.
well. your contribution is worthless.

Rikyfree said:
Don't be a poor sport. I'm just messing around.
fuck you.
Rikyfree said:
Read the names of the alleged asshats. Taking bets on their race. Any takers. I'll put myself down for all of them not being asian or indian and I'm betting a large majority are black.

I just watched the video.

Cleveland, TEXAS. I had no idea there was a city in Texas named Cleveland. I thought she was a student from Texas going to school in Cleveland, OHIO. confusion over.
Dreams-Visions said:
I just watched the video.

Cleveland, TEXAS. I had no idea there was a city in Texas named Cleveland. I thought she was a student from Texas going to school in Cleveland, OHIO. confusion over.
Wait, THAT is all you're taking away from this?!

p.s. wow this thread is gonna be full of bans

Tom Penny

Dreams-Visions said:
I just hate that they'll be supported by $30,000 worth of taxpayer dollars per person. money that could have paid for a college students' entire undergraduate tuition.

It's not like death row isn't expensive.
Mechanical Snowman said:
See his post #165, that's not his first post in the thread.

And you said that as if it's compulsory for everyone who posts ITT to display outrage.
Well, yes, I would assume a modicum of it would be nice.

Just not the outright stupidity that is "oh hey let's kill them because they're not human even though they did completely human acts"
Mechanical Snowman said:
See his post #165, that's not his first post in the thread/

And you said that as if it's compulsory for everyone who posts to display their outrage.
I think you need to read over the thread, too. Zephyr hasn't been raging.
Mechanical Snowman said:
See his post #165, that's not his first post in the thread.

And you said that as if it's compulsory for everyone who posts ITT to display outrage.

Every Gaffer must express their outrage and how this thread has ruined their entire week + faith in humanity at least once.

These guys are disgusting pieces of shit who deserve everything that is coming to them
Tom Penny said:
It's not like death row isn't expensive.
oh, I know it's extremely expensive with all the court fees that come from the many appeals and all that. It's just...I just hate that they get to drain away that kind of money from the tax base.

ZephyrFate said:
Wait, THAT is all you're taking away from this?!

p.s. wow this thread is gonna be full of bans
no, good sir. it was an answer to a question I asked a few posts up as Mechanical Snowman so kindly pointed out. thanks for that, Mechanical.

UraMallas said:
The mentality "boys will be boys" is misapplied here, though. Boys will be boys but rape will be RAPE. When I think of the adage "boys will be boys" I think of the three teenagers getting caught for smashing mailboxes or getting into a friend's parent's liquor cabinet. That shit does not extrapolate to rape.
Your post made me think of "rapers gonna rape".
This is not funny at all though. These guys need to be jailed for life. It's really amazing what mob mentality will encourage some people to do. Boils my blood at the thought.
The Hitman said:
Pics of the girl? Nudes at all?
holy shit.

ITT: we are once again reminded that this crop of Juniors needs to go back into the womb for further baking. GAF is not fucking 4Chan. Hope you didn't anticipate your GAF membership for very long.



In before Shanadeus saying we shouldn't kill any of these fucks and that tax payers should keep them all alive for as long as it takes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
How the fuck would you even consider blaming the victim in this case? Let me guess, she was "drunk and dressed provocatively" ...oh wait...
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