also, I'm a bit confused by the 2 articles.
were the suspects in Cleveland arrested by Cleveland police or Texas police? if this took place in Cleveland, why would Texas police do any arresting out of state? Why wouldn't the Cleveland police handle that? and Clevelanders are calling the Texas home of this girl and harassing her? I just want to make sure these are the same cases or different cases.
lastly...I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if the 11 year-old may not have looked much older. I remember when I was in HS there were a couple of 11/12 year old girls at my church that were getting around town. I don't know if it was the attention they got from guys or what, but they'd be known to date 20+ guys who had no clue how young they were. The one I knew well gave all appearances of being 19 or 20 herself and never got carded when buying alcohol/cigarettes or going to clubs. Very mature looking. Very well-endowed. Only in prolonged conversation could you begin to detect them being younger than appearances would suggest. They also always lied about their age.
One of the girls was truly notorious...she went and got with as many guys as she could. She was truly gorgeous. A younger, better looking Mariah Carey. You would have never suspected she was 12 or 13. It was so sad to watch because it was so obvious she was looking for something and hoping to find it in men. I didn't know her too well, so I wouldn't venture a guess into her psychological state...I only remember that she was wild and her grandparents (don't remember where he parents were, but she didn't live with them) were too old to exert any real control over her behavior. She eventually got pregnant (maybe @ 15 or 16) and her grandparents finally shipped her off.
(that commentary has nothing to do with the rape committed, only to suggest that *maybe* they didn't know the person they were assaulting was a child...not that it would have made any difference to these dogs)